Ellation Moldova: A New Academic Year Has Begun!

By Victor Timotin & Alina Metreniuc

4 min readOct 8, 2019


We are Victor Timotin and Alina Metreniuc from the Marketing team working out of Ellation’s Moldova office. We’re writing to share a recent experience we had in Moldova that generated meaningful learnings for our company moving forward.

With the new academic year starting in Moldova, our team was inspired by the subject of education and interview process in general so we decided to conduct a small experiment in our office to learn about our colleagues’ professional choices, university studies and how they have affected their careers to date.

Starting with current Ellation employees for this experiment, we were able to discover what our colleagues opinions were about education at their university — in particular, the Technical University of Moldova, which is where most of my coworkers have graduated from.

We received very interesting answers, which have provided us with meaningful insight in areas like:

  • How to choose the right specialty
  • Where the value exists from exposure to higher education
  • How studies and knowledge gained at the university affect the actual practice and process of your current work
  • How much a graduation diploma matters

Sooner or later, everyone in our community and beyond seems to be confronted with the issues mentioned above. Our goal around conducting this interview / experiment is to provide our people useful career information, especially those who:

  • are thinking about what to study and an eventual profession to begin
  • have already studied at the university and face a choice after graduation
  • those who have not yet decided on a career choice
  • have graduated and began a certain career path
  • are interested in learning more about current and future members of the workforce

We created a video encompassing the various elements of the interview and we hope it will inspire you with new ideas and thoughts about education at the university level.

To all who are studying right now at universities in Moldova and around the world, we wish you success! And remember: your career is in your hands and your education is an important tool for your future. Choose the best tool for you!


MSTAC’19 — the conference for the community, by the community.

We aim to make this conference about you — the community and the speakers. We want to focus on your talents, adventures and even artistry to be able to bring out the best experience for every attendee.

Yes, we know it can be difficult, but we are committed to driving it. The aim is big — not one company, not one point of view — but one loud voice of the local and international community.

This conference will bring together passionate Quality Engineers, Ninja Testers, Automation enthusiasts, and SDET from various industries to exchange and share their stories and practices in test engineering space.

Are you are more into step-by-step learning and curious about fundamental tricks? That’s cool; we have a special track for you. And if you are a ninja or a superstar — brace yourself for a fast-paced track led by like-minded people like you.

Get your tickets and fund an NGO. We thought to start with supporting GirlsGoIT. You can find out more about GirlsGoIT Program and their amazing projects below:

Stay informed about the speakers, agenda, and reservations on our Facebook event page here.

Year by year, the goal is to bring you a memorable conference, and we loved the Mihai Eminescu Theater. Hopefully you all will enjoy the atmosphere as much as you did last year. Looking forward to meeting you on November 16th, at the Mihai Eminescu Theater and hearing your story!

P.S. thank you to our partners: iTicket, GirlsGoIT, Mihai Eminescu Theater, Daikiri Studio and many others!

#mstac19 #ellationmd

