Ellation Moldova: February Events & Partnerships Recap

By Alina Metreniuc & Victor Timotin

3 min readMar 24, 2020


February was an active month, providing a great tone to the start of the new season. Our engaged community participated in different kinds of events, from educational to more charity-focused. All of the events presented great opportunities for our people to do something great for our community and country of Moldova.

This past February, we had a pleasure to participate and support the following events:

  1. Google’s #HashCode team-based programming competition organized by Generator Hub.

#HashCode is the main competition of Google’s programming team for professionals in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Most importantly, during online qualification selection, team members do not have to be together and can connect online from anywhere in the world. This structure allows everyone to work simultaneously on the given tasks from developers. Participants gathered in teams of 2 to 4 people, and collaborated on these tasks from Google. The best teams from the first selection will be invited in April to Google’s Irish office for the final competition where everyone will fight for valuable prizes and recognition.

Ellation and Crunchyroll have supported Google’s #HashCode for many years now, showing the importance of knowledge and experience sharing. This competition is an incredible way to collaborate with others and to check your level of coding knowledge!

2. Ping Pong Cup’s 3rd Edition (organized by Hospices of Hope)

We were honored to become part of this great event organized by Hospices of Hope Moldova. More than 30 people competed in this Tennis Table Tournament for a great cause — providing care and relief to patients with incurable health issues from all regions of Moldova. The event gathered amateur table tennis players, representatives of several mission diplomats from Moldova, and members from top companies in the country. Our team participates in these kinds of events with great pride, and this time we were fortunate enough to take 1st place in the Second Final!

This was a great opportunity for everyone to do something they love and combine it with supporting a good cause. It also was a healthy reminder that there are so many people around us who need our help and care.

By participating in these events and supporting these organizations, we at Ellation and Crunchyroll strive to improve conditions, create change in our local community, and be part of the solution to the problems we face in Moldova.

All the events we’ve participated in in the past and continue to participate in show that everything we do to help others can make a big difference in our community.

Never underestimate the power of even the little things you can do in your local community — they count more than you may think. :)

