Ellation Moldova: January Events and Partnerships Recap

By Alina Metreniuc & Victor Timotin

3 min readFeb 26, 2020


Through all the years of activity in the local Chisinau market, Ellation has always strived to do everything possible to support our local tech community — to connect everyone, provide more opportunities for people to gather, to share our collective experience and to grow our careers!

January is considered a very active month full of events — the start of the year, which hopefully will set the tone for the rest of the year.

This past January, we had the pleasure of being part of and supporting the following organizations and educational events:

  • Hackathon “REC-lama”, organized by the Republican Center for Children and Youth ARTICO.
    This event aims to motivate and create interest in the process of filming and editing video for promotion. It is a competition to create an advertising video. It also helps participants develop and understand the competitive spirit among their colleagues. Hackathon is made up of student participants from different regions of Moldova, ages 11–14 years old. These students are chosen from those who have created and submitted the most creative and interesting ads, showing their creativity and understanding of key elements within advertising.
  • FAF Hackathon — one of the most important events in Moldova, which has become a tradition within our local tech community and with students at the Technical University of Moldova. This hackathon inspires experienced engineers within the FAF community to help the new generations of students integrate and succeed in the IT world, further proving their impact in our country and beyond. Participation is a great way to share experience and learn new information around engineering and product development. Ellation has supported the growing FAF community over the years through numerous events, showing the significant impact of STEM Education in Moldova.

One of our greatest pleasures has been becoming a significant part of change in our community, influencing people to grow, develop, create, and be part of the local community.

We aim to provide one of the top experiences for the people in Moldova by showing the value of education in our country. STEM-oriented education with our young generation is one of the primary ways we can create change and provide meaningful growth opportunities.

