The MUBI Effect

Cayla Coats
Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2017

Here at VRV, we just added a new channel called MUBI, and we’re super excited about it! So what is MUBI? Think about that little arthouse theater down the street. You know the one. The place that’s always showing old black and white movies, award winning foreign films, and indie movies your cool artsy friend is always trying to get you to watch. MUBI is like that theater, but for streaming! There are two things that make MUBI special — time sensitivity and curation.

Time Sensitivity

When using any streaming service, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the offerings on hand — your watchlist gets filled to the brim and it becomes next to impossible to prioritize what to watch next. MUBI adds a new movie every day, and it will stay on the service for 30 days and then be taken off. Since every movie has a built-in expiration date, it’s easy to prioritize what to watch next on the channel.


Each film that’s added to MUBI is a careful and purposeful selection. From forgotten gems to festival-fresh cinema, from cult classics to award-winning masterpieces, movies on MUBI are picked with the intention to delight cinephiles and lovers of film. It’s a refreshingly curated change of pace from the usual streaming experience!

These two aspects of the channel combine to make a one of a kind viewing experience. With MUBI, it’s easy to enjoy a wide breadth of excellent cinema without the paralyzing indecision of searching through the content yourself. The film leaving the channel today is Anthony Mann’s Raw Deal, so go check it out and begin your MUBI journey now!



Cayla Coats

Editorial Programming Coordinator @ Ellation. Talk to me about anime and video games!