The Races of Dofus

Cayla Coats
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2017

Dofus takes place in the World of Twelve, where the work of gods is plain to see. Races trace their lineages back to the deities whom they loyally serve. In fact, most races takes their name directly from their ancestor god, both worshipers and descendants. Below is some information on the founding deity and race of Dofus’s main characters.

Huppermage Joris

Huppermages are part species and part profession. They serve a mysterious divinity of absolute neutrality known as the Krosmic Balance, discovered by the mage Prosperus Elementor, who became the very first Huppermage after the Balance revealed to him the Omnirune. The lineage has survived for millennia, seeking to achieve the perfect harmony that was lost to the universe. They are masters of the elemental runes, which they use in their mission to return stability to the World of Twelve.

Ecaflip Kerub Crepin

Ecaflip is one of the Ten Gods who discovered the World of Ten and now presides as a divinity in the World of Twelve. His appearance is that of a giant cat known as “The Gamemaster”, who is said to only appear before gamblers. Ecaflip’s descendants have inherited both his cat-like appearance and his love of risk taking. They have a reputation for trouble, since they can bring great luck or misfortune to their friends.

Osamodas: Simone

Osamodas is a god whose titles include “The Celestial Tamer” and “The Beast Master.” He is an imposing god who wears a coat made from the skin of his fallen enemies, a conqueror of entire universes who serves Dark Magic. It’s said he can summon and speak the language of any beast in the world. His descendants wield animal runes to give themselves predatory aspects and summon animals to serve them. They claim to be distant relatives of dragons and are recognizable by their tails.

Ouginak Lilotte

Ouginak is a terrible beast god with a dog-like appearance, thought to be the opposing force to the cat god Ecaflip. Where Ecaflip is hands-off with his followers, Ouginak rules them like a tyrant and is feared just as much as he worshipped. Legends say Ouginaks are born from the remains of a giant bone of a god consumed by Ouginak himself. His descendants are beastial and warlike, famous for their explosive tempers. They’re powerful warriors and skilled hunters able to track their prey by scent.

Iop Khan Karkass

Iop is known as “Lord of the Brave” and “King of the Sword”, a powerful warrior god. That pretty much described his descendants! They’re mighty knights, people of action who charge forward first and ask questions later. There’s a number of ways you can identify Iops. The size of their weapons and their famously luxurious hair are usually dead giveaways but, if you’re still unsure, a short conversation should clear things up. Iop’s aren’t known for being very smart…

Check out Dofus on to meet our favorite representatives from each of these races and the fantastic, action-packed world they spring from!



Cayla Coats

Editorial Programming Coordinator @ Ellation. Talk to me about anime and video games!