Changing Anna Part 2, 10

I didn’t see that coming. But I loved it!

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Hall Pass
7 min readMar 3, 2024


Photo by Artem Labunsky in Unsplash

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron sees Anna enter the grand old hotel with mixed feelings. He’s hurt because his wife has decided to have sex with another man but turned on because her behavior excites him so much. She’s become the ultimate sex symbol. Now he’s finding out just how much Anna has changed and is beginning to suspect things won’t ever be the same for them again. He wants to know all the details but Anna is afraid he can’t handle the type of sex she’s had. Now she‘s humiliated, wondering if she’s ever going to get fucked…and if Aaron can accept how it happens.

He accepted the story about the first dress. Now about that other one…? What had wearing it led to? Some hot sex, that’s what!

Changing Anna Part 2, 10

When Aaron wondered if Paul expected more from me than just necking, I had thought: oh, had he ever! And I’d done things with him and Jeff that Aaron might react poorly to; but I’d come to crave that type of sex. I realized that if we were to have a future together he’d have to recognize that, so I wanted to reveal as much as I could.

“Yes baby, we did more than neck.” I replied, “After he’d gotten me all hot and bothered by feeling me up we went back to the living room. I don’t know what Paul expected to find but what we saw wasn’t it. A naked Monique was underneath Jeff clutching him tightly as she shuddered through an intense orgasm. Then after it was over they kissed like a loving couple would. You know, sweet and intimate like.”

Pausing, I looked down at Aaron as he continued to suck my nipples. I pulled us together for the same long, sensuous kiss I’d seen them doing before adding, “They were kissing just like that.”

Stroking his long cock, I gazed at him with increasing lust. Just remembering what had happened that night was turning me on big time.

I continued, “It seemed to shock him. He pulled me into their bedroom as fast as he could. Instead of a slow buildup of petting before we had sex, he kissed me hard, like he couldn’t control himself. Afterward he stripped me, then got naked himself. He roughly bent me over the edge of the bed and held me by the nape of my neck until my head was forced onto the mattress. But I wasn’t worried honey. Jeff had also done stuff like that to me right before we fucked, so I just accepted it.”

I quickly extracted myself from Aaron’s embrace and pulled my dress over my head, then bent over the edge of the bed.

“Just like this,” I said, wiggling my ass at him. “That’s the way he had me. He took me really hard Aaron; really slammed his cock in me. I loved it! I want you to give it to me like Paul did honey. Fuck me with your hard dick!”

At first Aaron seemed in a stupor. My abrupt change in behavior seemed to confuse him. I looked over at him with fire in my eyes.

“I want to be fucked!” I said, my voice urgent and rising. He just looks at me dumbly. Insistently I continued, “Just like Paul did it. Fucked hard. You understand?”

That woke him up. It was like I’d flipped on a switch in his brain. He jumped up and positioned himself behind me, grabbing my hips before filling me with one mighty push. I gasped. God, it hurt! He had entered my cervix! But he hadn’t realized it and I wasn’t going to tell him. I wanted to be fucked hard, especially if it included pain. Hard sex that included it had been the type of sex Jeff had introduced me to, and what I’d come to crave.

“Like this, Anna?” He fucked you like this?” Aaron said as cock slammed into me. But he wasn’t being as violent as Paul had been. I wanted him to do it that way.

“Harder! Paul was like a wild man! He didn’t seem to care about me. Do it Aaron. Fuck me like that! I want it!”

In response Aaron began to really hammer into me. I grabbed the sheets and held on as my husband fucked me rougher than he ever had. And he was affecting me the same as Paul’s pummeling had. But Paul hadn’t just fucked me, he’d also pulled me by my hair until my head arched back. Then he’d spanked me.

“Aaron, that wasn’t all he did. He pulled my ponytail and slapped my ass. Do it honey. Spank me. Pull my hair. I want you to! God, Aaron, I need it!”

It startled him and he hesitated even while his hands remained firmly clutching my hips. No! I cried to myself. This wasn’t the time for him to be concerned about hurting me!

“Spank me honey!” I was panting with need, desperate for his cock to pound me again. “Paul did! A real man would. Do it Aaron.” I was desperate now, “Do it!” I screamed!

The first slap came suddenly like a clap of thunder, filling the room with its sharp report. Yes! He finally understood! But it wasn’t hard enough!

“Harder honey, a lot harder,” I shouted as he slammed his cock back into my gushing pussy. In answer he slapped my ass with more force. I felt him grab my ponytail, then jerk my head back violently. Then Aaron’s hand landed on my tender flesh again, even harder this time. Pain radiated through me with each successive slap on my buttocks. I shouted my approval. It seemed to make him want to spank me even harder. I cried out once more. The combined pain and pleasure were giving me what I desperately needed.

“Yes, God, yes Aaron! Just like that!” I screamed.

My breathing became ragged and I heard myself wailing loudly every time he slammed into me — every time I felt the sting of his hand on my ass. I found myself crying, “Yes, yes, please, yes!”

Then he shoved his long cock into me one last time, holding himself hard against my now-sensitive ass. Paul had done that too, I remembered, just before he came in me, yelling I was his bitch now. I felt Aaron’s body quiver with tension as his cock released his essence in my battered pussy; each powerful spurt filling my waiting womb. It should have been Paul’s, my fevered brain thought. A rushing tide of emotions quickly overwhelmed me.

Then something broke inside me as I imagined Paul behind me. That memory of his hot ejaculate filling me triggered an intense orgasm that just went on and on. I reveled in it until my euphoria waned and I found myself on the bed the same way I’d ended up that night. But this time Aaron was on top of me. I’m sure he could feel the still rapidly pounding of my heart; could hear the ragged breath that signaled how hard I’d orgasmed.

We lay that way for a long time, each too exhausted to even move. Finally, he rolled off and we collapsed into the other’s arms. When he kissed me it turned into a sweet and tender moment. I kissed him back, feeling closer to him than I had for a long time.

In a tone filled with reverence Aaron whispered, “We did it Anna. I made you come!”

He pulled me into an even tighter embrace, and in his joy began covering my face with kisses. I lay quiescent, exhausted by it all, happy to bask once again in the heat of his love.

“Yes you did lover!” I finally replied. “It was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. And you caused it!” I held his head in my hands, then kissed his lips sweetly. “I love you Aaron,” I crooned.

Thankfully it seemed he was happy for me to stop my story then. I sighed inwardly, glad I wouldn’t have to tell him the sex I’d had with Jeff, Monique and Paul had gone on into the wee hours of the morning. I wouldn’t have to reveal how both men took turns repeatedly fucking me, or that Jeff and Paul had filled my ass and pussy with their hot sperm at the same time. He’d never know how many organs I’d had, or that I’d tasted Monique’s pussy as many times as she’d eaten mine.

After we’d hugged and the intensity of the moment had passed, we fell into a languorous repose. I was settling into that state of complete relaxation before sleep when Aaron brought me back to a startled wakefulness by commenting, “You know, looking back, this has been really good for us. I mean, I think I’ll always get jealous thinking about you leaving to go fuck him. I felt abandoned. But it’s over now. He’s gone and we’re okay.”

I raised up a little so I could look him in the eye, not sure I should tell him, but knew I had to. Better now when he’s mellow and not right before it happened…again.

“Darling,” I said softly, teasing his chest hair with my fingers, “Jeff told me he comes to our town on business sometimes.” I kissed him gently, then continued, “I’m going to stay with him then.”

A silence seemed to suddenly fill the room as Aaron looked at me, first in confusion, then with a kind of defeat I’d never seen before.

“I see,” he said slowly, “so I’ll lose you every time he’s in town?”

“Not if you don’t want to,” I replied, “He said he’d be happy for you to join us, you know, so the two of you could share me.” I paused, gauging his reaction. When he didn’t immediately reply I breathed in his ear, “I’d like that,” then reached down to stroke his awakening cock. After a moment I whispered seductively, “You’d like that too, wouldn’t you stud?”

He didn’t immediately respond, just turned away so I couldn’t read his face. Minutes dragged on without him giving an answer. Finally, he got up and just stared down at my cum-dripping pussy.

“No,” he said flatly, his arms folded over his chest in a gesture of rejection. “I wouldn’t.”

Then he turned away, symbolically shutting himself off from me.

