Changing Anna Part 2, 11

Everything is falling apart!

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Hall Pass
13 min readMar 9, 2024


Photo by Artem Labunsky in Unsplash

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron sees Anna enter the grand old hotel with mixed feelings. He’s hurt because his wife has decided to have sex with another man but turned on because her behavior excites him so much. She’s become the ultimate sex symbol. Now he’s finding out just how much Anna has changed and is beginning to suspect things won’t ever be the same for them again. He wants to know all the details but Anna is afraid he can’t handle the type of sex she’s had. Now she‘s humiliated, wondering if she’s ever going to get fucked…and if Aaron can accept how it happens.

Everything goes to hell after Aaron finds out Anna is going to see her virile older lover again.

Changing Anna
Part 2

It was just too much to swallow. I had to turn away, fearful I’d say that one stupid thing that could end it all, that would send her away from me.

Standing there with her so close, so desirable, it almost made me want to give in. But no, the thought of being in the same room with Jeff was just too repulsive. Damn, why did she have to want that! A threesome with a stranger I might be able to tolerate, but not one with him.

What the hell was I going to do now, I kept thinking over and over. The whole thing had gotten out of hand and I didn’t want to confront her anymore. That simple fact had made me turn away. It also hid my anger. So much had happened, so much since that damned night we went out to explore the waterfront. I remember how happy I’d been when he began hitting on her.

I breathed out, not realizing I’d been holding my breath. It was what I’d wanted then. I’d been so foolish. But now that I could see where it’d gotten us…no way. She’d just have to understand that.

After our first argument as a married couple we’d made a pact to never go to bed mad at each other. That didn’t happen that night. We’d slept together, yet there was a distance between us that had never been there before. It continued into the next morning as we packed and had breakfast before leaving to return home. What little that was said was stilted and polite, not the way it should have been at all, but then I was still inwardly fuming at having been asked to join her in a night of debauchery with a man she knew I hated.

But it was more than that. I couldn’t get over what Anna had become. Jeff hadn’t just given her three days of hot sex, he’d changed her. That was really the core of my distress. Now she was implying she wanted to continue being fucked that way and I just couldn’t see myself accommodating her.

My upset over the unfairness of it all remained simmering in the background even after we’d returned home, but my breaking point came when we began unpacking and I saw the black velvet choker she’d worn while she was with Jeff. I noticed the metal loop attached to it and realized it was a nothing more than a glorified dog collar. I held it up so she could see it.

“Anna, this is a dog collar. And Jeff made you wear it? Was there a leash too? Is that how he treated you, like a dog?”

She first looked startled when I dangled it in front of her, then confused as she adverted her eyes. Before she could answer I continued, my voice filled with disgust that she’d allowed him to do that to her.

“When you wanted me to fuck you so rough last night, why I had to hit you, is that what he did to you? Was that the only reason you could orgasm with me? And him giving you to other men. I’ll bet he made you do that!”

My voice was vehement as I laid fully into her. “Jeff did that you Anna. God, how can you continue to want that piece of shit?”

Her face became instantly alive with anger. She reached out and grabbed the collar out of my hand, then put it around her neck, staring defiantly at me all the while. From one of the suitcase’s side pockets she pulled out a leather leash and threw it at me.

“Aaron, Jeff didn’t do anything to me I didn’t want him to. He asked my permission before we did anything he thought I might not like. You don’t get it do you? Sex with him was so different, so much better than we’ve ever had I not only let him treat me that way, I wanted him to. Don’t you understand, I encouraged him to use me, to fuck me like that. I was glad he gave me to his friends. They knew how to fuck too!”

She was almost shouting now. “I wanted you to know what it was like, how wonderful it felt, but I was afraid to tell you, knowing you’d react like this. You hate Jeff because he gives me something you can’t. He’s a real man, Aaron, unlike any I’ve ever met. I didn’t care he wasn’t gentle when we fucked. He took me the way a man is supposed to take a woman. And I liked it a lot! I’d hoped you could understand so you’d want to fuck me that way too. But you won’t, or can’t!”

She didn’t wait for me to answer. With one mighty heave she upended the suitcase her clothes were in. Then she began to pack anew.

“Anna, what are you doing?” I asked; a panic rising inside me that quickly replaced my anger.

“What does it look like? I’m leaving. If you won’t try to understand what happened to me, won’t support me while I try to figure out what it means to crave that kind of sex, then fuck you.” As she said that she gave me the finger. Then with her fists clenched in a final show of defiance she shouted, “And I damn well don’t need your approval for what I’ve become!”

She wouldn’t acknowledge me after that, wouldn’t even look my way as she filled two suitcases with clothes. Then she called a cab and left. I couldn’t get her to tell me where she was going or when she’d return.

Alone in our apartment, I sat staring into space, thinking through what had just happened. It didn’t make any sense. I hadn’t done anything wrong. She’d wanted Jeff again, I got that. But it seemed everything we’d based our marriage on had been thrown out the window because of my reaction to it. I guess I could have handled it better but still, I didn’t think she should have left like that.

Everything was up in the air now. What was I going to do? Was she going to be gone for just a few days until she cooled off? What if she didn’t come back, what was I supposed to do?

Did she even want me anymore?

The thought of never having Anna in my life again put me in such a funk it affected my work…and was noticed by my boss. But instead of being called on the carpet he got me to tell him what had happened. Then he put me in touch with a woman, a type of counselor he said, who could help me cope with my situation.

When she heard my story the first thing she suggested was that I should give Anna some space while at the same time keeping tabs on her without her knowing. I decided Anna’s best friend Casey, an art gallery co-worker, could best help me do that. She liked me and I thought she’d want us to get back together. I discovered Anna was staying with her, so that made it much easier to know what she was thinking and what she planned on doing next.

I’d expected Anna to follow her habit of focusing on her art when she wasn’t at work, but she didn’t. She and Casey went out to party most weekends at various bars and clubs. I knew it was a risk, but my new confidant convinced me I needed to come to grips with seeing her in those situations. I’d show up wherever they were and remain in the background, watching both women flirt and dance with strangers. Occasionally Anna would engage in some heavy necking sessions with some hot dude. That always amped up the maelstrom of conflicting emotions I’d begun to feel. On the one hand it was like a dagger piercing my heart when I saw her do that, but I always got a massive hard-on, just like the time she flirted with Jeff. But if she let him feel her up I was afraid she’d leave with him.

That didn’t happen…until it did. Casey had tipped me off to an opening exhibit of a local artist at their gallery she said I needed to attend. All the art staff would be there dressed to the nines, so I donned my tux and went, secure in the knowledge there would be enough people around so Anna wouldn’t notice me.

A few minutes of searching was all I needed to find her. She was dressed in a form hugging evening gown that showed a lot of cleavage. Beside her was a large black man. It seemed as if they were gazing at a painting, discussing its merits. The conversation became quite heated for a few minutes until, with a lighthearted laugh, Anna appeared to concede. He smiled and pulled her against his chest, his hands resting on her hips. She gently caressed his cheek in a clear gesture of affection as she gazed intently in his eyes.

Casey had told me he was the new artist, and that Anna had been instantly smitten. I could see why, he was a handsome man. It wasn’t hard to stay in the background as they moved from one painting to another, their actions revealing an increasing sexual tension between them. While I too got aroused watching them, it also made me jealous. That should have been me with Anna, I couldn’t help but think. I helplessly watched as their touches became more intimate. But their ardor would remain contained, I was convinced, because they were frequently interrupted by others wishing to talk to him. I was glad he had to spend a lot of time engaging with potential buyers. Their intimacy had caused me to become aroused, even as I resented his apparent hold over her. Anna was undeterred though, quietly biding her time to reclaim him.

As the event cycled down they finally found themselves alone, and from his demeanor I saw it wasn’t an opportunity he was willing to waste. I watched as he took her to a dimly lit windowed office. From my vantage point behind a large potted plant I saw them began necking, his large bulk seeming to dominate her diminutive form as he held her close. She was compliant with her arms around his neck, feverishly kissing him. I found myself playing pocket pool watching him caress her sweet ass. When she reached down to discretely cup his tool he took it as permission to slip one of her breasts free of her top and suckle it.

I was becoming increasing mesmerized by the scene before me when my spy session was interrupted. Casey gave me a peck on the cheek before teasingly whispering in my ear, “His name’s Seth. They make a beautiful couple, don’t they?” Then she taunted me again by adding, “I’ll bet you wish it was you doing that instead of him.”

I ignored her, my fear Anna was losing her heart to this new man so quickly keeping me silent. Casey put her arm in mine in solidarity after seeing the consternation on my face.

Finally I replied, “This seems different from the way she necked with those guys at the clubs. She can’t be getting serious so soon, can she? I mean, she only met him when y’all put up his show.”

Casey pulled me closer before replying, “She likes him all right, a lot. But I think it’s his cock she’s really interested in. When we were hanging the show he kept pressing against her ass under the pretext of helping her adjust paintings. It made him hard and he didn’t even try to hide it. God Aaron, the man’s huge. How could she not want him?”

What they were doing now would result in Anna wanting more, I was sure, and it scared me. Strangely enough, imaging them having sex just amped up my horniness. But soon our erotic show ended. We saw Anna’s suitor ask her something and she nodded yes. And that was it. After kissing one last time they left their little nook and circulated a bit before leaving together. It broke my heart when she stepped into a taxi with him, knowing she’d decided to give herself to another man…just like she’d done with Jeff.

The next day Casey told me he’d fucked her to exhaustion. Anna had gushed over being tied up and spanked into submission, that his massive cock had screwed her through endless orgasms.

She saw him often after that, but I still thought we’d get back together, that she’d eventually get over her infatuation with his cock. In preparation for that day I continued to work with the lady my boss had referred me to. She helped me to understand how to treat a submissive, but I also learned different ways to cause intense orgasms.

As the weeks passed it didn’t look like my spouse was interested at all in renewing our relationship. She and Casey still visited their favorite clubs some weekends, and I went too. And every time I saw her flirt with another man I became conflicted; fearful she’d let him fuck her, but also turned on by the thought she might.

More weeks passed with no word from Anna. Casey updated me so I knew she was still thinking of me, but was unsure about us reuniting. I also learned her relationship with Seth was deepening. Casey thought she might be falling in love.

That alarmed me, but I didn’t know what I could do about it. Anna was truly her own woman now, beyond my influence in any way. I’d just about given up hope we’d ever see each other again when she showed up one morning at a little coffee shop I frequented before going to work.

I was elated but nervous after she joined me. Anna must have sensed as much because she kept our conversation light and limited to small talk, just meaningless stuff about our work mostly. It was obvious though that she’d come for a reason, but wasn’t comfortable bringing it up. I, on the other hand, couldn’t care less why she’d shown up, I was so happy to see her again. My heart ached at the sight of her.

I guess that’s what caused me to suddenly blurt out, “I miss you Anna. I want you back.”

At first she didn’t react, but her expression softened a little and her voice held some warmth when she replied, “Oh, Aaron, there are times when I miss you too and wish we were back together. But I’m not sure that’s possible. Have you changed your attitude about me and what I’d want you to do when we have sex?”

I looked startled, a little surprised at her response. I hadn’t but wasn’t going to tell her that. So I lied. With an earnest look I replied, “Oh Anna, you are my life. I’m sorry I acted that way toward you. I…I’ll try to be more like whatever you want. I’ll lead you around by your collar. I’ll even spank you and be rough when we fuck. Anna, I’ll do anything to get you back.”

She slowly shook her head as if she didn’t believe me. “I’m not sure you have it in you Aaron. It takes a certain mindset to know how to treat a submissive. And yes, that’s what I am now. When I have sex I need for it to be for the man’s pleasure. The spanking is only a small part of it. I know Casey told you about Seth. He knows how to take me hard with the right mix of pain and pleasure. It’s the fact that he doesn’t care if he hurts me that makes the orgasms so satisfying. He gets me, don’t you see? You’d have be that way Aaron, be a hard man who makes me submit to you. I crave that now and I’m afraid you don’t have it in you. You’re just too gentle, to afraid you’d hurt me.”

She looked at me intently, a sadness forming in her eyes as she saw the truth of her words in my face. But her look became compassionate as she took my hands in hers before she continued, “I came here because I still care for you and want to give you a chance to become the man I need.” Her voice was tinged with doubt when she added, “But it won’t be easy. Jeff is coming next weekend and I’ll be staying with him. Seth will join us in the threesome I originally wanted to have with you.”

She sighed before she continued, “I’m willing to let you watch as long as you don’t interfere. Hopefully you’ll understand the changes you need to make for us to remain husband and wife.”

I was dumbstruck. She wanted me to watch her fuck both Jeff and Seth? And I’d have to act the way they did in the bedroom in order for her to stay with me? I looked at her solemn face and realized she was serious.

Then she let me have the rest of it. “Aaron, I’m only doing this because you still hold a significant place in my heart and I miss what we once had. But even if I came home I’ll never be completely yours, not ever again. Do you understand darling? I’m going to continue to have sex with Seth and Jeff as often as I wish. Could you accept that?”

I was floored. Fuck both men even after we’d reconciled? At first I thought, no way, but decided not to say anything.

I quickly replied, “I’ll be there with you when you have your threesome Anna. And I guess we’ll both know more about me afterwards. Maybe it’ll start us on the path to reuniting. I hope so.”

Anna abruptly stood and looked down on me. “It’s the only way Aaron. Do you love me enough to become the type of man I’ve come to need?”

With that she walked out, her delectable backside an invitation to every man in the room. At first that thought depressed me, but then I realized that spectacular ass used to be mine, and it could be again if I played my cards right.

Suddenly all my doubts disappeared. I decided then and there that nothing was going to stop me from keeping her if I could only get her back.

I hope you’ve liked this episode of Changing Anna. Thanks to Sifu for his suggestions. I hope he recognizes their inclusion in this segment. The next installment will end their story. Can you guess how it will end?

