Changing Anna Part 2, 12

I might just get her back…if I can just control my temper!

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Hall Pass
14 min readMar 20, 2024


Photo by Artem Labunsky in Unsplash

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron sees Anna enter the grand old hotel with mixed feelings. He’s hurt because his wife has decided to have sex with another man but turned on because her behavior excites him so much. She’s become the ultimate sex symbol. Now he’s finding out just how much Anna has changed and is beginning to suspect things won’t ever be the same for them again. He wants to know all the details but Anna is afraid he can’t handle the type of sex she’s had. Now she‘s humiliated, wondering if she’s ever going to get fucked…and if Aaron can accept how it happens.

Everything goes to hell after Aaron finds out Anna is going to see her virile older lover again. But she gives him a chance at redemption…but only if he’s willing to become like Jeff!

Changing Anna
Part 2

I arrived at the Oldtown Hotel at the appointed time, tremulous but determined not to let Anna’s two lovers intimidate me. My manhood was on the line I knew, and how I acted would be an important factor in her decision to give me another chance. I wanted my wife back, and that meant she wasn’t going to see my distress at her behavior. I put my game face on and knocked on the door.

The wait for someone to respond seemed interminable, but finally a flushed and decidedly tipsy Anna responded. She greeted me wearing the first outfit Jeff had purchased for her, though the wrap-around side tie was undone, allowing the dress to expose a long line of lush flesh. Her hairless pussy was on display too; her labial lips already glistening with moisture. One of her full, hanging breasts was also exposed, its puffy areola wet and shiny, revealing what her two suitors had been up to before my arrival. I had a hard time resisting that enticing teat, especially when my overly effusive wife gave me a long, sensual hug that was more a caress than a greeting.

“God you look good Aaron.” Anna said effusively, her voice slurred.

I was surprised my wife was already inebriated. She normally didn’t drink to excess, but I guess a dose of liquid courage made sense to her considering the magnitude of tonight’s events.

She continued, “So handsome. Yum! I’m glad you came.”

I looked past her at the two men she intended to fuck. Both were shirtless, and Jeff’s open pants revealed Anna had already been playing with his intimidatingly large cock. Neither man looked pleased at my arrival. It struck me Anna might not have told them I was coming. That was confirmed after she led me to a chair located at the end of the room’s king sized bed.

“Jeff, you remember my husband Aaron,” she said, then added, “but don’t worry guys, he won’t join us.” Her voice became firm with conviction when she continued, “I’ve decided he’d benefit from seeing how two strong, virile men treat me.” Pausing to give me a kiss she teased, “Though maybe I’ll get lucky and it’ll be three men by the end of the night!” Then she whispered in my ear, “I really hope so honey.”

After another tight hug she proceeded to remove my clothes. I stood dumbfounded, not expecting that to be a part of my agreement with her.

She continued, “You see dear, I want to be able to see your hard cock while they’re fucking me. It’ll prove what we’re doing really turns you on.” Giggling again she teased, “Who knows, maybe the sight of your long cock will tempt me away from them.”

I just shook my head at her behavior as I settled onto my upholstered prison. This was a side of Anna I never dreamed existed. She grasped my thickening shaft as she gave me a tongue laden kiss. Then she nonchalantly she put her long hair into a ponytail as she sauntered over to her waiting lovers. That mundane act of preparation seemed a signal to them she was ready for the main event.

I sat motionless, already heartbroken as I observed her stripping them. After her dress had become a puddle on the floor my wife pressed up against their hard bodies and lovingly kissed each man in turn.

At first they just necked and caressed each other. But then Jeff began to act more aggressively. When Anna was fellating him he suddenly grabbed her head and forced his cock in her throat. He ignored her choking sounds too long, I thought, while his fat member sought to go deeper. But after she’d come up for air she eagerly accepted more of his abuse, her shining eyes and lustful smile showing her desire be his submissive.

When Jeff had succumbed to Anna’s enthusiastic ministrations and ejaculated down her throat Seth immediately took over and placed her on all fours. You could see he couldn’t wait for his turn with my wife. After caressing her round posterior he began to immediately force his thick cock into her waiting pussy. I could tell it was a struggle for her to accept his impressive girth, but she endured it; just hung her head and panted in surrender as he relentlessly pushed into her vagina. I wondered how she could take any of it, since Seth’s cock was considerably thicker and slightly longer than Jeff’s. It must have been difficult and he was only partially embedded in her pussy when he had to withdraw. But I knew she could take it since they’d already screwed numerous times. Still, I thought he’d accept his victory and begin fucking her right then, but instead he changed tactics and began short, sharp jabs as he gripped her hips more firmly. That seemed to work as I saw a little more disappear into her with each thrust. He continued to do that until his pelvis pressed against her ass. The whole time Anna moaned her acceptance, even as the discomfort from his ever more forceful thrusts caused her to whip her long hair back and fourth in frustration.

I expected her to cry out in pain when he began repeatedly slamming into her, but instead she encouraged him, pleading, “Fuck me Seth, God I love your monster cock! Give it to me harder!”

I watched as the big man used her, but oddly the look on his face was as stoic as mine. He didn’t seem to relish fucking her so roughly. But Anna clearly loved what his oversized cock was doing. And he was good at it. He carefully timed his thrusts, moving her hips around on his cock in a coordinated dance so the bulbous head touched places in her vagina that caused Anna to gasp in sudden pleasure. Again and again he filled her with his giant schlong, making her cry out each time his groin rammed against her quivering asscheeks. After only a few minutes I could see Anna had reached her plateau before orgasm, but even though Seth pummeled her unmercifully, it seemed she just couldn’t get there.

Then I remembered my own session with her and wondered if she needed the additional stimulus of pain to put her over the top.

It became evident she did when she begged, “I’m so close Seth. You know what I need! Give it to me, give it to me, pleaseeee!”

And he did. The sound of that first slap on her round rump seemed to reverberate in the room, eliciting a drawn out “yesssss!” from my wife. It was followed by more strikes on her yielding flesh, each varying in intensity and sporadically given. They had the desired effect, causing her to pant loudly before baying her approval. Then he begin spanking her in earnest, and it wasn’t long before she cried out loudly in release. I shook my head in wonder, because even afterwards she begged him to continue.

My shy spouse had become alien to me I realized, and I feared she might already be beyond my grasp.

That first wailed orgasm became the norm as Anna was passed back and forth between the two men. Jeff could see the despair in my face the longer it went on, and I had to endure his constant smirks of derision when he took his turn. He roughly pulled Anna’s long ponytail back, stretching her neck painfully, then slapped her rear ever harder as he pummeled her with his thick shaft. I was sure he did that just to see if I would react.

Surprisingly, Seth wasn’t like that, sometimes giving me an apologetic glance as he took his turn fucking Anna’s accepting pussy. But she wanted a rougher pummeling, and begged him to give to her. That included slapping her rear and painfully pinching her nipples. Once he hesitated, but was egged on when my wife insistently screamed, “Oh God, pleaseee Seth, pleaseee!, I NEED IT!!”

I sat through it all quietly, accepting my place in this almost kabuki theater of lust and suffering; stoic in the face of everything they threw at her. But inwardly I was devastated…and seething. Jeff had trained her well and it was obvious she loved it. I realized I’d have a hard task changing that.

And it went on for hours it seemed, with only periodic breaks as the men recharged their batteries after filling my wife with their spunk. It was easy to see Anna relished pain with her pleasure. She hadn’t been kidding me when she’d said a submissive fed off being subservient to the needs of her man no matter how much he hurt her, and that she needed it to feed her own arousal.

I had to admit to myself I was definitely getting the education Anna wanted me to have. Still, the thought of her being serviced like that was repulsive. There had to be a better way, I kept thinking as the two men roughly fucked her.

Eventually the three took a more extended break. Anna seemed grateful to get a little rest after a long session of being split roasted. They had used her petite body almost brutally, and with only brief respites. My heart went out to her as she lay moaning in an exhausted heap between her two lovers. From her almost hangdog demeanor I got the idea she was finally realizing there was a lot more to this threesome than she’d expected. I suspected there would before I came and had come mentally prepared to just endure it. But that hadn’t been the case. The sight of so much cum leaking from her red, swollen pussy had me aroused to the point that I knew merely touching my penis would have caused me to ejaculate.

I was glad that hadn’t happened. I’d seen Anna glance my way a lot over the course of the evening. It would have been too embarrassing to have her witness my cock spewing out my creamy essence from just looking at them.

And while I couldn’t tell what she was thinking when she smiled at seeing how hard my cock had stayed, I was grateful for the attention. I thought this the perfect time to reconnect, now during their breather when she could at least look at me without being distracted by a thick cock pummeling her. Unfortunately it was Jeff who first glanced at me, a seemingly permanent smirk of derision on his face.

Making a point to stare directly at my outstretched cock he sought to belittle me by asking, “Is the little cucky husband enjoying the show? You know Aaron, I’d never let my wife do this, but then she doesn’t need anyone else because I’m able to keep her completely satisfied. Anna knows your pathetic attempts never will. That’s why she’ll always keep coming back to me.”

I didn’t respond, just stared at him in silence; a look of contempt on my face.

Then Seth came to my defense. And given how reticent he had been at some the things they’d done to Anna, I wasn’t surprised when he chastised Jeff.

“Ah, chill man. Leave him alone. The dude wants her back. He didn’t ask to be here. Anna gave him an ultimatum. That’s why he’s putting up with your shit.” He paused for a second then added, almost to himself, “Hell, I probably want her more than he does.”

I almost broke my silence at that. Casey had told me they were getting close but I hadn’t realized he‘d developed such deep feelings for my wife.

But before I could react to that new information Seth stirred from his repose. He reached for Anna, pulling her to him and enfolded her in a tender embrace. They affectionately kissed for a few minutes, then Anna began licking her way down Seth’s body, her progress paused briefly as she suckled his nipples. Soon she had reached his flaccid manhood. Taking it in her mouth, she lovingly worshiped it until it had returned to its former glory.

With a hiss of pleasure she mounted him, her stretched out pussy now able to accommodate his oversized cock; though I noticed she took it slowly. Seth remained motionless; allowing her to retain control and set the pace as she rode his dick, only using his big hands to caress her back, then gently cup her rear. I could tell she liked the slow pace and tenderness of their lovemaking. That surprised me, given what she had begged for just a few minutes before. But the look on her face showed how much she was savoring the sensations suffusing through her vagina. And the affection each had for the other was apparent in the slow and sensuous kisses they shared.

It was so loving, and in a way it gave me hope that Anna could still respond to that type of compassionate sex. If she could enjoy it so much with Seth, I thought I would have a chance if we made love the same way. As heartening as that thought was I wondered if she’d want me as much as she did him. He had the advantage of being new and exciting, plus he was so much better endowed. I hoped though that our previous loving relationship would tip the balance in my favor. But for now she was completely ignoring me.

As I continued to watch them it seemed that the evening was going to end on that loving note. Then Jeff got into the act. The determined look on his face signaled he didn’t like the way things were going, and it appeared he didn’t want to be left out of their lovefest either. He stepped up behind her, positioning his fat cock so it rested in the valley between her buttocks, his hands flat on the round globes of her ass. For a minute he let his turgid member ride there as Anna moved atop Seth. I’m sure it really felt good to her, but she didn’t acknowledge him, and from the look on his face I think it irritated him.

Anger seemed to replace irritation as she continued to ignore him, and he decided to act. A sharp slap on her asscheek preceded the removal of the butt plug she’d been wearing all night. He applied some lube to his finger, then vigorously inserted it into her tight sphincter. Another one followed, and when they’d been sawing into her for a few minutes I heard Anna moan her acceptance. Applying more lube to his cock, he placed it against her spinster and roughly shoved it up her rectum with one mighty push.

“Oh God Jeff,” Anna cried out painfully, “Not yet! I’m not ready yet!”

“Shut up bitch,” was all he said in response.

I wasn’t sure he would heed her given his attitude, though he did pause long enough for her to get a little more used to his oversized sausage before again ramming it up her ass. Anna continued to gasp at the sudden pain, but didn’t protest again. It seemed Jeff had conditioned her well.

He did slow down a bit after that, showing there was still a touch of compassion in him. But as Anna began to wiggle her ass and pant, he renewed his assault, slamming into her hard and fast, his hands tightly gripping her hips to hold her still. By that time Anna’s cries had turned to ones of pleasure. When he saw I was stoically staring at him, he responded by grinning at me evilly, then slapping Anna’s ass hard until she cried out.

Seth hadn’t moved his cock inside her while all this had been going on, but now he asserted himself and began to thrust into her as well. Jeff stopped slapping her ass, I guess so he could concentrate on matching Seth’s strokes. Anna was helpless as the two men began to coordinate their thrusts, making sure one of them was always buried inside her up to the hilt. It only took a few minutes and a some additional strikes on her sensitive rear for her to scream ‘Oh God’ and come on their pistoning cocks. After that they increased the intensity of their assault. Her staccato cries filled the air as their rampaging cocks triggered a cascade of climaxes.

I was astounded Anna was capable of such intense multiple orgasms. That caused a conflict within me that I’d not anticipated. Anna clearly loved what they were doing, and I could see just how beautiful she looked as they double teamed her. It helped me understand a little better that this was who Anna was now, and made me determined to keep she just as satisfied with the type of sex I wanted to give her.

The two men had finally found their rhythm. I watched in wonder as they rutted like animals in my willing spouse. For a long time I kept on my poker face on as their oversized cocks stimulated Anna until she completely surrendered to her ecstasy. I so envied them, that they were able to do that to her. The radiant look on her face was one I’d never seen before. And I realized she was experiencing something unique. I loved that for her. Still, it was a relief when the end came. Both men grunted as they released their remaining semen deep inside Anna, holding her tightly as she jerked and spasmed through one final intense orgasm.

After a few minutes all three pretty much collapsed, the two men laying listless on the bed, their oversized cocks now shrunken and useless. Anna ended up face down like a rag doll; sprawled out in exhaustion with her arms askew, her breathing heavy and fitful.

The room was quiet; the silence such a contrast to the lustful sounds that had filled it for so long. Jeff was the first to rouse himself to action, and that was choosing to get a final dig at me.

Pointing a finger at Anna’s red and tender rear, he asked, “You want to use that prime ass now cuck?”

I glared at him as I stood, trying to ignore my long protruding member as I climbed on the bed next to my wife. Instead of mounting her I kissed her neck and quietly asked, “Have you had enough Anna?”

When she didn’t immediately respond I began to pull her off the bed. Anna resisted, though only a little. I thought she would have been too exhausted for even that, but then she surprised me by twisting around and taking me in her arms.

Gazing loving in my eyes she weakly replied, “Do what he says Aaron. Fuck both my holes. Prove you can satisfy me like they did.”

But instead of presenting her ass she held me and we cuddled. That led me to know what she truly needed. After sharing a moment of intimacy I renewed my effort to get her off the bed. It was so awkward I wondered how I was going to convince her to help and then come with me after I got her dressed. Suddenly I didn’t have to. Anna had fallen asleep or passed out, I wasn’t sure which.

It wasn’t easy getting her languid form into the chair so I could get my clothes on. After I’d begun it surprised me when Seth got off the bed and did the same.

While we were getting Anna dressed Jeff got up as if to stop us.

“She’s staying with me cuck,” he blustered, “I’m not through with her yet.”

I turned to him, fists ready and replied, “Not going to happen, old man. She’s my wife and I’ve decided this ends now. Anna is going home with me.”

Jeff paused, apparently surprised at my audacity in challenging him. And I knew he was bluffing; he certainly wasn’t fit enough to engage in a fistfight with someone so much younger…and one so clearly determined. Then I got an unexpected ally.

Seth chimed in saying, “He’s right man. She’d done for the night. Let him take her. You know if she wants, she’ll come back.”

That pretty much ended it. Jeff turned away and began to get dressed. “O.K. cuck,” he said derisively, “take her. She’ll come back for more and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

With that I took my exhausted, cum-filled wife home.

It’s been a challenge weaving the different elements of this story together. I’m not a professional writer like some who post on Medium. If you like my writing please clap (maybe many claps!) and comment. It’s that feedback that tells me how well I’ve succeeded so far.

