Changing Anna Part 2, 14

Did I have it in me to pass her test; to treat her like the submissive she’d become. And if I did, would she choose to stay?

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Hall Pass
13 min readApr 7, 2024


Photo by Artem Labunsky in Unsplash

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron has lost his wife Anna to the charms of an older man when they’d played a seduction game at a bar. Now he’d desperate to get her back. Can he do it by giving her the type of sex her domineering lover has gotten her used to? Add to that she’s changed. She’s a true submissive now, gaining pleasure from the pain her lover trained her to want. Aaron’s last test to regain her love is the hardest. He’d determined that he has to fuck her ass.

Changing Anna
Part 2

As I lay waiting for Anna to finish her preparations I couldn’t help but review my plan to convince her to return home permanently. I’d already gotten to fourth base but knew that didn’t mean I’d win the game. No, my ass fucking performance would matter the most. If it was enough like Jeff’s that might be the tipping point for her. The only problem was I didn’t want to include too much pain while screwing her.

I had to silently laugh at the incongruity of that thought; that I felt it necessary to manage how much pain to give my wife when we made love. The Anna I was waiting for was light years away from the demure, thoughtful woman I’d married. A sudden sadness engulfed me; that we’d lost so completely the sweet innocence of our former life. Never back then could I have imagined I’d be faced with what I was now being forced to do. All because of my love for her and what Jeff…

My thoughts were interrupted when Anna emerged, looking enticing with her body hidden only by a white bath towel. But there was an apparent element of discord in her demeanor. Then I caught a fleeting look of regret crossing her features as she took in my long, hardened staff. I suspected she was having second thoughts about breaking her promise to the man who’d taken her heart. That caused all sorts of emotional conflicts within me. I hated that she was reluctant, that Jeff had such a significant hold on her, but then realized she’d come this far because she truly wanted to give me another chance. It stiffened my resolve to go through with my plan. That meant I wasn’t going to let her back out.

In a quiet but firm voice I said, “I’ve been patient Anna. But now it’s time. Drop the towel. Come here — show me your luscious body.”

I could see her quiver with emotion as she reacted to my words, her approach to our bed hesitant. I hoped what I was seeing was anticipation winning over that tinge of regret I’d detected.

It really didn’t matter; she was giving me this chance to prove myself, but I knew if I failed she’d ultimately end up rejecting me. That she could even contemplate ending our marriage over such a thing showed how much she’d changed.

Changed or not, I could still detect some remnants of the woman I’d known before her life altering three days with Jeff, and if I could get her back I’d work on helping her return to that woman. But now I had to give her what he did so well, while hoping that and our past love would tip the scales firmly in my favor.

She gave me a doe-eyed look as she approached our bed; completing the persona of an abjectly submissive female. It shook me deeply, seeing her like that. I so wanted to break character and take her in my arms; to kiss her tenderly — to console her. But as she stood quietly in ready compliance I could tell that’s not what she wanted or needed right now.

I hardened my heart. Determined to remain in my role; my voice was unequivocal when I demanded, “Lay face down in the center of the bed Anna, with your arms stretched over your head. Keep your eyes closed.”

When she was ass up I tied her wrists with a velvet rope I’d attached to the headboard earlier. Then I admonished her, saying, “Don’t you try to move now.”

Finally I pulled out the device I’d hidden under a pillow. It consisted of a long cylinder with a bulbous knob on the end; one I estimated to be a little larger than Seth’s impressive cockhead. I opened the petals of her inner labia and lodged the Magic Wand’s rounded end firmly against her vaginal opening. Anna was startled when she felt it and broke character by looking over her shoulder at me.

In a confused voice she asked, “Aaron, what’s that?”

I took her head and turned it back around, replying, “Hush Anna. You’re not allowed to question what I do,” then added, “Keep your eyes shut. Understand?”

With that rebuke she snapped back into character, but now there was an added tension in her body. That’s what I’d hoped would happen. I pushed her legs together against the long plastic handle, lodging it firmly in place, then slipped the cord down her legs out of my way.

Even though I knew I was capable of fucking Anna’s ass with as much force as Jeff, I wasn’t sure I could replicate his attitude of selfishness. Plus I didn’t plan on slapping her so much. Hopefully the vibrator would make up for all I lacked. Since she’d never experienced one I hoped its intense sensations would be enough to give her at least one explosive orgasm.

Now with everything in place I began exploring the valley created by Anna’s glorious globes. I spread those mouthwatering cheeks and hardened my tongue before licking her in ever diminishing circles, aiming for her back door.

I knew I was doing the right thing when she responded with a quick intake of breath as I forced my rigid tongue past her tightly puckered opening. I began to thrust the hardened spear of my tongue into her, all the while lubricating her anus with copious amounts of my saliva. I could tell she was startled at my actions. We’d never done anything like this, never even touched each other’s rosebud before Jeff. It had to be a surprise to her I was willing to do it. What she didn’t know was that I’d learned how from another woman.

After I’d forced my thumb past her sphincter I used it to roughly fuck her for a moment, then scooted down her legs until I was straddling her knees. Through it all Anna had been rewarding me with soft moans of pleasure, her asscheeks quivering with arousal.

I knew she expected me to use my fingers to open her. That’s what Jeff would had done. Instead I placed my long cock in the valley between her knees, then began little thrusting motions. It was yet another technique taught me by the woman who’d so changed my sexual competency. My balls dragged behind my rigid member, setting off tremors up and down her legs. Her moans and whimpers were music to my ears as I slowly journeyed to her luscious globes. Once there I forced her asscheeks around my long cock before I began to repeatedly slide my long member through her buttock’s fleshy heaven.

It caused a sexy moan, followed by her exclamation of, “Oh Aaron, please keep doing that!”

I did for a minute, then reached to grab a wad of her hair and pulled it, stretching her head back painfully.

“Pain and pleasure, isn’t that what you said you needed? I saw how much you loved it when Jeff and Seth inflicted it on you.” I jerked at her head again. “You got off from them doing it, didn’t you?!”

That elicited a strangled ‘ugh!’ but she didn’t tell me to stop. I kept the pressure on her hair just enough to keep her head uncomfortably back as I sawed my cock back and forth in the valley of her squeezed buttocks.

I did it long enough so I thought she was primed for my cock to enter her once forbidden hole. Sliding back down her legs a little I took a bottle of lube from the nightstand and worked it into her anus with my finger. Soon another, then a third one joined it as I lubricated and stretched her sphincter open enough for my cock.

For a second I wondered if I could do it. Fucking her ass was never a fetish of mine and I remembered how upset I’d gotten when she’d first revealed that Jeff had taken her there. But along with that memory was the more powerful one of her describing how hard she’d come from him doing it. I really hoped I could fuck her as well as he had. Perhaps if I did I’d get her to achieve a comparable orgasm. I knew anything less wouldn’t cut it in her mind.

With a silent sigh I removed my fingers, then placed the head of my cock at the now gaping entrance to her rectum. I could see Anna’s rear quiver with expectation, telling me it was time to finally deliver on my promise to be like Jeff. Holding her asscheeks apart I pushed against her opening. She involuntarily resisted at first, then rebounded by pushing back onto my cockhead. With one more push I was in. Anna sighed loudly as she wiggled her ass in anticipation. I pressed in again, gaining a few inches, then waited until I knew she’d accept it before beginning a rhythmic thrust that took me increasingly further in. I had to remember there was far more cock to fit in her ass than with Jeff, and briefly wondered how that might affect her.

I found out when I began to seriously fuck her. She filled the air with grunts and moans, sometimes whimpering as a tremor of pleasure gripped her. Her arousal quickly rose to its plateau, but I knew my vigorous thrusts weren’t going to be enough to cause her to come.

“Oh God Aaron,” she suddenly shouted, “give it to me! You know I need it to come! Pleeeasseeee!”

It was my hand on her ass she wanted, hard and often enough to deliver to her the needed doses of sharp, stinging pain. Instead of complying I reached back and turned the Magic Want on to its highest setting.

“Aaronnnnn! Uhhhhhh! What is that!” she wailed.

I felt her buck beneath me. In response I gripped her buttocks and held her down, forcing her to remain in full contact with the vibrator. She fought me, partially to get away from the overwhelming sensations it was creating, partially because her body was responding so powerfully. Soon it had overwhelmed her senses and she tumbled into her release.

Shouting, almost screaming the feelings were so intense, she cried. “I’m commmiinnnggg!!!!” Oh Godddd! Oh Godddd! Oh Godddd!

The intensity of her orgasm consumed her until she couldn’t stand the stimulation any longer.

“Aarrroonnn! Stoppp ittt!! I can’t stand it anymoreeee! she screamed. “Pleaseeee!!”

I turned it off to let her climax run its course. Soon the only sound in the room was her heavy ragged breathing. It was done. Anna would have to choose me now, I thought; would have to stay with me.

I was sure of it until I wasn’t. Looking down on her somnolent
form I imagined her telling me how much she’d loved it, but that I hadn’t satisfied her like Jeff would have, that I’d cheated with the vibrator.

It caused me to suddenly cascade into despair, consumed by the thought I hadn’t measured up, not really. But just as quickly I rallied; anger at having to even be in this situation replacing my distress.

“It’s not over Anna!” I said as I delivered a sound slap on her fleshy rear.

She was startled, crying out “Uhhhh,” shocked into alertness by the abruptness of my act.

I jackhammered into her ass, then spanked her again.

“I’m not done! I haven’t come yet,” I growled as I pummeled her ass unmercifully.

It worked. Anna began to respond vigorously, her cries music to my ears. But something else began happening. The sensations of her sphincter involuntarily contracting around my turgid shaft was stimulating my cock in a way I’d never felt. Then adding to my increasing arousal was the sound of Anna crying out at the end of each powerful thrust, and again every time my hand came down on her sensitive, rapidly reddening rear. It became an aphrodisiac of a type I’d never imagined. Now I didn’t want to stop, didn’t know if I could. I really didn’t care if Anna’s wails were coming from pain or from the pleasure she was perversely getting. It inspired me to fuck her ever harder, my eyes focused on the tight ring of her anus and the sight of my cock slamming through it.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it? I taunted, “Making me act like Jeff, damn him! I love you Anna. I’m doing this for you!” I gave her a particularly hard slap, punctuating it with a confession. “You didn’t know I was so afraid of losing you I hired a woman to teach me how to please you…and I fucked her a lot!” Another slap, this time expressing all the frustration that was consuming me. “But you know what? I liked it Anna, I liked making her come, and she liked it too!” I punctuated that by adding emphatically, “How about that Anna? Another woman loves how I fuck her!”

She was crying now, sobbing loudly, either in fear or exultation, I didn’t care. My cock was driving my desire ever higher; my lust for her increasing with each mighty thrust into her ass. It sent me over the edge into the strongest orgasm I’d ever experienced. With one final stinging slap I buried my long tool deep in her rectum and released my essence; the warmth of it flooding her nether channel.

It triggered her own climax; her screams of pleasure reverberated throughout the room, her ass forcibly lifting us as she bucked against me again and again. The power of it consumed her for a long time, holding her in its grip until it finally ran its course.

Then she sagged down on the mattress, exhausted; her sphincter now forcing my softening cock from her ass. I collapsed on top of her then, barely cognizant enough to hold most of my weight off her until I remembered and rolled off on my side.

We lay like that for a long time before Anna broke the silence. “Aaron, please untie me,” she asked in a weak and exhausted voice. When I had complied she turned to me and snuggled close, saying, “That was wonderful honey. I’ve never felt anything like it.” She paused, then added, almost as if she couldn’t believe it, “Not even with Jeff.” With that she hugged me tightly but then didn’t say anything for a long time. I was ecstatic when she tenderly crooned, “I love you Aaron. I’ve decided I want to stay. Can I?”

Tears of joy ran down my cheeks. I couldn’t respond at first, I was so happy.

“Yes Anna, we can be together again. And I’ll love you more each day I wake up beside you.” We kissed repeatedly, but finally our passion for each other gave in to our exhaustion and we slept.

Later, feeling refreshed, we showered again, all the while giving each other puppy dog looks and deeply expressive kisses. Anna seemed serenely content with her decision. I was pretty sure she was ready to resume a life with me again. That made me happier than I’d been in a long time.

But my suspicious brain wouldn’t let it be. A thought stole into my consciousness as we dressed. She hadn’t renounced Jeff, hadn’t told me she wouldn’t see him anymore when he came back to our town. It formed a cloud over my happiness. I knew it wouldn’t go away until I was sure she’d given him up.

I decided to get it out in the open, to satisfy myself she knew what I expected. Taking her in my arms I kissed her again, then released her, backing away until we were well apart and I could examine her completely.

Holding both her hands I said, “You know you can’t see Jeff anymore, don’t you? If you remain his lover I’m afraid I’d lose you all over again. I can’t abide the thought of that Anna.”

The sincerity of my words caused her to pause, to look searchingly at me; to gauge how serious I was. When she saw the determination in my eyes a sadness seemed to envelop her.

She responded beseechingly, “Don’t make me decide Aaron. Not that. I think I’d die if I couldn’t have him too.”

“No Anna. If you go back to him we’re done. I can let you keep seeing Seth, I know you’d like that. We can even go to dance clubs and you can pick up men if that’s what you want. That would even excite me; but Jeff? Absolutely not.”

Seeing the anguish in her face I made a decision. At the door of the apartment I paused and said, “You think about it Anna. Think about the happiness you’d be giving up. I’m going to leave for a while, walk around to clear my head. It’ll give you some time to think it through too. When I return you can give me your decision.”

With that I left, the last image I had of my wife was the look of distress that was painted across her features, and the tears running down her cheeks.

Several hours passed before I paused my wandering. I knew it was time to return. With every step toward home I wondered, what would be her decision? Then my steps hastened at the notion she might not want to give me an answer; that she might just leave. I hated that thought; couldn’t believe she’d wouldn’t wait for me.

I was so scared I hesitated before opening the door to our apartment. When I tried I found it wouldn’t open. With a feeling of dread I put the key into the lock and let myself in.

Silence greeted me.

“Anna,” I called out, “I’m home.” Nothing. She didn’t answer. I went looking through all the rooms. When I reached our bedroom I saw the closet door was open. What I found sent chills up my spine. One of our suitcases was missing. The realization of why it was gone sent me staggering to our bed. I sat on its edge, unable to believe it.

Anna had left me. She must have chosen Jeff.


I’ve had the hardest time writing this segment, to leave it hanging like this. My wife was displeased too, reminding me she always wanted full closure when she read a really interesting book. She told me this ending was too ambiguous. What do you think? Would you like a clarification of Anna’s motives for leaving? Have patience with me. The conclusion, including what happened next in Aaron’s and Anna’s life will be revealed in the Epilogue.

Clap! Please clap if you liked this segment (don’t hold back, give me more than one!) Perhaps you’ll comment.

