Changing Anna Part 2, 8

Who could have guessed fellating him would help him accept what had happened to me? Maybe that could be the answer my dilemma; get Aaron engaged physically so I could direct the narrative and leave out those things I knew he wouldn’t accept.

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Hall Pass
7 min readFeb 13, 2024


Photo by Artem Labunsky in Unsplash

Synopsis of the story so far.

Aaron sees Anna enter the grand old hotel with mixed feelings. He’s hurt because his wife has decided to have sex with another man but turned on because her behavior excites him so much. She’s become the ultimate sex symbol. Now he’s finding out just how much Anna has changed and is beginning to suspect things won’t ever be the same for them again. He wants to know all the details but Anna is afraid he can’t handle the type of sex she’s had. Now she‘s humiliated, wondering if she’s ever going to get fucked…and if Aaron can accept how it happens.

He accepted the story about the first dress. Now about that other one...

Changing Anna
Part 2

Oh Lord yes, was all I could think as I pondered how to respond to his request about the second dress. Again, there were parts that might be acceptable but not all of it. He’d gone through a lot of anger since we’d returned from Jeff’s room but appeared pretty much over it now. I think fellating him helped a lot with that. And it wasn’t even planned! Maybe that could be the answer my dilemma; get Aaron engaged physically so I could direct the narrative and leave out those things I knew he wouldn’t accept.

With that idea in mind I stripped off my wrap-around dress and pulled on the other one. After placing the halter top’s straps around my neck I turned around, indicating I’d like his help.

“It’s complicated honey,” I said as I sensed his confusion as he held the long thin spaghetti straps, unsure as to how to connect them. “It crisscrosses before being tied lower down my back,” I explained.

“Everything’s complicated now,” I heard him mutter as he worked to fit the thin strips of fabric through the small loops located low down on either side of the halter. After he’d successfully tied a large bow I tugged the dress’s hem down as far as it would go, then spun to face him.

I heard him gasp. Yeah, I thought to myself, this one is way different, isn’t it?

“Damn, Anna, that’s really…short.” He raked me with his eyes, then continued, “…and revealing.” A small sigh escaped his lips, as if resigned to accept the fact his wife had worn this scandalously short dress in public. He continued to examine me, finally observing. “I kinda like the shimmery fabric though, but you can almost see through it. And you didn’t wear underwear?”

I nodded timidly. The dress was short, only about six inches below my crotch. And he was a right, the finely woven silver fabric hinted at being see-through. It had been okay with me when I realized it, I’d gotten used to acting risqué in public. What couldn’t be denied was that the dress was beautiful. I especially liked its halterneck design, even though the strips which made up the top were cut in such a way as to reveal a lot of side boob.

It was an elegant, sexy dress unlike any I’d ever worn. Having visible panty lines would have ruined its figure hugging look since the fabric was also slightly stretchy. Perhaps a little too much for Aaron I thought, judging by the faint frown on his face as he continued to stare at me. I’d have to downplay the number of times I’d flashed people that night.

But it was my perpetually engorged nipples with their puffy areolas, so easily visible through the thin fabric, that seemed to be causing my husband the most consternation. Not me, I had embraced my exposure because this was the way Jeff had intended for me to look when he bought it. Seeing his pleasure was what made me eager to wear it on that second night out.

The memory of it still pleased me. Who would have guessed my new lover could have transformed me into such a sensual creature in so little time. Adding to that I had become a real exhibitionist, proudly displaying my figure; something I had never wanted to do before.

Aaron didn’t need to know all that right now though.

“It wasn’t so bad,’ I said as I slowly rotated again, examining my appearance in the dresser’s mirror. “The restaurant was kind of dark and it was just a short taxi ride downtown. That’s were his friends Paul and Monique have their apartment. He told me he wanted them to be impressed with the beautiful and elegant woman accompanying him.”

That brought on another roll of Aaron’s eyes, letting me know he didn’t buy that explanation. I don’t think he really believed this was to be a simple evening visiting another couple. He understood Jeff’s intentions better now, I think. Luckily, my story had already gotten him intrigued.

Still, Aaron just couldn’t take his eyes off my figure; taking in my large expanse of thigh and seriously aroused nipples. I could see it was causing him to get another hard-on. That suggested he was open to something more happening.

“O.K., I get it,” he responded a little sarcastically, “just the four of you. Simple evening among friends. Sure. So what happened next?”

I pulled him down beside me on the bed, noticing his eyes immediately going to the juncture between my thighs. The dress had ridden up to the point very little fabric was keeping my pussy hidden from his lustful gaze. His cock was at full mast now, so long and heavy it lay along his naked leg like some threatening snake. It made me shiver with desire just looking at it.

Seeing it that way also led me to think Aaron might be coming around to accepting having a wife who screwed other men. To push that idea I intended on giving him the story he wanted, easy since there had been sex involved with Paul and Monique.

But there was no chance I’d give him the graphic version. Touching the velvet choker around my neck reminded me why I’d worn it that evening. I’d been well trained by that time to submit in whatever way Jeff wanted. I knew there was a possibility he’d share me again because he gave me an enema, then inserted my new bejeweled butt plug before we’d left the hotel.

I took a deep breath before continuing, “I really didn’t know what to expect, just that there would only be the four of us. Their corner apartment overlooking downtown was really elegant, with high ceilings and large windows. The living area was dominated by two opposing leather sofas. The rest of the furnishings in the apartment appeared to be antiques. It was obvious they were wealthy.

And come to think of it honey, that was reflected in Jeff’s and Paul’s casual attire. The looked natty and handsome, really put together, while Monique was elegant in a sexy sort of way. Hers was a gold sequined flapper dress; short with a halter top like mine, but barely covered her small, conical breasts. You’d have called them just a handful. I could tell when she sat down opposite us she hadn’t worn panties either.

For a long time we just drank cocktails and talked. Honey, I was surprised to find they’re such interesting people. We had a lot in common, even though he’s a banker and she’s a model. And they were intrigued about by my being an artist. Both of them made off color remarks about the free bohemian lifestyle they thought I lived. They were a little flirty, along with some other things they said. Otherwise, we carried on a pretty normal conversation.

That changed when Monique got up, I assumed, to refresh our drinks. She didn’t though, but came over to Jeff and led him to the other sofa. Then she sat so close to him she was practically on his lap. Paul moved so he was sitting beside me as well. You could feel room’s atmosphere change then. It got decidedly erotic. I realized Jeff’s choice of my dress made sense now. We were going to swap. If that were the case then Paul should have made a move on me, but nothing happened between us even after Monique started necking with Jeff.”

I placed my hand on my husband’s rigid cock. A drop of pre-cum had already formed at its end. Squeezing it a little to get his attention, I smiled at him affectionately.

“We just watched honey, though Paul did caress my upper thigh just below the hem of my dress. It was such a light touch. He didn’t pay any attention to me otherwise so I got used to it and thought that’s all we were going to do, just observe. But when Monique abruptly straddled Jeff it was like a signal had been sent. Paul got up abruptly and suggested we out go on the terrace to look at the city lights.”

I looked over at Aaron, gauging his interest. He was still looking at my pussy. I wiggled a little and my dress’s hem finally raised enough so my moist, bared labia was exposed. It would be so hot for me to tell him everything, including that Paul had led me by my leash. I wanted to but didn’t. It was enough right now for him to accept Jeff had brought me here, probably to give me to a new man. Was my master offering me a night of romance instead, something different entirely from our normal fare? The evening so far indicated it might be that way.

Once on the terrace I’d turned to embrace this handsome and sexy stranger. Aaron’s Anna would have been reserved, stiff in the face of being suddenly catapulted into such an intimate situation. But I, the woman Jeff had created, was willing, eager even, to surrender to the smoldering desires that had come to define me.

Please clay and comment if you’ve enjoyed reading of story of transformation. I really appreciate feedback.

