Changing Anna
Part 2

Anna was gone. She’d actually chosen Jeff over me. It didn’t seem possible she could have…but I was convinced she had.

B. D. Jonsson
Crush Hall Pass
14 min readApr 16, 2024


Photo by Artem Labunsky in Unsplash

Synopsis of the story so far.
Aaron has lost his wife Anna to the charms of an older man when they’d played a seduction game at a bar. Now he’d desperate to get her back. Can he do it by giving her the type of sex her domineering lover has gotten her used to? Add to that she’s changed. She’s a true submissive now, gaining pleasure from the pain her lover trained her to want. Aaron’s last test to regain her love is the hardest. Aaron ate her pussy and fucked her ass the way Anna wanted and he got her back…for a few minutes. After giving her an ultimatum that to continue having sex with Jeff they’d be done as a couple, Anna chose Jeff!

Changing Anna
Part 2

Anna was gone. She’d actually chosen Jeff over me. It didn’t seem possible she could have…but I was convinced she had. The thought of it caused me to be engulfed in a feeling of utter despair. I’ve no idea how long I sat staring unseeing into space; burdened by the weight of my loss. After what seemed an eternity that feeling of depression lifted a little, enough so I was aware of the room I was in — our bedroom — the place we made love…had made love. As I focused on all the little things still strewn around that were hers I became poignant. Sighing, I realized leaving them would only be a constant reminder of my loss. What should I do? I wanted to keep her memory alive but it was difficult looking at them. I wondered if she ever thought of our previous life together.

Then there were the pictures. A fellow student at college had really been into photography and had taken numerous shots of us together. Some we’d framed and were placed around the room. My two favorites had been blown up and framed, and were now hung where I’d have see them every time I entered the bedroom. I wasn’t sure I could handle that.

Reminders of us happy together. And now… never again. I had lost my wife to someone I loathed, someone who’d changed her so much I was forgotten in her overwhelming need to return to him. And it was my fault. The thought continued to haunt me. If I hadn’t encouraged her to flirt with a stranger in a bar and allowed her to leave with him it wouldn’t have happened.

With an exasperated sigh I got up from our martial bed…my lonely bed now. As I took a step away my foot brushed against Anna’s dress, the one she’d chosen for her threesome. Bending, I brought it to my face, inhaling the scent that still lingered on it. It smelled of the carnal lust that had possessed her when she’d given herself to Jeff and Seth.

For a few minutes I wandered about the apartment touching everything that reminded me of her. Then I settled onto our sofa and just stared; my mind becoming mercifully blank. I could hear the mantle clock Anna had inherited from her grandmother mark the passage of time. Focusing on its monotonous ticking, I let the sound soothe me into a state bordering on sleep.

Later, another, sharper noise from outside roused me from my lethargy. I heard the clock strike five; mentally calculating it had been almost four hours since I’d discovered Anna missing. Her dress still lay on my lap and I automatically inhaled its scent again, its faint but heady aroma becoming a symbol of who she’d become; a woman exuding sex, but also a submissive. I shook my head with those thoughts.

Again depressed, I began to spiral down once more into my personal pit of despair.

“Aaron, are you alright?”

The sudden sound of her voice shook me from my stupor. Glancing about, I was startled to see Anna standing right beside me looking quite concerned. For a moment I thought I was hallucinating, so sure in my mind she’d gone for good, but then she placed her hand on my shoulder. Flinching at the contact, I looked up at her in wonder.

“A..a..anna,” I stuttered. “You’re back,” I said dumbly.

My heart leapt at the thought even as another, more fearful one immediately took its place — that she’d just returned to gather more of her things. Oh god, I thought to myself, please not that. I didn’t want to re-experience the last torturous hours.

“What? Why are you here?” I said, almost incoherently, my fear she might leave again taking all hope from my voice.

For a moment she looked confused, then slow recognition filled her features. “Oh, Aaron!” she exclaimed softly, “You thought I’d gone back to Jeff, didn’t you?”

With easy grace she settled onto the sofa beside me, taking my hands in hers. I just stared at her stupidly, still not completely comprehending what she’d said.

“You didn’t?” was all I could say.

“No silly,” she replied, “but thinking about it now I can understand why you might assume I had.” She leaned over and gave me a chaste but tender kiss. “I should have left a note, but I guess I wasn’t thinking straight.” Looking in my eyes and seeing a remnant of the anguish that still lingered there, she scooted closer and enveloped me in a tight hug. “Oh honey,” she said softly, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

I couldn’t answer even though my despair began to lift, to be replaced by hope…hope she really hadn’t left me.

Overwhelmed still by her sudden appearance, all I could think to say was, “Tell me.”

She turned on the sofa to better face me, her look sincere, but didn’t immediately respond. I took the opportunity to eagerly drink in the sight of her beautiful body. Immediately I noticed she seemed somehow different from when I’d left her that morning. She seemed a little disheveled. Her blouse was askew where it was tucked into her short skirt, and I could swear more buttons were undone than before. Then too her hair was now in a ponytail, while this morning I was sure it’d been in a bun. But that wasn’t all, there was something else off about her I couldn’t immediately put my finger on.

Then it came to me; she glowed with the same inner light I’d seen after Jeff had so thoroughly fucked her! Suspicion grabbed me, but this time I tamped it down and tried to force it from my mind. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

Finally Anna began, “You saw how your ultimatum affected me.” Her brow wrinkled in concentration as she decided how best to explain. “I didn’t know what to do when you left. It scared me, how upset you seemed. It forced me into thinking long and hard about why I still wanted him.” She paused, seemingly unsure of her next words. Then my fear returned when she continued, “I thought about us too. I wondered if returning was really the best choice for me.”

Anna paused to examine me closely. I couldn’t help it, my startled and concerned face clearly showed where I feared her explanation might go. Her features seemed to soften at seeing my distress, and when she spoke again there was a feeling of genuine affection in her voice.

“It’s okay darling. You needn’t worry.” That calmed me. She continued, “I came to understand Jeff really didn’t love me, even though I knew he cared about me in his own way. Then I realized how much you’d changed in your effort to get me back. I decided the unconditional love you’d shown by doing that was what I needed in my life again. I knew then I’d have to give Jeff up.”

She shifted so she could see my face better, then continued, “But I couldn’t just cut him off without an explanation. I owed him that much. Don’t you see? He’d done so much for me. Anyway, then I remembered all the clothes I’d left at Seth’s house, so I grabbed a suitcase before I left. I wanted to make a clean break with him too.”

I sighed with relief. It was all coming together so logically. But I still wondered about her present state of dress. I know I should have left it alone…and I planned to, but instead found myself asking in a concerned tone, “You look like something happened though. Did it, you know, with you and Jeff?”

The words were out of my mouth before I knew it. Ashamed I’d given in once again to an impetuousness impulse I hung my head, not wanting to look at her.

She replied softly, “Something did happen, Aaron, but not with Jeff. I gave him a long, really passionate kiss goodby, but that’s all.” She lifted my head so she could examine my face, as if trying to gauge my mood. “It would have really hurt you if I’d let him fuck me like he wanted, wouldn’t it?”

I just nodded, afraid to say anything.

“I wouldn’t do that to you honey. Aaron, I want us to be together forever, and you’ve got to believe I won’t see Jeff anymore. But I also can’t go back to being the person I was before I met him. He changed me so much!”

“I understand Anna.” My relief evident in my voice. “And I accept you’ve changed.” I took a deep breath and thought hard for a second before I added, “Nothing you’ve done or could ever do will keep me from loving you.”

Hearing that and seeing the look on my face caused her manner to subtly shift from concern and contrition to one of playful teasing.

The tone of her voice reflected that when she purred, “That’s good to know honey.” She stroked my arm seductively as she added, “And I got the idea this morning you didn’t really want me to. I hope that’s what you meant when you said it was okay for me to keep seeing Seth.” Her manner changed subtly. There was a hesitation now in her words, and her playfulness faltered. “When I went to pick up my clothes and explain we’d gotten back together, he turned on the charm. Oh honey,” she exclaimed, her voice suddenly resigned, “he knew I couldn’t resist him. Aaron, when he kissed me I just melted.”

She paused then, a little afraid I think of the confession she was making. “Aaron, I’m sorry. I just couldn’t resist him…” She paused, and her voice shook as she confessed, “But it was more than a kiss honey.”

Fear gripped me again and I steeled myself for the worst. Had I convinced her to given up Jeff only to see her lose her heart to Seth?

“What I mean is…well, you’d said I could still see him…” She hesitated, looking a little guilty as she continued, “We had sex, okay?” Then she squeezed my hand hard when she saw my shock at her admission. “But that’s all. You’ve got to believe me. I care for Seth but it’s you I want!”

I could see her concern as she awaited my reaction. Remembering how Seth had treated her — and me — during her threesome with Jeff, I realized he was different from that libidinous old man. I was relieved and it showed clearly on my face. Seth wanted her, yes, but I thought I could convince him that in order to continue seeing her he’d have to limit his emotional attachment to just acting as her bull. I gave Anna a nod and an understanding smile.

Seeing that Anna released a breath I hadn’t known she’d been holding. Continuing, she said, “And with Seth that meant it lasted a long time. That’s why it took me forever to return, and why I look the way I do.” She paused, then straightened her back and looked me straight in the eye when she stated, “I loved every minute of it Aaron. I couldn’t get enough of his thick cock. It made me feel so good! I want it again…and often. Will that be a problem?”

Instead of being shocked or dismayed at her confession, I found myself thinking of Aphrodite. The Greek goddess epitomized love, lust, beauty, pleasure, and passion. Before all this had happened I’d wanted Anna to be more comfortable with her innate sensuality. It certainly appeared she had, but with Jeff’s influence she’d become a willing acolyte of that mythical figure.

It was a recognition I thought carried some responsibilities as her mate. The old Aaron was also gone, replaced by a man who could accept having a hotwife. But Anna needed more. Jeff had turned her into a submissive who craved a man’s pleasure and made it her own. If she was going to be truly satisfied with our relationship then sometimes I’d have to be as demanding as Jeff in the way I treated her when we had sex.

Like now.

“Get up Anna,” I said authoritatively. “Face me properly. We’ve got a problem. You let your pussy be used without my permission. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

For a moment she looked startled, then cringed; frozen into inaction by the sudden change in my behavior. After a moment a slow realization spread across her face and she smiled; a sly one that acknowledged she knew what I was doing.

She stood and faced me, her head lowered in submission.

I examined her quietly. After a moment I commanded, “Strip.”

A sultry look came into her eyes as she unbuttoned her blouse and dropped it to the floor. She turned away from me as she unzipped her skirt, then bent over as she slowly lowered it. There were no panties to be removed so her sexy lady parts were revealed in all their glory. I guess she’d left them with Seth as a love token. After pausing a moment so I could drink in the view of her sweet pussy and enticing rosebud, she straightened up and turned back around. Clasping her hands in front of her she lowered her gaze, returning to a proper submissive stance.

Next I ordered, “Take my clothes off.”

She pulled my T-shirt over my head, then immediately sank to her knees. Unfastening my jeans, she quickly removed them along with my underwear. After she accomplished that task she reached for my cock. I slapped her hand away.

“No!” I said firmly. “Put your hands behind your back.” When she’d complied I settled back on the sofa, my legs wide apart. “Now service me. And Anna; use only your mouth. Don’t you dare stop until you’ve gotten my cock all the way down your throat.”

She paused and looked up at me in surprise. It was something she’d never liked or been able to do, but I knew her submissive nature would force her to try now.

Knowing she’d fail I decided to taunt her. “You did it for Jeff. I saw you. Aren’t you willing to do the same for me?”

It was if I’d slapped her. With a determined look she opened her mouth wide and engulfed my manhood, gagging as she forced as much as she could down her throat. I sat impassively as she repeatedly struggled to fulfill my command. Jeff wasn’t anywhere near my length and I really didn’t expect her succeed. She surprised me though. With saliva dripping down her chin she once again filled her mouth with my cock, this time descending until her nose touched the smooth skin at the base of my penis.

She stayed there a long time, intent I think on rubbing it in, then pulled back off and gulped air, a triumphant look on her face.

After I recovered from my initial surprise I gave her a flippant ‘good girl’ as a response.

She broke character long enough to flip her long, ponytailed hair out of the way and stick her tongue out at me, before dismissively replying, “You’re not so big Aaron. I’ve taken longer ones.”

My response to her cheek was to jerk her off the floor and onto my lap, then kiss her hard, forcing my tongue into her mouth.

“Insolent slut,” I replied when I’d finished, “We’ll see how deep you can take me another way then.” Getting fully into my domineering role I demanded roughly, “Ride me, you little wench. I want to feel those slippery pussy lips pressed hard against my groin.”

Anna eagerly sought to comply; jumping on my lap and swiftly mounting me. It felt so good! Her pussy was tight around my cock, but she was so wet from sucking me she easily slid down my length…until that last inch. I was well aware the old Anna hadn’t liked it when the round knob of my manhood pressed against her cervix. I also knew that demanding she go all the way down meant it would hurt when she tried…and that this new Anna would love that feeling.

And she did, growing increasing loud as she rode me hard, progressing from quiet whimpers to moans, to gasping noisily, finally to crying loudly, ’oh God, oh God,’ as the mixed pain and pleasure of my cock thrust her inexorably toward her climax.

It mesmerized me seeing Anna let herself go so completely, fully embracing the sensations my cock was producing. I couldn’t help but reflect on how poor my amateurish attempts had been at satisfying her after we’d gotten married. Now, judging by the way she was acting, she was well on her way to nirvana. For that I had to thank Jeff and my sex advisor.

And I could finally understand why my wife wanted this type of sex, but I was still determined to wean her from needing it so much. I’d have to see how she reacted when pain or submission wasn’t her primary aphrodisiac.

Soon her passion and excitement began to affect me. The intentional restraint I’d displayed as a part of acting the dominant male began to slip, and I found myself thrusting back as she worked herself up and down my long, rigid cock. Then seeing her magnificent breasts bouncing as she rode me became too tempting to resist. I grabbed and squeezed them, greedily sucking a long, puffy nipple into my mouth even as I sharply pinched the other one; mimicking the mix of distress and pleasure she wanted.

Manipulating her nipples soon bore fruit. I could see she’d gotten to that emotional plateau right before her climax. I knew it wouldn’t be enough for her to finish, but would suffice until I managed to match her ecstasy. I grabbed the globes of her ass and held them tight as I increased the intensity of my thrusts. Then I gave her what she so craved, slapping her rear repeatedly; each resounding smack harder than the last. She responded by jerking about on my lap, shrieking as she was tipped over the edge into orgasm.

It triggered my own release, and I came deep in her womb, the act reclaiming her by adding my cum to that Seth had left. Anna continued to cry out uncontrollably and I held on for dear life as she bucked and spammed in my embrace as we rode wave after wave of our shared rapture.

When it was finally over we kissed and each exchanged a tender ‘I love you;’ content to just hold the other as our bodies returned to normal. I thought it was a fitting end to the tumultuous trial we’d just been through, one that left our love intact — strengthened even.

As I looked at the sated form of my lovely wife I reflected on the whole experience. While losing Anna had almost devastated me emotionally, it had ultimately turned out a good thing she had allowed herself to be seduced in that bar. As a result we’d both blossomed sexually and I’d been forced to mature; all of which augured well for our future happiness.

As my hands idly caressed her perfect ass I wondered if she’d consider giving it another go. Maybe, I decided, she might if we found the right bar and I presented it as the same playful challenge as before.

My cock began to stir at the prospect.

I hope you liked my story of awakening. Anna changed, but so did Aaron. Where do you think this marriage is headed now? Claps and a comment or two will be greatly appreciated.

