AI image by Night Cafe — She’s Your Alpha — by Zatanna Dark

100 Word Challenge — Alpha

Zatanna Dark
Crush Hundo Edition
2 min readSep 22, 2023


It’s not her Size or Strength

that makes her your Alpha

It’s her Will

Her Creativity

Her inner Essence

That gives her Power




She is your Alpha

While you barely rank a Beta

You try to Disagree

that you are stronger

faster and more powerful

But you are Not and she Knows it

She simply Waits

for you to agree

You Fight to Admit it

a losing battle

She is your Alpha

The tiny Redhead

with patience of an Angel

Calmly saying,

“Last chance…

who’s your Alpha?”




Can you stop squeezing my balls now?”



Zatanna Dark
Crush Hundo Edition

I Love, Live & Write BDSM! I Hope you’ll Join me in My World of Erotic Bondage Fantasy Stories