100 Word Challenge — Crimson

Skylar Quinn
Crush Hundo Edition
2 min readFeb 7, 2024


38 HUNDO out of 366

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Please clap based on the level of enjoyment for my feedback:
1–9 — PG 13 — Enjoyed it but not turned on / Enjoyed it maybe a small smirk
10–20 — Slightly aroused / Smirked, thought about a laugh
21–30 — Feeling some movement / I feel tingles … / Laughed in your head
31–40 — Semi Erect / Feeling some
moisture starting / Made a small LOL
41–50 — Hard and now frustrated / wet and ready / Laughed out Loud

Also, highlight your favorite word and leave me a quick comment. And most of all, read for 30 seconds … #HelpSupportMediumAuthors

Sunny A Morgan, you cannot be serious, you want me to wear this?

Yes Hussy stop being such a chicken.

I held up this putrid green colored outfit with a mask, And why did you pick this color? Crimson is more my style.

I told you, if we are meeting up with Marty Chapin & Agent Ranch Hand (Ranch) at another zombie event, this will help everyone think we are already dead.

That was the truth, no one alive would be caught dead wearing this hidious outfit.

Here is a photo of the outfit she wanted us to wear ….



Skylar Quinn
Crush Hundo Edition

Apple Best Selling Author, Author since 2010; finalist in multiple award competitions; multiple pen names & multiple genres