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Curved Arrow — Part 19

“I want to overthrow every government and establish a truly compassionate anarchism.”

Kit Tara
Crush Hundo Edition
2 min readMar 3, 2024


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Read the previous installment here:

“I wish I were immortal,” Freyja says after fucking the Goddess of Carnal Love on a table in a bingo hall. She’s staring at the white ceiling, looking at the textured plastered patterns.

“No you don’t,” Erotia says. “Don’t get me wrong, being perpetually young and fucking all the time is awesome. But there’s also the monotony. I’ve lived thousands of years, and I’m a young immortal. Sometimes I wish I could be mortal just to live, to feel the threat of Death.”

“I can see that. I want to do lots with my life, both small and big.”

“Such as?”

Freyja imagines the ceiling is a canvas, and her future life unfolds on it. “For the small: I want to get my 13 tattoo redone, so it’s a cool, stylized font. And get the BDSM triskelion on my right shoulder in trans colors. On my left shoulder, a labrys battle axe.”

“My dad Ares inspired the Amazons to use that weapon as their primary.”

“Of course he did. I also want to get my transphobic and sexist boss fired, but that’s going to be hard because he’s some corporate nephew. Maybe if I can get into HR, I can get the rot out.”

“And the big stuff?”

Freyja laughs. “I want to overthrow every government and establish a truly compassionate anarchism.”

Erotia echoes her laugh. “Well, that is a goal.”

“Indeed.” The images on the ceiling fade away. Freyja says, “I’m curious, what happened to you and Psyche?”

“Well, Apuleius got it wrong. The true story is short and funny.”

My Muse is continuing to whisper to me parts of this story. She has also informed me that the next few parts are a prequel to this story:

A very big thanks to Sunny and Skylar for the Hundo prompts and Crush Publications.

All parts of the story are here:

Curved Arrow series

42 stories



Kit Tara
Crush Hundo Edition

I write non-fiction philosophical or scientific essays; fiction, often sci-fi, fantasy, &/or erotic; & poetry. Disabled, nonbinary trans woman she/they