Photo by Quaritsch Photography on Unsplash

Dinner Date

A dinner date with friends is not a good time for this conversation.

Alexander Martin
1 min readApr 14, 2024


Hundo: Cherry

“But I am your…” Jerry started to say.

“If you say husband I am going to stab you with this fork!” Jolene stared at him.

Their friends laughed.

“Serious it’s not that bad once you get used to it,” Lydia smiled.

“The answer is still no,” Jolene shook her cherry red hair.

“I don’t know trying to force that onto someone is kind of a red flag,” Michelle shrugged.

“Absolutely,” Michael agreed.

“I tell you what,” Jolene stared at her husband. If you let me put a strap on and do it to you. Afterward, I will let you do it.”

“Hell no!” Jerry yelled.

“Then we are good!” Jolene laughed.

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