Don’t Tempt Me: Sheepish

Sunny A Morgan
Crush Hundo Edition
1 min readDec 19, 2023




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“Rose?” He says my name and I jerk and somehow spill a glass of water down my shirt.

“Damn,” I curse.

I went to the breakroom, to find a dry shirt. “I’m sorry.” I heard a man behind me.

I turn to see the sexy professor leaning against the doorjamb. “Why?” I ask.

“I distracted you.” My cheeks heat and are probably bright red.

“Did you need something?” My voice comes out soft and sheepish.

He snorts. “Yes, but it’s probably a bad idea.”


“I want you, Rose, but you’re too young for me and most likely a student.”

“I’m not a student until next week.”

He leans in whispers into my ear. “You shouldn’t tempt me.”



Sunny A Morgan
Crush Hundo Edition

Best-selling Author in Multiple Genres, Medium Top Writer in Fiction & Short Stories and Co-Owner of Three Publications.