Enlightening: Just for You


Sunny A Morgan
Crush Hundo Edition


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Just for You: Enlightening

It’s quite enlightening, watching your groupies hang onto all your words. They watch you flaunt your jealousy like you’re collecting beads at Mardi Gras.
I’m not angry, I’m kinda flattered. I always wanted rent free. I just didn’t expect to get it in your head.
But remember actively hoping others fail says more about you than others.
Do you think this insignificant setback will make us go away? That’s cute… We grow stronger with each challenge.
Did you like your free rent trial? I hope so because I only give a free trial once.
Your free trial is over…



Sunny A Morgan
Crush Hundo Edition

Best-selling Author in Multiple Genres, Medium Top Writer in Fiction & Short Stories and Co-Owner of Three Publications.