In the Sun

Laila Noir
Crush Hundo Edition
Mar 24, 2024
Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

I was down there for so long I didn’t even realize the earth had come alive and it was my time to bloom.

The winter was long, and exceptionally cold. I had grown accustomed to the dark, it was safe. A sort of purgatory for hearts in between the breaking. But if you stay too long, you forget what it’s like to have the gentle sun on your face.

Love can find you anywhere with a little determination, and he walked through the underworld to find me. Waited patiently for me to follow him into the land of the living above.

Together we can stand in the sun.

Thank you so much for reading! Please clap, comment and share. Special thanks to the amazing humans at Crush Publications for their support xo

