Life’s Aphrodisiac

The #hundo word is Aphrodisiac.

Vivian Blake
Crush Hundo Edition


Photo by Aleksandr Ledogorov on Unsplash

Author’s Note: I find myself thinking a lot lately about hope. What it means and how important it is when all seems lost. When we lost hope, we lose ourselves. It’s one of the most important things we experience, especially when life throws difficulty in our path.

Life’s aphrodisiac.
It springs eternal, or so they say.
It drives the soul and moves the mind.
It’s our gentle lover,
opening our hearts to reciprocated desire.
Hope brings us comfort,
when life’s angry clouds
darken our metaphorical door.
It gives us reason to stay,
when all other is lost.
Reaching into the far corners of the abyss,
dragging us into the light.
Hope douses the burning embers of despair and doubt
that linger in the shadows of our mind,
and delivers us from the darkness of our demons.
Hope, gives us life,
and ignites the flames of passion
in an otherwise desolate existence.



Vivian Blake
Crush Hundo Edition

Writer of Fiction, mostly Erotica, but also Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Horror, Poetry, and More.