Mind Over Matter Doesn’t Always Matter At All!

Even The Amazing Kreskin got lucky once in a while…

Ginger Bangs
Crush Hundo Edition
2 min readOct 16, 2023


October 16th, 2023 — The #Hundo prompt word of the day today for this Sunday is “MENTAL”!

Okay, so I REALLY wanted to come up with an image that looked more like The Leader from The Incredible Hulk, but after five tries I settled for this guy. Shit, after reading that last bit I suddenly a burger and fries from FIVE GUYS! (NightCafe)

Susan was happily married, but I was the Amazing Svengarlic, and I was up for the challenge.

I gazed balefully, focusing my mental energy upon Susan’s hypothalamus, wishing that word had been today’s Hundo prompt so I’d appear super-cool.

You-Want-Me-To-Fuck-You was the mental suggestion I planted in her fertile hypothalamus.

I used my willpower.

I didn’t need to hypnotically gesture like that fucking wussy, Mandrake the Magician.

Fuck — now that’s more like it. Why the hell didn’t I think to use “Mandrake the Magician” when I was messing with my FIRST attempts at coming up with an AI image for a super-hypnotist??? Only, what the fuck is he doing with that goddamn mutated nuclear yam in his hands, anyway? (NightCafe)

Susan loosened her bra.

Was lowering her pants, when her bodybuilding boyfriend Sven Apocalypse used the side of his fist to drive my magical stovepipe hat straight down through my skull-bone, not stopping until his knuckles reached my pelvis.



Ginger Bangs
Crush Hundo Edition

Occasionally sweary, but always entertaining. Top writer in Short Story, Fiction, Horror Fiction and LGBTQ.