Missed You — Hundo “Petrichor”

Laila Bell
Crush Hundo Edition
Jan 31, 2024
Canva Pro, Vida Carey 1/31/24

Trekking through the forest he closed his eyes and thought of her. Swirling colors coalesced into a solid vision. He could see where she’d been…lying naked in the center of the fairy ring, singing to the sky, thanking it for the rain.

But where was she now?

Nymphs were funny like that. You could only see what they wanted you to see. Opening his eyes, he stood still and waited. The air shifted around him.

“Alex!” Smiling, she jumped, wrapping her legs and the smell of petrichor around him.

Breathing her in, he whispered, “I miss you when you’re gone.”



Laila Bell
Crush Hundo Edition

Writing stories that make my mama ashamed to tell people I'm a writer💋