Ranch eats Sunny’s cake

Marty Chapin
Crush Hundo Edition
1 min readMay 4, 2024


Hundo prompt is “Publishing”

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Because I’ve neglected George for a bit. I thought I’d make this one a bit weird and comical. I apologize in advance for tagging Agent Ranch Hand (Ranch), Sunny A Morgan, and Skylar Quinn on this one.

For the rest of the series:

HUNDOs - An American Werefox in London

56 stories

Ranch ate the rest of his cake in silence. While he did find it weird that Sunny, Marty, and Skylar were staring at him as Sunny force fed him the entire cake, he wasn’t complaining.

It was good fucking cake.

He was trying to look to see what markings were on his body, but whenever he tried to look down at himself, Sunny would grab his face and stuff more sugary goodness down his throat.

“You wanted my cake,” she would say. “So, eat it.”

Ranch wanted to make a joke about the fact that cake could also mean a woman’s ass, but his mouth was too full of… Sunny’s cake.

“Does he know that we’re actually publishing this?” Marty asked Skylar.

“Ssshh,” she replied.



Marty Chapin
Crush Hundo Edition

Erotica writer, nerd, lonely bro, gamer, etc... Oh, also, Marty is a pen name.