The Waiting

TJ Whelan
Crush Hundo Edition
Jan 30, 2024
Photo by Jeremy Perkins via Unsplash

(CW: firearm use)

He remained on the roof in a kneeling position, hands clasped behind his head. They were coming for him. After all, he told them where he was. It was only a matter of time.

Motionless, he continued to kneel. His shelter was exposed, and his weapon, broken down, lay about ten feet from him. They could dust it and find his prints. They could check the slug for rifling, and match it to this weapon. There could be no doubt. He was the perpetrator.

There was an ineffable sense of finality to all of this, no matter what the outcome.



TJ Whelan
Crush Hundo Edition

He/him. Author of speculative fiction, science fiction and fantasy. Has day job. 52, married, 18+, DM moots only.