Photo by Chris Ensminger on Unsplash

The Wolf King: Part I

Maria Kovac
Crush Hundo Edition


Restrain: A hundo

Darya opened her eyes, wearily. It was dark, cold and her body felt heavy as if it had taken a beating. She tried to move but soon realised her wrists and ankles were restrained by shackles.

As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she craned her neck and saw she was laying on a stone slab. Almost like an altar. It was then she heard the low growl from the shadows and the sound of something padding slowly towards her.

Emerging from the darkness, she could make out a pair of almond shaped eyes, amber in colour with a fiery glow. She’d seen eyes like those before, in her dreams.

They belonged to Amaruq The Grey.

The Wolf King.

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Maria Kovac
Crush Hundo Edition

Author of dark, transgressive fiction, folk horror and paranormal romance. Writer/editor for Agency Magazine, a SFW & NSFW multi-genre publication.