Wanting More from her

Marty Chapin
Crush Hundo Edition
May 25, 2024

Hundo prompt “Willful”

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Toby knew it was a longshot, but he desperately wanted to see Stella. He took a selfie in front of Barne’s and Noble and sent it to her.

The blonde was mercurial when it came to talking to Toby. There were days when she’d text him nonstop and then Toby would go through droughts where it seemed Stella was willfully ghosting him. It was both frustrating and intoxicating. When Stella texted, Toby felt drunk with attention. When Stella vanished, Toby suffered horrendous withdrawals.

What made it worse was that Stella only thought of Toby as a friend. Of course, Toby knew this, but that didn’t keep himself from dreaming for more.

For more hundo coolness:

2024 Hundo Time

79 stories



Marty Chapin
Crush Hundo Edition

Erotica writer, nerd, lonely bro, gamer, etc... Oh, also, Marty is a pen name.