AI Image by Night Cafe — Ready to Party and Pop ’Em — Imagined by Zatanna Dark

100 Word Challenge — Purple

Zatanna Dark
Crush Publications
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2023


“I’m in a lot of Pain!

Please Hurry!”

“Listen, I was hired

because of my skills.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but I’ve never

had anyone Tie them so Sloppy.”

“Maybe you should take your

special requests elsewhere.

I have other men waiting!”

“I’m staying, because this place

Makes them the deepest Purple.”

“Than how bout you

shut the fuck up!

And let me do my job?”

“The right one is really swelling up!”



“Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck!”

Calm down! This is Party City Central,

we have more purple balloons.

You’ll make it to your friends funeral on time.

100 Word Challenges:

288 stories

Zote: (Zatanna Note) If you Like a Story on Medium: Be sure to read for at least…



Zatanna Dark
Crush Publications

I Love, Live & Write BDSM! I Hope you’ll Join me in My World of Erotic Bondage Fantasy Stories