AI Image Creation by Night Cafe Studios — You Need Radiance? I’ll Give you Radiance — Zatanna Dark

100 Word Challenge — Radiant

Zatanna Dark
Crush Publications
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2023


“Tell me about Julie.

How’d you Meet?”

“It was her Glow that made her

stand out from the crowd.”

“10,000 people at that Concert,

yet, I only saw her.”

“No matter where we Went,

or What we did, our love

grew more Radiant every minute.

And our Lovemaking!


“Julie was so Hot,

she made my cock burn!”


“Where is Julie now?”

She died a Slow and Painful death from Radiation-☢️-Poisoning. More specifically, 🤢-Polonium-210. Likely from the Millenium Hotel’s Bar while visiting London.

“My God! How are you doing?”

You mean, Other than


falling off?

© 2023 Zatanna Dark All rights reserved.



Zatanna Dark
Crush Publications

I Love, Live & Write BDSM! I Hope you’ll Join me in My World of Erotic Bondage Fantasy Stories