Destroyed (betrayal)

Alistair Knight
Crush Publications
Published in
Jul 30, 2023

Hundo challenge.

Photo by Valentin Lacoste on Unsplash

What she told me was enough to destroy me, to break what was once whole.

Now I lie in a million pieces, as tears run down my face.

In a matter of minutes I want from the happiest I've ever felt.

To fall into the darkest of my depression.

She pulled out my beating heart, as it took its few last beats.

The betrayal I feel is overwhelming. A crushing, choking feeling.

My body is shaking, as my mind can't understand what is happening.

I don't know how or why she did this? A feeling I will never get over.

Did you know you can clap 50 times. Claps are much appreciated, thank you for reading.



Alistair Knight
Crush Publications

Just started writing 📝I just write what comes to mind. Some of this is true and about me.