Elevator sex

The shirt dropped to the floor of the elevator as he slid his hand underneath her skirt. His fingers quickly found their way under her lace panties…

Hm Samarel
Crush Publications
5 min readMay 18, 2024


A couple in a sex act. man behind woman couping her breasts, they are standing, erotic sex art image with red tones
Erotic art by Samarel

Sophia stepped gingerly over the threshold of the elevator. It was old enough to qualify as an antique, and it creaked slightly as the doors opened. She sighed at the condition of it and wondered about her safety as she moved to the back of the elevator. Her mind started racing as the doors started to slide shut. She needed this job and had taken special care to dress as if she already had it. Her hand clasped her pearls, the one luxury item she had. Stroking her fingers against the weight of them brought calmness to her.

A hand stopped the door from shutting, soon to be followed by an exquisitely dressed man. He was older than Sophia by at least ten years. Dark skinned, with wisdom etched around the corner of his eyes. He glanced at Sophia as the doors slid shut with a bang.

“Good morning, Madam.” He smiled at her, his ivory smile in stark contrast to his mahogany skin. Sophia felt a stirring inside of her; being this close in proximity to a man of obvious means and power titillated her. As if he sensed her longing, he turned to her, eying her body, almost as if he were fixing to make a purchase. He let his eyes travel over her curves, following the rapid rise of her breasts. Watching as her nipples rose through the cream silk shirt she was wearing, seeing the need in them to be touched. He gazed at the tightness of her skirt and how her hands grasped the edges of it, betraying her desire. The man reached back to the panel of buttons and pushed stop. The old elevator ground to a halt, squealing loudly as the brakes struggled to grab hold.

“Come here.” The gentleman ordered her. The authority in his voice spoke volumes about his past. This was a man who got what he wanted; he expected it. Today was no exception.

Sophia took a step towards him, her legs shaking as she did so. He pulled her close to him, pushing his hardness against her thigh. He placed his full lips on her neck, suckling and biting ever so seductively on her skin. She gasped out loud as she leaned against him, shocked at the wetness that was slipping down her thighs. God help her, this man already owned her with just one touch. Her hands found the buttons on his crisp white shirt, desperately undoing them. The shirt dropped to the floor of the elevator as he slid his hand underneath her skirt. His fingers quickly found their way under her lace panties, slipping deep into her creamy wetness. Moans fell from her mouth as she raised her leg around his waist, allowing him to push deeper into her. Sophia untied the red scarf from her waist and looped it quickly around his neck. Surprise broke around the corner of his mouth, and pleasure sought her nipples as he mouthed them through the silk of her blouse.

With one hand on the scarf and the other on freeing his hardness from his pants, Sophia guided him into her. His length was more than any she had had before. He pushed her against the wall of the elevator, thrusting deep into her heat. One leg wrapped around his waist, she stood on her high heel, arching up to meet his strokes. She tightened her grip on the scarf around his neck and pulled. With every stoke he gave her, she tightened a bit more. His hands dug harshly into her ass; she could already feel the marks forming on her skin. Feeling him inside, with his chest rubbing against the silk of her blouse, was pushing her past what she knew as an orgasm. He twisted her hips as he thrust in, slamming into her. She screamed out an orgasm, bucking against his body and the wall of the elevator. He grunted in need as he neared his climax, Sophia pulled hard on the scarf, causing him to sputter and pause.

She pushed him back, then ordered him to "lay on the floor...now.” His eyes widened a bit at this young girl, switching the power between them so easily. He laid down for her, and she mounted him quickly. Her skirt rising up around her ass as she began to ride him. Her heels making little clicking sounds as they found friction on the steel floor. She took one end of the scarf and tied around her neck as well. Then she leaned back, far back, as she swiveled her hips. He grabbed her thighs, pushing her down further onto him.

“No, lay still, or I stop.” She peered at him through her tossed hair. He obeyed, his hands resting gently now on her legs. She continued her movements, slow circles at first, then faster, each stroke leaning further back. She began to touch her mound rhythmically as she rode him. She clenched her walls around his hardness with every stroke, letting him feel the grasp of a virgin, then the looseness of a whore. As he climaxed, she did as well, laying back on his thighs and slipping her legs up by his neck as she pulled tightly on the scarf. A mixture of groans and whimpers came from them both.

She stood up, straightened her skirt, and smoothed her hair back. He stood as well, rescuing his shirt from the floor. He slipped it on quickly as he pushed the button on the elevator panel. They stood together quietly as the old elevator shuddered to a start. When the doors opened, they walked off down different halls. Sophia stopped and called out, “Excuse me?” The gentleman turned around towards her.

“Yes?” he grinned at her.

“My scarf, Sir. If you please.”



Hm Samarel
Crush Publications

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: https://shorturl.at/GwdIQ