Blue Light Special

Ex Sex Demon

This is the 3rd time he’s called me for a “business opportunity” since we’ve broken up. I appreciate the extra money but I don’t think I can continue to accept these offers. The Tulum Airbnb exudes sex appeal. Panoramic views, right off the beach. The designers knew what they were doing, and so did he when he booked this place. We just wrapped a set and finished going over the final details. It was getting late, the indigo light was on, and I was glowing in my neon yellow robe. I wasn’t expecting him to come by and go over the event tonight.

Published in
5 min readAug 5, 2024


“Well it’s getting late” I proclaimed and begin to stand. “I know, my bad for keeping you longer than expected. Thank you for today. No seriously you were amazing” he replied.

“Oh no problem. Thank you, again, for the opportunity” I followed a few feet behind him, walking him to the door. “honestly, I appreciate the extra money and all, but I think this will be my last time working with you, we’ve been broken up almost a year now and I can no longer do this. I want to move on, and I’m not going to be able to do it effectively working in this close proximity to you” I said to his turned back as he was almost to the door.

He turned abruptly to me dropped his work bag on the floor and pinned me to the wall… Catching me off guard, left hand lifting my leg to his waist right hand firmly gripping my throat… Then releases…. We both hold each other’s gaze.

Staring deep into the windows of each other’s souls, we innerstand an unspoken language, telepathically exchanging permissions to proceed…..with no caution, he leans into me, chest to chest, bypassing my open mouth, down to my neck, he inhales my essence, gently planting warm kisses making a beautiful trail back to my lips, I close my eyes as we deeply kiss... as he releases my leg and I feel grounded, I open my eyes and pull away from him …we lock eyes once again, panting, breathless… never breaking gaze. I could feel his hard, curved cock pulsating with excitement.

The air thickened around us, charged with anticipation. His grip on my arms was firm, and I could feel the heat radiating from his body. The hallway seemed to narrow, closing in on us as if conspiring to keep our secrets hidden.

“We’re so toxic, why do you keep coming back?” I managed to whisper, my voice barely audible. But he didn’t answer. Instead, he leaned in closer, his breath warm against my skin. His eyes bore into mine, searching for something – recognition, perhaps, or vulnerability.

I tried to push him away, but his strength was unyielding. Panic surged within me, and I wondered how I’d ended up in this precarious situation. Just moments ago, we’d been casual acquaintances, exchanging pleasantries over a successful business event. Now, I was trapped against the wall, my heart racing, and my mind racing even faster.

His lips brushed against my ear, and I shivered. “You are intoxicating, there’s no one like you” he murmured, his voice a low, gravelly timbre that sent shivers down my spine. “and I still want you.”

My head was spinning, trying to make sense of it all. Was this some elaborate game? A test? Or had I stumbled into a world beyond my comprehension – one where hidden desires and dangerous secrets collided? We were done, he’s moved on, I was trying to move on. Why does he keep coming back? Why are we so addicted to each other. I loved it and hated it simultaneously.

He released me suddenly, stepping back. The hallway widened, and I stumbled, catching myself on the edge of a nearby table. His eyes never left mine, and I saw something there – a hunger, a longing that defied explanation. It’s like he loved me, but moreso in love with how I made him feel. How we both took our time to tantalize each other’s senses, how we both energetically hypnotized one another in this sexual spell.

“Remember this moment,” he said, his voice echoing in the silence. “Because everything is about to change.”

And with that cryptic promise, he turned the knob, walked out the door, and disappeared down the dimly lit corridor, leaving me breathless and bewildered. I pressed my hand to my chest, feeling the erratic beat of my heart. What had just happened? Who the fuck was he, really? Who sent him? God or Satan?

As I stood there, the weight of his gaze still lingering, I realized that I had a choice to make. Follow him into the unknown or retreat to the safety of my mundane existence. But deep down, I knew that once you’ve glimpsed the forbidden, there’s no turning back.

And so, with trembling resolve, I stepped forward, chasing after the enigma that had pinned me to the wall – a dance of danger and desire that would lead me to the edge of reason and beyond.

The hallway stretched out before me, its shadows concealing secrets I couldn’t yet fathom. But one thing was certain: I was no longer the same person who’d walked him out just minutes ago. Fate had intervened, and now, I was caught in its merciless grip, or was I? I couldn’t go back into this web of lust, for I knew, if I allowed it, I would fall deeper and deeper into despair. I concluded he was a sexual demon in human form. There was no other explanation. So I ran down the hallway in my robe to catch him.

Our eyes locked in once again, I sternly say “TODAY IS OUR LAST TIME WORKING TOGETHER, DO NOT CALL ME, I’M SO FUCKIN’ SERIOUS. Take care”.

I wanted to add “I love you” but he already knew that. He knew he messed up, he knew he was sneaky, he knew he had an insatiable appetite that even my sex drive couldn’t quench. And I knew I couldn’t continue to be sucked dry of all my sexual energy day in and day out. It had become draining. I knew whoever had him next wouldn’t last and the one after and the next because he was out of control.

I didn’t give him a chance to respond before turning and swiftly walking barefooted, back down the hallway towards my Airbnb, he called out to me twice, by the third time I was back inside. I locked the door and slid down to the floor crying silently at the thought of how badly I would miss his touch, our intense chemistry, and fire love making sessions, but I had to release him, for me, for my sanity. For our safety. 🌟✨



Empress Aura Goddess Supreme
Crush Publications

A Multi faceted, Oscillating Gemini, mainly existing in the realms of sensuality and self love exploration