Alistair Knight
Crush Publications
Published in
Aug 1, 2023

Loneliness (jealousy) hundo challenge.

Photo by Josh Nuttall on Unsplash

I see all these happy people, the loving couples.

That's when the jealousy kicks in.

Why can I not have this? Why can I not be happy?

It seems like all I see is the happiness of others.

That leaves me feeling horrible and shit about myself.

Is this my fate, just to watch everyone else's happily ever after.

To be lost in loneliness, unwanted and unloved?

The sight of the smiling faces, the feeling of affection radiating from them.

This is my hell, this is why I hide in the shadows.

To endlessly be overlooked and unappreciated, all alone.

Did you know you can clap 50 times. I hope you will stay for at least 30 seconds. Claps are much appreciated, thank you for reading.



Alistair Knight
Crush Publications

Just started writing 📝I just write what comes to mind. Some of this is true and about me.