My Ex-Wife’s Daughter


Sunny A Morgan
Crush Publications
4 min readMay 21, 2024




I groan when I see Jade walking into my office with a client. I hoped I would get Jade all to myself this morning. I worked late last night and when I finally got home; I passed out. I needed Jade out of her mother’s house and living in mine now.

Ever since I divorced Jade’s mom, we have been getting closer. She worked at my construction office and with each day that passed; I knew she was it for me.

“Good morning, Dylan.” Jade greeted me. “You remember Mr. Jones.”

I stand and shake his hand. “Of course. I have your updated plans and timeline here.” I handed him the blueprint.

“Great, this is exactly what I need to get zoning approval.” Mr. Jones grabbed the papers, he said quick goodbyes and rushed off.

Jade passes by me to the supply room. I follow her into the supply room. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and pull her back against me. She stiffens at first, “I missed you.” I whispered in her ear. Pressing my erection against her backside.

She relaxes against my chest and I move my hand up her torso and cup her breast.

“I missed you too,” she says.

I bunch her skirt up as I drag my hands up her thighs. I slip my hand inside her panties and groan at how wet and swollen she feels.


“So wet,” he rasps against my ear.

I’m instantly wet when he is near and I drenched when he touches me. He slowly strokes his finger back and forth between my swollen pussy lips.

“How long before our net client?” He asks.

“Drake is here, isn’t he?” she groans, as her pussy flutters around my finger.

“He is. You’ll have to be quiet. How long before our client gets here?”

“Seven minutes.”

“Think you can cum in less than seven minutes?”

I’ll cum right now if he keeps talking to me.

“Bend over the table,” he whispers. “I’m taking you hard and fast, but you must be quiet.”

I feel the blunt head of his erection against my sex and bend over the table. His hips pull back and thrust forward. He fills me completely, and it’s all I can do not to scream.

He grips my hips and plunges deep inside of me. Dylan kisses and bites along my neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses over any bare skin exposed.

My pussy tightens around his cock when he sets his teeth into my shoulder.

“You want it rough, don’t you?” he whispers.

His hot breath caresses over my skin. “Do you want my teeth on your tits? Sucking and biting your dusty rose peaks?”

“Yes.” An exhale of air flees me when he rams into me harder and faster. The table is shaking under his onslaught. Dylan is pounding so hard, I know my stomach will have bruises from the table pressing into it. He grunts each time he slams into me. In this position, I can feel him so deep and he hits all the right places.

He leans forward, his chest against my back. I move one arm behind me and try to move his face toward me. “Kiss me.” I pant. He leans in and even though it is an awkward angle, we kiss with a violent passion.

He pulls my clit, squeezing and releasing it as he pounds into me. My body tightens and my pussy clamps down around his length.

“Fuck,” Dylan growls.

His cock throbs and jerks and we both spasm and pulse when his seed finally shoots into my cunt.

“Dylan?” I hear our client yelling from the reception area. I wince when Dylan pulls from my pussy. I quickly straighten my clothes and Dylan tucks himself back into his pants.

“I’m going to go refresh my make-up.”

“You need to move in with me. I don’t want anymore nights without you.”

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Sunny A Morgan
Crush Publications

Best-selling Author in Multiple Genres, Medium Top Writer in Fiction & Short Stories and Co-Owner of Three Publications.