image by Samarel via Ai

My need to know his taste

I needed to see him, touch him, taste him, but more than anything, I needed to make sure he felt needed and not just played with by a bunch of horny women hiding behind a computer screen.

Hm Samarel
Crush Publications
Published in
10 min readApr 19, 2024


If it was only for one night, I was going to give and take all I had and let him do the same. I booked a flight, packed a bag, made hotel reservations, and drove to the airport without really thinking it all through.

It was twilight by the time I got to his new venture, an old theater turned concert venue. Standing in front of the closed glass vestibule, my mind snapped with a fleeting thought that there may not be anyone here on a Sunday, but my body refused to believe it. Nerves were beginning to take hold of me when the interior doors flashed open, and a big, beefy man with short, spiked hair appeared.

“Is Jack around?” He swung the door wide, and I stepped inside. “There’s a band rehearsing. He’s in there.” He gestured down the corridor, and then he glanced down at my long coat. “Help yourself.”

When I emerged into the auditorium, it was breathtaking. The details of the restored building were fabulous. Just then, I spotted Jack; he looked magnificent and was working at a microphone stand, adjusting the height and rearranging its position. My heart rate responded immediately, and I felt the heat he brought into my entire body. Every sexual nerve was on alert, and I was already damp between my legs. He was wearing a tight black T-shirt and jeans, his hair hanging down as he bent over. He was smiling and chatting to a woman in front of him. She was tall and elegant, her blue-black hair cut in a dramatic bob. She talked animatedly while fiddling with a guitar that hung across one hip.

Of course, I thought there would be a string of women in his life; I know from just looking at his comments on his social network that I was just one of many that he expressed interest in. Just as I began to wonder if I could escape unseen, Jack reached over to a mixing board on one side of the stage and flicked several switches with skill; just as he turned back, he glanced over and saw me.

His eyes flashed immediately. He said something to the woman in front of him and then jumped fluidly from the stage, strolling over. “Kimberly, what a pleasant distraction, and you know what I always say about distractions.” He looked me over with undisguised appraisal and not a lick of surprise. Smiling at the fact that he had me in his arms already and that he used my line back on me, I said that I was in the neighborhood. “Were you, indeed?” He gave me an indifferent smile. “And did you lose your way, you insolent woman?” as that was a risky move, he chided me while smiling and devouring me with his eyes; that knowing look told me he was about to take a bite out of me yet, in which way was to be seen. Feeling foolish, all I could muster was “Oh, absolutely.”

He reached forward, put his hand inside my coat, and slid it open. His eyes fell to my boots, a flash of a naked thigh between them and the hem of the dress. He lifted his head. His eyes glimmered, their iris crystal-azure. I smiled and shook my head. My heart was pounding in my ears.

He stepped closer still, resting his hand on my hip, inside the coat. His other hand slipped to the light jersey of my dress, where it clung to my shoulder, and he lifted it lightly, causing a gentle tugging at my breasts with the movement. My nipples were hard, and the movement of the jersey across the taut surface aroused me even more. “I think we both know what I’m here for.” I breathed my response audibly, my body leaning into his, and my lips parted. He gave a dark chuckle. “I can’t wait to see what you’re going to say next.” He glanced down at my nipples, which were rigid against the smooth surface of the material. Why do I feel as if you are teasing me? “We are adults, aren’t we?” “Yes, we are.”

He breathed in appreciatively. “And I can smell how aroused you are.” His words thrilled me; his face was millimeters from mine, and he wanted me, too. “Yes, I am aroused, and so are you.” My lips parted with pleasure, the knowledge of reciprocated desire and anticipation of the event that could follow delighting me. I knew I was boldly pushing his buttons in ways others dared not, but damn it if it was not about time someone did.

Capturing my hand, he led me to a door stage left, punched a sequence of numbers into the keypad, and pulled me roughly through the doorway. It slammed shut behind us. He backed me up against the wall. Grabbing my wrists, he pinned them above my head, his hips pressing hard against mine. All I could think of was Good Lord; he is everything a woman could ask for, this woman anyway.

We kissed; it was hungry, open mouths locked together. A barely contained animal lust traveled between us, as palpable as electricity crackling across a stormy night sky.

He pulled me toward a door close by and into the room beyond. He fumbled in his pockets, drew out a ring of keys, and locked the door behind us.

I glanced around. A dressing table stood against one wall, with mirrors over it and on the wall behind it. A sink and clothing rails were fitted to the back wall. It was a dressing room.

Jack dropped the keys loudly on the floor and then walked over to where I stood. Music stirred through the walls of the auditorium. It was muted, but its dense throbbing sounds reached me at the very same time as Jack's hands pulled my body close to his. He took my coat off, letting it fall to the floor, and ran his hands very deliberately over my breasts.

I let out a breath as his hands felt like they were in my soul; they were hot. I love that kind of heat. I needed more. The light jersey beneath his hands heightened the sensation of skin reaching for skin.

He kissed my neck, brushing the surface lightly. Sensation flew through me from the place where his lips moved on my bare skin. In one long, slow stroke, he bent and moved his hands up from the top of my boots, under my dress, and around the back of my thighs. His hands traced the line of my lace thong, pulling at the skimpy line of material.

I moved my hips in response to the sounds that reached them through the walls. As a woman’s voice flew up in a scream of song, Jack climbed his fingers into the humid spot inside me, and my head fell back in ecstasy.

I looked into his eyes and circled my hips on his hand. I was burning; he made me so hot for him.

“What is it that you really want, Kimberly?” It was a whisper against my ear.

I couldn’t reply because the contact with him had taken away logical thoughts.

He drew back and looked into my eyes with a curious stare, his hot breath covering my face.

“I want you,” I murmured, breathing his breath into my lungs. “Pardon me” was his response. “What was that you said?” He was going to toy with me some more…But I give into him as I surrender my hips, begging him to take control of them.

He nodded, smiling and then turned me in his arms, pressing against my back, his cock hard and defined against my buttocks. The movement was so sudden and sexy; it knocked the breath from my lungs. Reflected in the mirror, I am in awe at the vision we make together. Jack looked over my shoulder, admiring the same vision too.

“I like these boots, Kimberly,” he murmured. “They make you just the right height.” He stroked his hand up the line of my spine and slowly but firmly pushed me over until he had me bent at the hip. His cock was hard against my butt, and I naturally lifted my heels against him. I gasped, wriggling in his grasp; my sex was aching with need.

The heat inside me was unbearable as he pushed my dress up to my waist, and the bulge of his cock rested back between my ass cheeks as it was revealed to him. I glanced left, saw them reflected in the mirror, blatantly, provocatively, and animalistic.

He lifted my thong to one side. I struggled against him, turning away from the image I saw in the mirror. It was hot and shocking. Too much.

“No, keep looking.” His tone was demanding, making me quake with lust. “I want you to see how good you look while I’m fucking you.”

He nodded, smiling, and then turned me in his arms, pressing again, louder, when he reached down and rocked one finger over my clit. I tossed my head back, my hair flying, as I looked back at him. His eyes were dark and shining. His lips were pressed together, and his mouth was hard and determined.

“Jack, please,” I whispered, but I thought I was screaming, my voice quiet and urgent.

“Hush, I intend to have you right now. I’m going to do what I should have done months ago and bury my cock inside you.”

“Dear God, yes," I uttered. He moved my legs, spreading them wider, my sex pounding furiously at his words. I heard the merciful sound of his zipper, I watched in the mirror as he took the base of his cock in the sexiest way and began to drive himself slowly into me. He filled me completely. The fabric of my lace thong was tight between my pussy lips, capturing my clit. I felt wild yet tethered. “Fuck me hard,” I said. “Believe me, I intend to.” He said the words through gritted teeth. He pulled me roughly into position on him and began to drive his cock in and out, his hands holding my hips. I pressed back, meeting each thrust with a low cry from deep in my throat. I braced my arms against the sink.

“You’re a wild creature, Kimberly, aren’t you? I knew it the moment I first saw you.”

I drove back onto him, my feet spreading wide to hold me upright, when I began to feel the heat of a climax building. “I’m going to come. . . I wanted to come.” I was feverish and anxious. My voice wavered up as I drew from him and then reached again.

MY fingers tightened on the porcelain; my head hung down, and my hips worked quickly in circular motions against him. I felt him slide a hand up my throat and stroke my neck from my chin downwards, lifting my torso upright, taking my weight, and crushing my entire body down onto his cock. My toes barely scraped the floor. I utterly screamed with pleasure. I could feel his cock there, in my throat, beneath his hand. Hot, hard, and ready to burst and flood. We both felt it. He groaned deeply, and I felt his cock grow harder still, wedged against my cervix. With a loud groan and a full tug on my hair, I could feel the pulse of his cock and his warmth as he came. I wriggled and flexed, desperate for the release.

A flash of divine heat traveled through my body. As the heat blossomed and spread outward, I gave a long, low moan, my body convulsing. His hand stayed locked over me until I slowed my movements and finally stilled. I wavered. My body felt weak. He pulled me free, holding me until I fell against the wall for support. I watched Jack watch us together in the mirrors, still, panting. My body gave a final shudder of release, and I whimpered, my body sliding down against the wall. He kissed me softly and gently lowered my skirt before pulling up his zipper, and then he reached over and began helping fix my shirt. He kissed my mouth and stroked my body, calming me with his broad, warm touch and his gentle kisses. I met his mouth anxiously, realizing that this was a new sensation—his mouth on mine in intimate, gentle kisses.

His lips were firm and sensual. His hands on me were possessive, giving their shared kisses the deepest intimacy. “Baby, I’ve got to... move,” he murmured. “I have an appointment.” He pulled away from me slightly, a small frown gathering as he looked at me with curiosity. “But I’d like to entertain you again very soon, in better surroundings.” I moved my hands across his chest, touching his firm, leanly-muscled chest through the soft material of his T-shirt. I wanted to see him naked. I wanted to see his fantastic cock again, taste it, and ride it. Soon, I looked at him, waiting to see his reaction.

He nodded, "Tomorrow, come to my place; I’ll give you the address, or I could collect you and we could go for a drink." He held me in a tight grip and lifted my chin with his hand. “Do we have an arrangement?” “Yes, tomorrow, please.”. He smiled down at my boots and bent to place a kiss on my bare thigh. As we went through the door, I heard the music strike up again and turned to him, smiling suggestively. He urged me on. You’d better go before I decide to lock you in here with me and throw away the key.



Hm Samarel
Crush Publications

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: