No means No!

Dr. Hiten Solanki
Crush Publications
Published in
7 min readJan 10, 2024


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Darkness! All the sensations were stirring the darkness. Lurie was feeling sensuous goosebumps on his naked body. At a point, he felt it was a dream. He was lying on a bed with both of his hands tied up to the top leg of the bed, and he was waiting for a half-naked, sexy figure to ride his rock-hard cock. A smirk sprouted on his lips. He moved his body and realized that it was a fanciful dream.

Lurie was a Casanova. Picking one sexy girl, usurping all her sensuality, and setting out for another butterfly were his routine adventures. He was a passionate devotee of Cupid; copulations were like meditation for him. In his act of worshiping cupid, he never cared if the girl was crying out of pleasure or pain. Eating out each fleshy mound and thrusting hard rock cock in until the release of his own desires occupied all of his senses.

Sex was like an addiction for him, and for that, he had made love to several young cuties. Some of them were partners in crime, but most of them were innocent birds fluttering under Lurie’s paw.

Last night was no different. Driven by his animality, Lurie offered a ride to one cutie pie, who was fluttering her eyelashes while standing by the roadside in a pair of red shorts and a white loose shirt. All her wild cleavages arrested Lurie’s attention for a moment when she leant forward to the car window, literally begging for help. After some flirting, Lurie advanced to touch certain spots that indicated the actual intentions of flirting.

Uncomfortable for a while, Divya noticeably succumbed to the desires—whose desire she succumbed to was unclear.

Signaling that she was not a professional prostitute, Divya requested in low tone, ‘not a hotel, please!’

Her wish was his command. The glimmer brightened Lurie’s eye, and she headed towards an uninhabited place. It was Divya’s choice. She directed him to all the trails and turns. Lost in his lustful imagination, Lurie could only visualize the naked curves of Divya, and he did not care about the place. In fact, Divya was the first girl who straightforwardly got ready to be a partner in Lurie’s crime. Maybe she was the slave of her own desires!

Stepping into a secluded garage-like room, Lurie examined the tattered walls and exchanged a broad smile with Divya. The old tires were lying in a corner. Lurie excitedly picked up the long seats of a car and arranged a bed-like piece. He threw himself on it and called Divya.

Breaking the shell of coyness, Divya hobbled and placed her bare thighs around Lurie’s legs. She leant and whispered into Lurie’s ears, 'I want to see an animal riding me.’

Lurie roared mildly, showing his readiness to be wild. Divya took out some chewing gum and placed it between Lurie’s lips. 'I want to dive deep into the ocean of desire. This gonna last for hours’, Divya whispered once again and pushed the chewing gum in.

Lurie started chewing it with a deep breath. He was preparing himself for a roller coaster ride. Divya pushed him and moved her fingers around her buttons. Lurie was excited to peep into Divya’s curves. Having been possessed by a fatal doze of desire, Lurie wanted to touch Divya’s flesh. But his eyelids betrayed him, and the vision started blurring. It completely went blank.

Now he was lying all naked, realizing the dreamlike sensations. Gradually, he returned to his senses and realized ‘it was real, not a dream’.

A blurring figure in a red bra and panty, was flaunting in front of him. He attempted to raise his hand to clear his vision, but he felt stiffness. After a short-lived struggle, he realized that both of his hands were tied and that he was lying straight on tires. With a cocked head, he also sensed that two of his legs were tied, too. His half-erected penis was quivering.

A smile sprouted on his lips, and he murmured, 'BDSM fantasy! Go on’.

The sensually erotic figure hobbled near him. She was masked; only two attractive eyes were peeping through, and glossy red lips behind the mask were attracting Lurie’s lust.

'Divya, what are you up to?’

‘Shhhh’ she put her delicate finger with a red nail on his lips. Teasingly, she moved her finger down to his chest and abdomen.

Chill passed through Lurie’s naked limbs, and all he could do was make a sign of submissiveness. He welcomed the move with a lopsided smile. Never did he expect that he would have the best of fantasies played like this. An urge to be usurped sexually by a femdom stung him from within. He was feeling mild shivering around his teeth and chest.

His penis had turned into a phallus. A finger was tickling the cockhead, and it made him whimper. The masked girl wrapped her fingers around a fully grown dick and started pushing it in and out.

Lurie witnessed an erotic, curvy half naked fairy leaning towards his abdomen. He could see the red lips making circles around the rock-hard dick. After few seconds of sensations, he closed his eyes and started feeling the wet and soft grips around his cock.

Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash

The masked girl was taking the whole of it in and out of her mouth. The swirling of soft tongue made Lurie reach orgasm several time, but she tactfully kept it slow for the lasting pleasure. She bit the cockhead mildly. A shivering whimper passed through to his body. Leading the pleasure to its destination, she started fisting it harder and harder.

With a jerk, Lurie mildly screamed and all the white, sticky substance sprang out. It spread all over his dick and abdomen. The slack cock rested dipping it’s forehead into the puddle of sticky juice.

Lurie recovered himself from ecstatic emotions. He glanced at the fading figure.

'Hey babe! What’s next? Where are you going?’ Lurie’s words resonated in an empty room.

Lurie waited for another breathtaking sexual game. For a while he blissfully imagined what next might take him to the rollercoaster ride of love making. Lurie had always forced his manliness into several naïve vagina. It was first time, he played meek male dominated by a sexy doll.

He waited and waited. Returning to his fine senses, Lurie attempted to hail, 'Babe…Divya’.

The only figure returned to him was his voice echoing in the empty room. He screamed loudly but in vain. All his ecstatic emotions turned into irritation. He tried to untie his hands and miserably failed. 'what the hell… Divya… release me… let me… let me…’ he kept screaming.

All the irritation turned into wrath. 'Divyaaaa…. Divyaaaaa…. You…. You bitch… where are you? Untie me’.

All the screaming, panting and aggressive babbling gradually faded. Lurie closed his eyes and succumbed to unconsciousness.

Lurie opened his eyes and rolled his eyeballs around the place. All his limbs were stiff. The dried sticky substance marked patches on his abdomen and stomach. Few patches of the same dried sperm were visible around his chest and lips. He was feeling irritation around his skin. Some tiny ants like insects were crawling around his abdomen and slack penis. He was trying to move his lower body for getting rid of some strange sensation around his penis.

The same erotic figure in a set of red bra and panty appeared before him. The masked girl just hobbled nearly dead Lurie.

'you bitch… let… me… go’, Lurie’s words were broken mixed with crying.

The chuckle behind the mask was fairly mocking at him. She moved further and put on rubber gloves. She took the slack cock between her fingers and started wrapping them around it. Glancing at Lurie’s miserable face, she began pushing the cock in and out. She murmured behind the mask, 'you love it beast, don’t you?’

Lurie cried and repeated, ‘ Let me go, Divya… please’.

'I am not Divya, like innocent and meek preys of yours’.

Flabbergasted, Lurie pleaded, 'what do you what?’

'To give you the pleasure you want… you beast’, she chuckled loudly.

Though it was slack, the penis exerted sperm all around Lurie’s body. The masked girl moved her hand to Lurie’s face and he just averted, 'no… no… no’.

The laughter and painful cries dominated the emptiness. The masked figure turned her back and started walking.

With the feeling of disgust, Lurie cried, 'for how long I have to be like this?’

Only response was a loud chuckle. Lurie screamed, 'Why?’

The sensuously erotic masked girl turned her face towards him and with a slanting face exerted all her anger, 'to teach you'



Author’s note:

If you like this revenge story, send me your feedback. I would appreciate claps and comments. I would love to hear from you. My email —



Dr. Hiten Solanki
Crush Publications

Inclined to research and writing, I have pursued my doctoral research in Asian Literature. I have one book to my credit and aspire to deliver more.