image by Samarel via Ai

Only In My Dreams?

Hm Samarel
Crush Publications
Published in
28 min readJun 1, 2024


You lean down and flick and suck my clit nice and hard, I moan and my hands go to your head. You lap up and down my pussy, tasting cum and whipped cream, going deeper and deeper…

I’m at Border’s having a nice time on their patio after shopping at several stores when I hear my sidekick buzz. My IM. It’s you asking me how my 4 day weekend has started alone. I type back it’s great, I just ordered some lunch and I’m out. How’s yours? You tell me you’re traveling and just checking in. I type back, traveling, eh….Business again or pleasure this time. You type, I’m all about pleasure. I type uh huh lol brb, I had forgotten something in my car.

I go and get what I forgot and I’m walking back not paying attention, I trip a lil’, dropping my purse. I had literally run into someone.

I look up to say, I’m sorry and I see this handsome man standing above me. He’s wearing a blue & white striped shirt and white linen pants, smiling down at me, eyes glimmering. I lower my sunglasses and see your face. I’m shocked. I pick up my purse and check to make sure my skirt isn’t up in the air too! I ask you what the HELL you’re doing here in Maine, much less stalking me at Borders…and I giggle and smile. You say you wanted to surprise me. I say, Well, you accomplished that!

I give you a hug and it lingers a bit. You smell great and feel even better. You rub your hands up and down my back, sending immediate goosebumps to my arms. I nuzzle your neck and kiss your cheek lightly. You move your cheek over and kiss my lips softly. I’m taken aback because it’s been 16 years since we’ve kissed. We saw each other 2 years prior but were just casual, hanging out together, keeping in touch via emails, phone and IM’s since…

I kiss you back and get butterflies from your tongue touching mine. We continue standing there kissing for what seemed like forever but in reality it was only a few minutes. The waiter had walked over to me and says that my lunch is done. I glance over at him and say thank you. I ask are you hungry? You say no, you’d just had a bite on the drive. I ask the waiter to box it up and I’ll take it to go. He takes my food inside and I ahem you, smiling. Looking at you, really seeing you, you look great. You look at me quirky and say, “What.” I tell you nothingggg… and smile. I ask you just what are your plans here in Maine and what’s up. You tell me that you have a long weekend, don’t really have any plans other than to see your sister and to spend quality time with a special someone and then you smile quirky at me, again. Interesting….I say. You ask me what my plans are and I tell you I hadn’t really made any as of yet. You say, perfect. The waiter comes back with my lunch boxed up and I pay him. He smiles at us both and says, “Have a great weekend”, then walks away, smirking.

You ask me what I’m doing right now and I said absolutely nothing, I just shopped a bit, how about you? You say let’s take a drive then. You haven’t seen this place in quite a bit. Alright. Your car or mine? You say yours is still cold, we’ll take yours. I laugh.

You walk me to your car and open the passenger side door for me. I say, What a gentleman you turned out to be. You lean into me and kiss me lightly. I kiss you back and it turns into quite the passionate kiss.

Feeling your body very close to mine….was very nice. I bat my eyelashes at you and you say, “Get in”. We get into your car and you lean over and kiss me quickly. I say,”Just where are you taking me?” You laugh and then tell me to just trust you.

You’re driving out of town and I ask where you’re going…like you’re on a path! You put your hand lightly on my thigh and tell me to be quiet. I laugh at you….silly man. Feeling your warm hand on me is nice. Gave me shivers through my body. I lean back and tell you to just go with it and cross my legs, your hand still on my thigh but touching both now. I lean over a lil and play with the radio station, settling on a country station feeling your hand go higher but it’s because I had leaned in and up. I hear you sigh. I say oops I didn’t realize….you pull over on the side of the road and lean over to me, kissing me deep this time. You tell me you couldn’t resist any longer. Very sweet. Your hand purposely moved higher, this time. Your free hand cupping my breast, flicking my nipple thru my shirt and bra. You move your hand down and up inside my shirt. I lean over into you and kiss you back with just as much as you gave, and then some.

My heart is beating faster. My hands run through your hair and down your neck. I pull you closer to me and my free hand rubs down your chest. Our kissing intensifies. I just want to rip your clothes off! My hand travels down your chest to your awaiting hardness. I rub you lightly and you kiss me hard. I stroke you a little harder, feeling you throb in my grasp. Your hand moves up and you feel my lace panties. You start rubbing me gently thru my panties, a little wet already, driving me insane. You kiss me long and hard. Reality sets in and we’re in a car. We definitely haven’t been in a car together for a long time.

We slow down our kissing and I whisper….”Where are we going?” You tell me we’re going somewhere special and it’s already taken care of. I say, “You planned all this for me?” You say, of course, why wouldn’t I? I said, I don’t know. Not sure WHY you picked now to come up here and see me. You said, because I wanted to surprise you, you had a long free weekend and I did too. I kiss you…run my tongue over to your ear and nibble, suck a lil …once upon a time that really turned you on and….it did this time…I whisper in your ear..Let’s go wherever we’re going then….I wanna show you a few things. You put your hands on my face and kiss me passionately, I melt. You say, I have a few things to show you too. You pull back a lil bit and turn the car on.

We drive for about an hour. It’s so beautiful up here. I look at you and say, “Are we almost there yet hmmm?”… Biting my lower lip and giggling…you squeeze my thigh. I lean up, again, kissing your ear…nibbling a little bit then sucking a tad. You kiss me quick and tell me to stop it. I laugh at you. A little bit further and you pull into a cute bed and breakfast, we get out of your car, you slip your hand in mine and we walk in, we sign in. There’s cozy cabins out back, I saw.

You take the key and take my hand. We walk out and you unlock the door. It’s very romantic inside. Roses in a vase near the bed, on the coffee table and on the desk. I glance in the bathroom, beautiful tulips in there and a huge round bathtub. In the corner, I see a shower. I see candles lit around us and we walk inside. I say to you, you did all of this for me? Why? You close the door and pull me close to you. You say, because I wanted to, you don’t get it, do you.. then you lean down and kiss me.

I wrap my arms around your neck and lean into you. I feel your hands rub up and down my back. You run your hands through my hair. I start to unbutton your shirt….When done, I slide it off of your shoulders and arms. I lean in and kiss you, then run my tongue down your neck to your chest. Lightly I suckle on your nipple, twirl my tongue a lil then nibble. I repeat this on the other one as well. I nibble my way down your chest then decide to lick back up to your neck and kiss and suck your neck. You start unbuttoning my shirt. When you get to 2rd one…you start caressing my breasts. You finish unbuttoning them all and slide my shirt off. I have this sexy bra on, lace and satin. Matching panties but you don’t know this yet. You cup my breasts and kiss me heavily. I moan in your mouth, very hot, very erotic, very nice.

You walk me over, still kissing me, to the bed. I slip my heels off. You unbutton my skirt sliding it down my hips to the floor. You grab my ass and rub nice and hard, pulling me into you. I undo your belt and the top button to your pants. I unzip your pants and slide them down your hips to the floor. Boxers briefs, nice. I push you back onto the bed and climb on top of you. I lean down and kiss you lightly to start while making myself comfortable on top of you. I feel definite hardness in that right spot. Your hands are rubbing all over my back and my ass. I move my hips slightly over you and you groan. You tell me that it’s not going to be that easy and you laugh a little. I move my hips over you and say, “Whatever do you mean hmm?”

You push up into me and I moan. You roll me over onto my back and position yourself in between my legs over me. I say, “You can’t have ALL the power ALL the time!” I spread my legs a little more for your comfort, of course. You lean down and kiss me. You lean over pushing your hardness into me as you do so. I moan in your mouth while we kiss. I put my hands on your back then move them to your neck. You lean over and nibble, suck and blow in my ear which drives me crazy every time. I push you to meet your hardness. God you’re such a tease, I whimper. You push into me and say, Nah… You lean down and lick my chest making your way down to my breasts. You pull down my bra and gently suck on my nipple, flicking it with your tongue. I say, wouldn’t it be easier to take my bra off and I giggle. You thrust into me a lil more and I groan then you say, in due time baby. You kiss down my chest to my belly button and trace your lips around the edging of my panties. You rub thru my panties feeling my wetness. You look up at me and kiss me, I rub my hand down your chest to your hardness and rub more aggressively than in the car.

Tracing my fingernail tips around the tip of you, cupping you. I feel you throb in my hand. You lean down my body, taking my hand away from your hard cock. You slip my skirt off my body and lick down the sidings of my panties….You lick my panties and slide your tongue inside teasing me so badly. You run your fingers up and down, making me moan.

You slide my panties off and down a little, kissing my velvety mound licking down as you slide them off and down my legs to the floor. I wrap my legs around you and my hands go to your head…I start to rub my hands through your hair. You lean into me grazing me with your hardness again to unhook my bra and take it off. I wriggle out of it and to the floor it goes as well. I lean up to you and kiss your chest, running my tongue down and licking your tip through your boxer briefs. I nibble and run my hand up and down your shaft. God I wanna taste you, I say. You look at me smiling with a hint of go for it. I stroke you up and down through your boxer briefs then I aggressively take them down a bit just to expose your hard cock.

“You’re bigger than the last time we were together”, I say & smirk. You tell me we were just kids and grin at me. I lean in and twirl my tongue around your tip. Then take a soft suckle and lick over the center. I lower my mouth down your shaft completely, softly and suck back up a little harder. I massage your balls with my hand. You groan and put your hands on my head moving me into you deeper. I push back against your hand and lick the tip of your cock, sucking nice and hard this time, twirling my tongue all around in my mouth then pause as I nibble down your shaft. I lick further down and suck gently on your balls…Then roll them in my mouth one by one sucking just right. I lick back up your shaft and suck and kiss around your throbbing veins.

Back to the tip, I lick some pre cum off and string it from the tongue to your tip. I look up and you and you have your head back but turn your face down when I flick my tongue and cum strings from it. I lick my hands and start a circular stroke up and down your shaft. I suck the tip of you and I suck down your shaft harder tightly. Starting a nice slow method, deep throating you and stroking you. You’re groaning and growling at me as you push my head in and out. I feel you throbbing nice and hard inside my mouth and close to cumming. I look up at you and smile innocently, nibbling your tip, tightening my grip on your shaft. I say, “Close baby hmmmm….”not many can do it, but I can. You push me on my back and lean into me, kissing me with so much passion, I feel your tip on my lips, teasing me.

I moan in your mouth and whisper mmmm yes.

You lick down my chest and suck from one nipple to the other, cupping my breasts tightly. I lean up and lick my nipples with you and kiss you. I nibble your bottom lip and lick down your neck. My hands rub all over your back and up through your hair. God you feel so damn good, I moan. I push up and the tip of you rubs closer to my clit. You lean me down and kiss and suck down my chest to my awaiting mound. You lick up and down my pussy tasting some cum. You lick deeper in and taste even more. Then run your tongue back up and suck on my clit causing me to moan louder. You nibble my clit just right and I cum a little with a mini orgasm. I feel you slide one finger up and down my lips and gently enter inside me. I start to quiver.

Even after all these years you know how to make my body react. Just the touch of your hands and your kiss, makes my heart pitter patter.You rub gently over my clit and finger me in a nice motion and I’m close to cumming. I’m moaning ohhh god baby yesss and you quicken your pace. You nibble more on my clit and I cum nice and hard. My clit is pounding against your tongue as your fingers are moving in and out of me with the walls of my pussy tightening and contracting against them. My cum is slowly exiting as you suck your fingers and bring them to my lips. I suck nice and hard and want more.

You slide your cock inside me, grinding all the way inside me slowly, just once, as I moan ohhhhh yeah…sensation flows thru me….you pull out and bring your cock to my lips and I suck down your shaft, tasting me all over you as you throb in my mouth. You slowly slide inside me tightly and start a nice grind into me driving me insane. I’ve missed the feeling of you. You’ve gotten quite a bit more advanced since we were together before. I push up to you, meeting your hips and sending chills up my spine. I rub my clit and have another mini orgasm. Feeling you so deep inside me, mmmmm…..I meet every meet you make. I moan yes baby, just like that as I kiss you deep.

Our tongues are dancing. I start to quiver and moan louder in your mouth. Heavy kisses and sucking your bottom lip, my hands pull a lil at your hair. You quicken your speed and I cum all over your cock. The walls of my pussy contracting all over you, I feel you throbbing inside of me as well. I know you’re close. You’re holding out on me, I see. I moan. You say, that’s 4. As you push deeper inside of me, I groan. I say, “Let’s try another position” smiling at you.

You run your tongue down to my pussy and suck my cum, lean up and give me a nice hot kiss as it trickles down my throat. mmmmmmm…You lean back down and suck on my clit, getting me close to orgasming again. You suck harder and finger me and I squirt cum in your mouth. Again, you lean up to me and kiss me with my cum.

You lay down on the bed and I get on top of you, kissing you hard, slowly teasing your tip and rubbing up and down my wet pussy. I slowly move down your shaft and start a nice hard grinding rock on top of you. Side to side I move as I feel you thrust up to me. I see stars. I hear you groan and you grab my ass as I start grinding down harder and faster on you. I lean up and kiss you, moaning deep into your mouth. I moan,”God you feel so fucking good inside me” as I rock. I feel you push up inside of me deeper as I rock faster leaning down, I pull you closer to me and kiss you. Moaning in your mouth, baby I’m gonna cum, I tremble… kiss me back and groan yeah me too.

I start to feel a nice hard sensation and my body trembles. I moan, mmmmm yeah, bucking my hips over you I feel myself cum all over your cock and feel you shoot cum inside me deep. Mmmmmm yessssssssss!!! I rock a few more seconds and slowly get off you. I lean down and suck nice and hard on your tip then lower my mouth into a nice deep throat action. You groan heavily…I feel the lasts of your cum trickle down my throat and I move back up to your tip….sucking lightly licking the last few beads of cum from your head…mmmmm yum as I string it from my lips to your tip, taking another suck and kiss your tip.

I move up to you, cuddling up. You wrap your arms around me and kiss me deep. I lean over and suck on your earlobe and tell you how amazing you are. I pull up a blanket and wrap it around us. I say, “Kissing you, craving you. Just being with you is simply amazing”. I lay my head on your chest and ask you if you’re tired, old man. You slap my ass. I giggle. You say, “I’m not an old man dammit”. I say, “Prove it then!” You ask how. I don’t answer and just kiss you. I then get up out of bed and look for something to drink. There’s a little fridge in the corner. I open it.

Strawberries….blackberries….blueberries….whip cream….chilled wine and several bottles of water. I say, did you stock this yourself? You said, of course. I take out 2 bottles of water because I’m sure you’re thirsty too. I smell some of the roses and let out a mmmmm.

I climb back into bed and give you a bottle. You put it on the nightstand and pull me to you. As you’re doing so, I open mine and take a long drink. I spilt a little on you but it was purely on purpose. I lean down and lick your chest. I give you a drink of my water because you look like you need it. You take a long drink and ahhhhhh at me. I lean over you and put the bottle on your nightstand. As I do, you grab me and pull me closer to you, sucking on my nipples. I say …ohhh ready for more huh. You say, always baby. I giggle and lean down and kiss you. I suck on your tongue lightly and nibble on your bottom lip. I feel you hard underneath me. Mmmm nice. You squeeze my ass and throw me over on the other side of this huge king size bed. I say, “ohhh a little aggressive are we hmmm”.

You say, “You don’t even really know”. Curiously I give you the benefit of the doubt. You lean down and kiss me a little rougher. Nice. You turn me over and I’m in the doggie position. I move back and pull you towards me. You’re sweaty and I grab at your hips…I feel you rub your tip up and down the length of my pussy and I bend to meet you moaning into the pillows. Nice and wet again, I feel you slowly enter my lips. I hear you let out a groan as you slide tightly inside me. I moan louder and push back to you. Your hands are on my ass and you start a nice slow grind into me. I rock back and meet you. You lean down and lick my back and move your hands to my breasts. You lean down over me and I push up to kiss you heatedly. I do more of a bite on your bottom lip this time as I feel you thrust deeper and harder into me.

I push back to and feel myself close to orgasming….I moan yeah baby fuck me just like that. You pump harder into me and I moan loudly yessss I moan I’m close…you slap my ass a bit and I pull back to your back….I let out a nice groan and I start rubbing my clit as you thrust in and out of me. I’m moaning and feel myself cumming….you keep thrusting harder into me and I push harder back to you…you slap my ass again and the walls of my pussy are contracting around your shaft tightly. Ohhhh’s and mmmmmm’s… I squeeze the pillow under me. Cum on my fingers, I dip and suck them and then put them back down to my clit. I grab your shaft and cup it as you continue thrusting in and out of me, driving me deeper over the edge. You rub the tip of your cock up and down my pussy, letting all my cum drizzle down. You lean down and lick and suck my cum and my pussy lips.

I moan mmmmm fuck yeah. You lean up to me and kiss me and my cum dribbles down my throat. You then rub the head of your cock up and down my pussy again getting more cum on your tip and shaft. I feel you teasing my ass, rubbing the tip over my bud. I moan. It feels nice. You rub more of my cum upwards and slowly rub with your finger. You slip inside with your finger, teasing me. Teasing yourself. I look back at you and bite my lower lip. You slip in 2 fingers and I’m pushing back to you curiously. Feels naughty and never been there. You rub your tip over my bud again and get a lil more cum and rub up. You ever so slowly enter a lil and I hear you groan. With your free hand you rub my back and down to my ass…

You enter a little further, inching a lil more. I moan as you penetrate further inside me. At this point, you’re fully inside me and throbbing. You slowly move out and even slower back in. I back up to you slowly as you’re inching inside me. I moan fuck yeah baby as you start a gentle rocking. You’re panting a bit and groaning. I look back at you and you have a look in your eyes of being satisfied. I start to rub my clit and rock back to you and you slap my ass. I let out a moan and bite the pillow a little. You thrust in and out of me faster and harder. I can tell by your face you’re very close to cumming. I push back harder to you and rub my clit faster and am about to cum. I moan louder and my body starts to tremble. You rub your hands up and down my sweaty back and slap my ass again. I moan, “Fuck me baby” and you work your magic. I start to cum and feel you cum inside my ass. You keep rocking gently in and out to heighten both our orgasms and you lean down on my back and I feel your heartbeat racing. You move off me and collapse on the bed. I lay down and scootch over to you. You lean over and we kiss.

I ask you, are you tired NOW old man, batting my eyelashes at you with a quirky smile. You laugh at me and pull me closer to you and tell me to stop calling you a old man as you suck on my ear lobe. I giggle and mmmm you. I bring the blanket back up over us because the a/c is a tad chilly. You roll over on your side and kiss me. I wrap my arms around you. I see you’re tired. I turn around and we spoon. You wrap your arms around me and we cuddle, falling asleep in each others’ embrace.

I wake up. It’s dark outside. The candles are flickering and very low. I glance over at the clock and it’s 7 pm. I feel your breath on my neck. Poor baby. Still sleeping. I inch out of your arms and you move a little. You pull me closer and kiss my neck. I reach back and rub your naked leg. I turn around and get very close to you, feeling your hardness in my stomach. I wrap my arms around you and lean in to kiss you. I look into your eyes. I say, “Did you sleep well?”. You say “ I did. I haven’t slept this well in years.” I say, me either. You pull me closer, wrapping your arms around me and rubbing up and down my back and to my ass. You position my leg over your hip and rub up and down my ass, grazing briefly over my pussy. You start to rub up and down my pussy, focusing on my clit. Your cock is so close to my lips. I push into you, feeling you in the “right” place. We kiss.

So hot. I lick your neck and push into you again, feeling your tip enter me, I moan. I suck on your chin, still tasting me on you. My tongue licks up your neck and over to your ear. I suck lightly and whisper, “Make love to me.” You embrace me closer to you and your arm holds me at my lower back as you enter me slowly. We kiss, deep as you enter in and out of me slowly. I moan in your mouth mmmmm yes baby….The walls of my pussy suction around your hard shaft as you enter in and out of me tightly. You groan and our kissing heightens. You move to my ear sucking my lobe and say in your sexiest, deepest voice, “I missed you.” You start to say something else and I pull your face to mine and kiss you. I then say, “Shhhh..Ditto”.

You grip onto me, one hand on my neck gently and your arm on my waist stronger. Your hand pushing my ass into you harder than I was doing myself. We rock in motion and I’m close. You can tell by now because my breath quickens, I moan hotly into your mouth and my eyes are fluttering, I whimper a bit as my body quivers, the walls of my pussy are contracting, clit throbbing and my heart is beating loudly against your sweaty body. We rock side by side and as I start to cum I can feel you about to as well. You groan and kiss me hard. Sucking onto my tongue we orgasm together. I feel you pulsate into me, your cock throbbing inside me. Wrapped in each other’s embrace….In that moment in time, no one else exists or ever did.

There’s a knock at our door…

I glance at the clock and it’s almost 9. You smile at me. You say, are you hungry yet? I laugh. I hadn’t eaten all day. You slowly remove from my embrace and we’re still attached, so to speak…slowly slide out of me, getting out of bed, you grab a bathrobe from the chair. I watch you. You still have the best ass. Smiling. I cuddle up in the blankets.

You open the door and an older gentleman has a big tray. He glances over at me and I smile. He says, I’m sorry to interrupt and he grins … .You just smile at him and say you’re famished. He says, you 2 have a great weekend together. And he exits, closing the door behind him softly. You put the tray down on the table and walk back over to the bed, I open the covers to you and you crawl inside wrapping your arms around me, kissing me lightly. You say to me after a few minutes, “You wanna eat or……shower or what?”

I kiss you and pull you to me. I say, “I need a shower”, then giggle a lil bit. You say to me, “You smell like sex.” I say, “mmmhmmm….this amazing man was rocking my world again.” You say, “Really now, where’d he go.” I said, “He’s right here, stupid” and I lean in and kiss you. I look into your eyes and tell you, “You….. smell like…… ass.” We both laugh.

I get up lazily and grab a bathrobe. I pull you up and say, poor old man is sooooo weak. You say, weak huh and throw me down on the bed. I laugh. You’re so….retarded, I say. We kiss. Love kissing you.

We roll around on the bed, ending with you on top of me. After long, deep kissing…I push you off me, get up walking over to the table and looking under the tray. I feel you behind me. Kissing my neck and peering over my shoulder. I say, “Are you hungry hmmm. This is a lot of food.” You say, “it might be too spicy for you but I took a chance.” I say, “mmhmmm. The food is hot! I say, I’m gonna take a shower….wanna join me”, battling my eyelashes at you. You say you need to make a few phone calls.

I head into the bathroom. I turn the shower on, slip the bathrobe off and step inside. mmmmmmm nice…I wash my hair and start to wash my body. I suddenly feel your hands on me, kissing my neck and rubbing your hands all over my body with a loofa. My body is so soft and your hands are not rough like they used to be. I turn around and kiss you, slipping my tongue inside your mouth and tasting shrimp. I say, “had a taste, hmmm.” You say, “of course, had to make sure it was ok for you.” I laugh.

You push me up against the wall and lick my chest. I take the soap and lather you up, running my hands all over your body. You’re hard again. I giggle and ask if my old man took Viagra and you bit me! You push into me hard and take my breath away. You murmur that my body is making you crazy all over again. I said, nah….and giggle. I start to soap up your chest and run my hands down your body to your hard cock. I stroke you to get you clean right….You push back into me and groan in my mouth as we kiss.

The water spilling on us and all over our bodies. You soap up my back and spend a little time on my ass. You make your way to my stomach and lower down to my hairless mound, rubbing gently. The hot water running down us I suck your earlobe and whisper,” You know I love you, right.” You kiss my lips and look me in the eyes you say, “I know, I’m so sorry for not seeing it before to not really know, I’m sorry I hurt you. I’m not a stupid confused teen anymore and I…..” I shhhhh you.

Kissing passionately the water is getting into my eyes, you shield me and back me to the shower wall. I spread my legs for you and you slide slowly inside me. We moan together, heavy kissing and our hands all over each other. The heat of your body against mine and the water is hot. I push you back a tad and tell you to finish your shower like a big boy. I soap up your back and rub you down. I kneel in front of you and start sucking your cock in and out. You groan and move back to the wall. I look up at you and you’re looking down at me.

Your hands running through to my wet head, pushing me in and out faster, deeper and harder. I start stroking you as I deep throat you. Nice and hard. You’re groaning,” oh yeah baby just like that.” Deeper and faster I suck you and taste some precum trickle down my throat. I make a suction with my lips and clench on to your shaft as it fucks my mouth. I look up and you and your head is back and you’re murmuring mmmmm fuck yeah I feel your cock start to throb and can feel you close to cumming. I quicken my pace and feel you say, “ohhhh baby just like that I’m gonna cum.” I keep going and feel your cum shoot down my throat.

Hmmmmmm yeah! I suck more and feel additional squirts down my throat. I slow down and suck just the tip, beads of cum until no more. You’re panting. I feel my way up to your chest and your heart is beating so fast. I lick up your chest and suck lightly on your nipples. My taunt tongue reaches your neck and you pull my face to yours and kiss me deep.

God, I love your kissing. I whisper, finish up. I’m hungry. you laugh. I get out of the shower and start to dry off with a towel. I look in at you and you’re washing your hair and body. I put a bathrobe on and go out to the bedroom. I open the tray lid and suck on the shrimp. mmmmmm…spicy but not too bad. I eat it and then crawl into bed and get comfy.

You come out of the bathroom in just a towel. mmmmmm yummy. I smile at you. You walk over to me and lay down next to me. You say, “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about this.” I say, “I know what this is, it’s an opportunity you chose to take.” You start to say something and I kiss you slowly. You say you ate a shrimp and you laugh. Yeah, I’m hungry. Someone is making me hungry! I get up and set the table. I tell you to put a bathrobe on so I can concentrate on dinner and not your body. You laugh. I get 2 plates, 2 wine glasses and silverware. I put the food in the center. Remarkably, it’s warm. I feel you behind me, kissing my neck and rubbing your body close to mine.

I giggle and tell you to stop it. I turn around to you, put my arms around your neck and kiss you. I release my arms from you after a few minutes and turn and pour some wine into our glasses. I tell you, sit. We eat. We talk. We laugh. You tell me about your trip. You talk about work. The candles are glowing and the food is great. I rub my toes up your leg. You grab my foot and pull me as close to the table as I can be. You start rubbing my foot. Nice. I put the other one up and you do that one too. You yawn and smile coyly at me. You say, don’t even start. I laugh. I bite my bottom lip and smile at you. I say, “Whatever do you mean?” You say, “don’t bat those eyelashes at me.” I giggle.

I take a sip of the wine. I can’t believe all of this. I drank 2 glasses and you had 3, alchemy. I push back my chair and take the plates, put them on the tray, finish cleaning up the table and you’ve cozied up on the couch. I put the tray near the door and glance at the clock, 11 pm. I sip the last of my wine and walk over to you. I curl up in your arms and ask you if you want to go to bed and sleep. You say, no. I want you to crawl into bed and be my little vixen. I say, again and then laugh.

I crawl on top of you, straddling your hips tightly on the couch, my bathrobe opened a bit and you lean up to me, kissing my lips then traveling down to my opened bathrobe. You gently cup my breasts leaning in, kissing my nipples. You flick your tongue over each one, making them very hard and erect. My hair is now long, curly and still a little wet. I lean down and one of my wet curls sticks you in the eye. I giggle and you simply brush it away, completely focused. You nibble a bit and I moan softly, you start to lightly suck each one and drive me crazy. My hands run through your hair all over your head. You lick your tongue up my neck and kiss me ever so softly. I move my hands down and cup your face, kissing you back.

You wrap your arms tight around me and we kiss passionately, seductively…tasting every inch of each other’s mouths. I moan hotly as you kiss my cheek line and move down my neck. You travel to my ears and kiss right under them, sucking in that magic place. You suck and nibble on my ear lobe and My hands rub all over your back. You pull my bathrobe down to just my waist and kiss me all over my upper body, sucking in places. I lean you down and untie your robe, push it open and lean down to lick, kiss, nibble and suck at your chest.

mmmmmm yummy … .of course I’ve felt you hard under me and I’m sure you felt my wetness on you. I lean up and kiss you. I whisper in your ear, “Getting tired baby?” You say, “God no, but ask me in a few hours.” I giggle. I decide I’ve had enough of the couch cushions nipping my knee caps and slowly get off you, tying my robe back up, I go to the mini fridge and get a cold bottle of water. I take a long sip. Then I take out the whipped cream and strawberries. I glance over and see you nestled in bed now with no bathrobe on, flat on your back. Nice hardon sticking up. mmmm nice. I go back to you and lay down next to you on my side. You say, “and what are your intentions with the strawberries and whipped cream baby.” I tell you,”Use your imagination but if you have a mental block then wait and I’ll show you.” You bring me closer to you, untie my bathrobe and slowly push it down my arms, off.

I wink atcha and you push me down on the bed on my back.

You aggressively kiss my neck, I let out a heavy moan, breathlessly I say, “Damn, so aggressive!” You take some whipped cream and rub it on my lips, then suck it off, kissing me. mmmmm baby…you rub more down my chest and lick it off. Further down you take more and rub it all over my mound. I spread my legs and you start sucking all around my mound. I’m moaning, licking my lips. You’ve barely touched it but it’s so sensitive. You rub some whipped cream down further and suck on my lips. You take a large strawberry, rubbing it up and down my clit, dipping in whipped cream you suck it. I moan loudly, the seeds on the strawberry have a heightened sensation…..not that you need help in that at ALL! You lean down and flick and suck my clit nice and hard, I moan and my hands go to your head. You lap up and down my pussy, tasting cum and whipped cream, going deeper and deeper…I feel myself close to cumming and I run my fingers down your back, wrapping my legs around you and pushing up to your mouth. I moan loudly and mmmmmmmm…I’m so lost in you. I start to cum nice and thick looking down and seeing you …you’re sucking on my lips, flicking your tongue and swallowing my cum….you let out a mmmm……the look on your face is so sensual, aroused and sexy as hell to me, always has been, always will be.

I wake up…



Hm Samarel
Crush Publications

"Great minds fuck alike." I am an artist/editor of erotica. Find me on Amazon: