(A.I. Image Dreamerland)

Dating|Hardships|Mental Illness

Piece by Piece Chapter Four: The Decisions

Decisions have to be made if Staci wants to move forward.

Published in
19 min readApr 7, 2024


I put my notice in the diner, and they were happy that I had made up my mind. I sat down at one of the tables and scrolled through some of the teaching jobs available in the area. Then I heard the bell over the door ring and looked down at the time.

“May I sit,” Henry said as he stood beside me.

“Sure,” I said as I looked at my laptop.

“I am sorry, how last night turned out,” Henry said.

“Which part?” I said, shutting the screen down and staring at him. “Flirting with girls half your age, nearly spilling drinks on everyone because you were staring at Jordan’s boobs, drinking so much that you passed out? Leaving me to drive home from a place I didn’t know?”

“All of it,” Henry said, his tone being that of an embarrassed person. “I know we went out as friends, and I should have been more of …”

“An adult?” I finished his sentence. “I don’t care that you were flirting, but I was your friend, those people saw you flirting with kids, they were kids! My daughter and my son are three years younger than them, three!”

