Purple Haze

The #hundo word is Purple.

Vivian Blake
Crush Publications


Photo by Danny Lines on Unsplash

**Note: Before you begin, I had two opposing thoughts on the topic and so I chose to include them both. The first is dark and dreary, but fear not. The second is sensual much happier. Two sides of myself presented here. Enjoy!**

Drowning in a shrouded sea,
The screaming monster beckons me.
I’m sinking into the depths of despair,
but venture forth I do not dare.

I wallow in familiar fright,
as the purple haze fades to darkest night.
If I could, I’d release this pain,
that grips me tight and drives me insane

It drowns me in its tight embrace
And though I’m loathe to see its face,
the monster knows I can’t delay,
I must come out and face the day

It knows the silence closes in
and with it, the end begins.
The fates would hold my life’s thread
and slumber swallows me in my eternal bed.

His touch is captivating,
roaming my body,
caressing every cell at once.
He drives me higher
Seeking to break me
as only he can.
Thrusting me to the depths of oblivion



Vivian Blake
Crush Publications

Writer of Fiction, mostly Erotica, but also Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Horror, Poetry, and More.