Skylar’s FANTASTIC Adventures — Part 17 — The Hunt

Skylar Quinn
Crush Publications
Published in
8 min readSep 28, 2023



Previously, on FANGTASTIC …

30 stories

Everyone sat around Marty Chapin, waiting for any sign of life. I thought that I heard a faint beating of his heart. The sound I heard quickly dissipated, and my hope for something more exciting in life faded quickly. I didn’t know why Drake had done this. He knew that it would ruin everything we had accomplished thus far. But I would kill him. I would drink his blood and drain the very soul he possessed.

Agent Ranch Hand (Ranch) looked up at me, and I nodded at him. “I’m going for blood. His blood. And I will win.”

“You want back up,” he asked with a glimmer of excitement.

“Maybe. I need to figure out where he is at first.” I turned and looked at Ruth Carlier. “Are you sure you want to stay here? It is clearly not safe anymore.”

“Boss, I got your back. I’ll take care of Marty.”

“I have no idea what is going to happen to him; this could be a death trap waiting for you.” I wanted to ensure I was perfectly honest with Ruth; she deserved to know the truth.

“I know, but Marty knows me. He saved me once; this is the least I can do for him.”

“Alright, but you call us the moment anything changes, and we will get back here.” I looked over at Ranch, “Make sure she has everything she could possibly need. I am going to track this asshole, and we will kill him.”

“I will get things prepared.” Ranch didn’t stand around waiting for any further instructions. He jumped up and went into action.

Looking at Marty, feeling his cold flesh under my skin, made my insides rage beyond anything I had ever felt before in my entire 400 years. This had been a selfish and senseless murder, just like my family had been. Tears formed at the corners of my eyes and started to fall down my cheeks. I had not cried since my family died. But here, for him, I was crying.

“Boss, I promise I will take care of him.” Ruth reached out and grabbed my hand; she squeezed it, “You have my word.”

“Thank you, it’s hard for me to trust.”

“I get that; I mean, you saw what happened to me when we met. Let me show you it’s okay to trust again.” Ruth squeezed my hand one more time, then got up and started to leave.

“Where are you going?” I was confused about why she would leave us.

“If he is alive, that wound needs cleaned. If he is dead, that wound needs to be cleaned for preparation. I’m going to get supplies.” And she turned and walked out of the room.

Alone in the room with his body, I cried. I leaned my head in my hands and let out the emotion, anger, grief, and pain that I was holding in. I could feel his blood inside me from the last time I drank from him. He had mine in him, and I had to hold onto hope that it would keep him alive. I leaned over, kissing his cold lips. Touching his cold face.

I said to him, “I will be back; now you have to come back to me. We will get married, do whatever you want. I’m yours if you just come back.”

Ranch and I were in the Jeep driving down the highway in Louisiana. We were not talking much; silence was my friend right now. I could sense Drake’s blood inside me, I could use it as a homing beacon. He didn’t return to New Orleans; he was out in the swamplands. The joke was on him because I knew Ranch could get us anywhere in the state.

There was a reason that I had wanted Ranch on my side, in human form, originally. He had all the contacts from his PI work. Luckily, he was able to tap into those for this situation. He had eyes and ears out looking for Drake, and finally, it paid off.

His phone started ringing, and I could hear the muffled voice on the other end.

“Hey, we found the guy you’re after.”

Ranch gave me a thumbs-up signal, “Good, don’t engage, but keep him there.”

“Do you want us to delay him or just watch him?”

“I want you to watch, but if you have to delay, then fucking delay him.” Ranch paused to get confirmation from me, “By any means necessary.”

The two of us made our way to the location that Ranch’s contact sent him. This was it, Drake was going to die.

“Don’t do anything stupid; remember, he isn’t easy to kill. You are going to need to stay back.” I looked Ranch in the eyes, “I’m ordering you to retreat if you have to save yourself over me. Get back to Ruth and ensure she is safe, and if Marty somehow makes it, take care of him.”

“I understand.” His response was simple: all that was needed.

Now, I knew at least one of us would make it out of this alive. I felt my fangs elongating as we got out of the vehicle and made our way to the meet-up location. Ranch led all of the conversations.

“Your guy is about 4 clicks back there,” he pointed into the woods. “From what we can tell, he is alone. We sent a drone up, but you can never be 100% sure. Do you want backup?”

Ranch and I locked eyes, and he simply replied, “No.” He accepted a bag of gear from his contact, and we went off in the direction indicated on the map. We didn’t need to use super hearing to notice the different and distinct sounds out in the swamp. With there being an absence of humans, the noises were very evident.

There sounded like a branch breaking up ahead in the distance. Both Ranch and I stopped walking. We listened, ears keenly focused on what it could be. Once we knew it wasn’t Drake, we continued walking. The distance seemed to move quickly under our feet as we traced through the back fields of Louisiana. We got to our desired location after a thirty-minute hike. Neither of us was winded, but we were on high alert.

“He’s here,” I whispered under my breath.

“I see you, Skylar.” The voice came from the distance, but it was close enough that my spine felt the chills.

“Drake, you owe me blood,” I said coldly.

“I said I was sorry.”

My body instinctively turned around, I saw him sitting in the tree just off in the distance. I started moving towards him, but Ranch grabbed my arm and held me back.

“Drake, you come here right now.” I snarled. “You killed him!”

“Shit,” I heard him say as if he was trying to hold it back. “I didn’t mean to.”

“What do you mean you didn’t mean to? You bit him, you left him for dead! You know that human's chances of survival are low!”

We watched him jump down from the perch he was sitting on and start to talk towards us. His stride seemed powerful and confident.

“Skylar, let’s talk. Alone.”

“No, you’re going to die. There is nothing to talk about. I told you if you killed him, I would kill you.”

He laughed, “You know you can’t kill me.”

“You laugh, dog, but I can. I will kill you right now. You took him from me.”

He shook his head back and forth, “We have our pact.”

“Which became null and void when you tried killing someone who was part of my life.”

“Freja won’t accept that.” He said in a matter-of-fact tone. I could see his eyes staring me down. He thought he would scare me.

“I don't fucking care.” I started walking towards him, my own pace showing no signs of fear.

“Skylar, stop. You get what happened, why I had to? You would never have been happy with him. He’s a human!”

I snarled at him, “He was my human!” I started lunging for him, “I love him and you were jealous.”

He caught me in the air and tossed me onto the ground. I landed on my feet like a cat, snarling, my fangs dripping with saliva, venom shooting through my blood. My endorphins kicked into overdrive. I ran towards him. He tried evading but I caught one of his legs and sank my teeth into him.

“Fuck! Skylar!” He growled out, his body shifting and changing into wolf form.

Both of us now animals in our own right, our true natures on display. Drake started circling , growling and howling, probably calling his pack brothers. I knew I would need to act fast. When he jumped at me, I ducked down, my hand punching upwards, clocking him in the stomach. I heard a small whimper, I probably knocked the wind out of him. I turned around to see him stalking me.

He jumped again at me, this time I jumped towards him. I got higher, and landed my foot against his head. He reached out and grabbed my leg, his claws ripping into my muscles. We fell to the ground and rolled around. Our snarls and growls could be heard for miles. We sounded like a pack of wolves on a vicious hunt. Which was kind of what we were doing.

Drake pinned me down, my shoulders digging into the ground. I could see his arousal, I knew fighting turned him on. I took my hands and grabbed onto his dick, his red rocket shooting out, trying to fuck me. I ripped my hands in each direction, taking his member and dislodging it from his body.

He howled in pain, my conscious not remotely concerned with what I had just done to him. Castrating my friend, my lover.

As he limped around bleeding and howling I attacked. I jumped on his back, my strength intensified with the sight of victory. My mouth opened and I dove into his neck, ripping out his vocal cords. I pushed his body to the ground and started clawing with my fingers and ripping with my mouth each layer of his body.

When Ranch was able to pull me off of the dead werewolf’s body I was covered in his guts, skin fragments and body parts. I had bathed in my enemy’s blood, I had killed the person who took my love from me, I was truely all alone now.

“Skylar we need to go, now.” Ranch pulled me up and started running, pushing me to get my feet moving.

My body was shutting down, I had used too much energy. At some point Ranch picked me up and carried me back to our vehicle. He laid me in the back seat and drove off, the last thing I remember was Ranch saying Ruth was calling. But, all I could do was pass out.

As always — please check out and follow my favorite guy Marty Chapin

He has some really great stories out there. And he lets me use him in my writing anytime I want.

5 stories

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1–9 — PG 13 — Enjoyed it but not turned on / Enjoyed it maybe a small smirk
10–20 — Slightly aroused / Smirked, thought about a laugh
21–30 — Feeling some movement / I feel tingles … / Laughed in your head
31–40 — Semi Erect / Feeling some
moisture starting / Made a small LOL
41–50 — Hard and now frustrated / wet and ready / Laughed out Loud

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Skylar Quinn
Crush Publications

Apple Best Selling Author, Author since 2010; finalist in multiple award competitions; multiple pen names & multiple genres