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Snowed In Part 3

Its Cold Outside but Its Heating Up Inside

Dahlia V Rose
Crush Publications
Published in
8 min readJul 2, 2023


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Snowed In

4 stories

Jeremy paced around his room, his mind racing about the events that had just taken place. He couldn’t believe he let himself spy on Diana playing with herself. But his embarrassment quickly faded when he remembered how gorgeous she looked with her legs spread as she fucked herself.

He thought about how nice it would be to teach her how to be a proper submissive. He knew she was fun and adventurous sexually, exactly what he loved in his partners. He wondered how she would react if he presented her with the suggestion. As much as he hoped she would kneel before him and gladly accept, he knew it would be more involved than that.

He didn’t really know what she knew about the lifestyle or if she could even identify as a sub. The thought of her restrained to the bed, or wearing a collar just for him left him smiling and feeling weak. He had never felt this way about anyone. He thought about how he would approach her with the idea, then somewhere between his naughty thoughts and intentions he stopped.

Jeremy was conflicted, was he really desiring Diana or was he trying to cover up his guilt and sadness. He hadn’t really stopped to think much about the passing of his grandmother, or that he couldn’t get home anytime soon to be with his family. He knew he should be heartbroken, but Diana made him feel safe and comfortable. She was the breath of fresh air he needed in his life, not just because he was grieving, but because she was such a beautiful person.

He heard a knock on his bedroom door, and rushed to open it. Diana was standing in his doorway, wrapped in her robe, hair still wet from the shower. “Do you mind if I come in so we can talk?”

Jeremy gestured for her to come in, and shut the door behind her. Diana sat on the edge of his bed waiting for him to join her. There was an awkward silence for what seemed like minutes, s he stood by the door, not sure what to do.

“Are you just going to stand there or come and sit down next to me?”

Jeremy sat next to her on the bed looking at his hands in his lap. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to watch you this morning.”

Diana giggled, placing her hand on his thigh, “You did, but that’s okay. I kind of wanted you to see me.”

Jeremy stared at her hand and took a deep breath. “What if it was more than just a one night thing? Could you get past your brother’s pervy best friend looking in on you while you played with yourself?”

Diana sighed, and rubbed her hand gently on his thigh. She didn’t want to answer; she knew he might have a different answer when he was feeling better. As much as she loved the idea of there being more, she felt the chances of it actually becoming a long-term relationship was probably out of the question.

“Jeremy, I adore you and I always have. But you’re not thinking clearly at the moment.”

He looked up at her, “Last night was awesome for me. Was it as good for you?”

“It was wonderful. But you were feeling lost, sad, and lonely. If you were able to get out of here today, things would likely look very different. I would be just another notch on your bedpost. We both know that.”

He shook his head furiously, “Diana I feel like there’s something special between us and it’s not just because I’m sad and lonely. When I watched you this morning I thought about how wonderful it would be if you could become my submissive.”

Diana’s heart pounded as she looked down at her hand, still on his thigh. “Jeremy, think about what you’re saying. I would love to be your submissive, to have you teach me and guide me. But I really have to insist that this be a conversation for another time, when we’re not trapped together and you’re not grieving.”

He wanted her even more now. Hearing her say that it might be possible in the future made his heart leap. Jeremy hadn’t noticed before that her robe was slightly open, revealing just enough of her breasts to tease him.

“Diana, there are so many things I want to do to you right now. I need to feel myself inside you.” He leaned in and kissed her, running his fingers through her damp hair. “Then don’t be my submissive right now. You just be the perfect woman you are and I’ll be the man you’ve always fantasized about.”

Diana felt her pussy throbbing. There was something about him she found hard to resist. She tried being the good girl, she tried being the understanding woman, but he was practically begging her to break all the rules. She pulled away from his embrace, untied her robe, and allowed it to fall from her shoulders to the bed, revealing her shapely breasts.

Jeremy sat there, admiring her. She was a goddess. He knew he didn’t deserve the attention she was giving him, but he wasn’t about to turn her down. He leaned back in and kissed her neck, tracing her jawline with soft bites.

Diana reached down and loosened the drawstring on his pants. Slowly she slid her hand beneath the elastic waistband, took his cock, and stroked it. He grunted as she ran her hand up and down his shaft. She felt his grip tighten around her neck as she massaged his balls.

She slipped out of his arms and down to the floor, and kneeled between his legs. She slid his pants down enough to allow her access to his erection. She smiled up at him before she licked it from base to tip, causing it to jump. She giggled at the reaction before running her tongue around the tip and lapped against the underside where the head met the shaft.

Jeremy gripped the sheets and moaned. Inspired, she took the head of his shaft into her mouth and sucked it, while using her hands in a soft twisting motion on its length. And when he thought it couldn’t get any better, he felt her hand move to his balls, stroking them gently as she took his shaft deeper in her mouth.

He wanted to throw her on the bed and fuck her from behind again, but God, how he was enjoying her kneeling at his feet and worshipping his cock. Diana looked up at him, her mouth drooling with saliva and precum as she continued stroking him. She sat up slightly, pushed her body further into him, and pressed his cock between her breasts.

Diana bounced vigorously, letting him revel in the feeling of fucking her breasts. Jeremy moaned deeply, enjoying her effort. After a few moments she bent her head down and took his head in her mouth again. The combination of her breasts fucking him and mouth sucking on him was almost enough to make him cum. But what he really desired was to fuck her throat. He decided it was time he took control.

He grabbed her hair at the scalp and forced her to look up at him, “Are you ready to choke on the cock you love so much?”

“Yes, Sir”

Diana smiled as she moved back down into position. The sweet sounds of her saying “Yes Sir” made him tingle. Even though she wasn’t yet ready to be his submissive, he wanted her to feel what it was like. He helped her ease her mouth down on his shaft, giving her time to relax her jaw, so his cock could slide to the back of her throat. She gagged.

“That’s a good girl, enjoy gagging on my cock, he commanded. He thrust deep into her throat, enjoying the sounds of her coughs and the feeling of her nails digging into his thighs. Once he felt she’d had enough, he pulled her head up and looked into her eyes. “I think you can take more than that, what do you think?”

Diana, gasping for air, nodded her head. She looked so beautiful, with drools of saliva running down her chin onto her chest and tears coming from her eyes. Diana prepared herself for his cock again, and pushed her head back down. She could taste the saltiness of him and knew she wanted more.

She attempted to move her tongue against his shaft as he fucked her throat, but he was so big she couldn’t. He grunted as she gagged, and she felt herself flooding between her legs. She wanted to touch herself, but knew she needed to focus completely on Jeremy. This was for him. She wanted to know that he was in control. She wanted to make him cum. She wanted — needed — to taste every drop of his seed.

Jeremy thrust into her mouth harder and faster. He was enjoying using Diana, but felt she wouldn’t be able to take much more. He pulled her head up again, letting her take a few deep breaths. “Such a good girl, I think you’re almost ready for my load. Go ahead and touch yourself this time. I want you to cum with me.”

Diana shook her head, “No I don’t want to touch myself. This is for you. I want to please you without any expectations of pleasing myself.”

This made Jeremy moan with excitement. He stood, to gain better leverage, and slammed his cock down her throat again. “You’re not coming up for air until I’ve cum!” he groaned. He grabbed her head with both hands and held her as still as possible, pounding in and out of her mouth. He groaned and grunted. Her throat was absolutely perfect. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of her throat constricting around his cock. He focused on the sound of her gags, and swore he heard her moaning.

Feeling the pressure build inside him, he knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. He gripped her hair tighter as he fucked her mouth at full force. Then, just before he came, he pulled out of her mouth and released his entire load. He painted her face, her breasts, parts of her stomach with his hot, sticky cum. When he had no more, he fell back down on the bed to catch his breath, Diana still at his feet.

Diana looked up at him, finally able to breathe. She loved the feeling of his hot cum on her. She felt it running down her chin, dripping onto her chest and down her stomach. A smile swept across her face. She was very proud of her accomplishment.

“Do you know how fucking beautiful you are, covered in my cum?” Jeremy smiled down at her. She was absolutely gorgeous, he thought, not just because she had taken the time to focus on him, but because of her aura, her personality, her willingness to please him without the thought of giving into her own desires.

Diana reached for her robe to cover herself up, but Jeremy stopped her. “Please don’t, not yet. I want to admire you for just a little longer.”

Thank you for reading my story, Part 4 is available here! Please highlight, comment, and clap to encourage me in my writing!


Dahlia 🌹

Hundo Challenge

82 stories

Princess and Sir

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Dahlia V Rose
Crush Publications

I’m 38 Poet, Smut Writer, Humorist, Owner/Editor of Cup of Kink Publishing on Medium.