Soliloquy For Her Loss

Josh Bandura
Crush Publications
Published in
2 min readAug 20, 2023


Photo by Erke Rysdauletov on Unsplash

100 Word Challenge, Soliloquy.

I blame myself for having reached the most unsuspected places of my mind, and only allowed to my subconscious, of the everyday, of the virtual.

I only wished to have her back, to wake up contemplating her back, her hair drawing on the pillow abstractions that perhaps only had interpretation in my mind, in my soul.

To furrow with my lips the contour of your naked torso, with such softness that the reason for my desires, only leave wet sighs in their wake, without interrupting the calm of that appetizing illusion where she used to be.

From the intoxicating aroma of her body, which stealthily established a vital experience in my life, a silent and certain message of security, an imprint that over the years, still remains indelible in my being.

Do you know what I’m talking about, have you ever experienced it? Of that aroma that comes only with the warmth that comes from the sheets that once witnessed one, a hundred, a thousand nights of encounters where passion gave way to unbridled abandon, leaving morals aside.

I keep wondering if it was me who took her on that winding road of new experiences, or if I was simply her companion, in a road with which I had demarcated the boundaries of our happiness.

I blame myself for it. Of sharing with strangers images of our intimacy, where the experience of the first time, between complicit laughter and even some embarrassment of what we were doing, without knowing, had turned the most intimate and unique moment into a product where every night all of you, accompanied us.

Where every like, every comment and every encounter was a dagger that I put in my own hands. I blame myself for losing her.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this short story and special thanks to Sunny A Morgan Erotic Author, Skylar Quinn, and Agent Ranch Hand

