The Lost Story

Blade Rivers
Crush Publications
Published in
Sep 10, 2023

#HUNDO Prompt Sunny

Photo by Moon on Unsplash

The day was sunny — almost blinding. Food and water ran dry days ago. I falsely kept my hopes high, replaying my joyful memories in my mind over and over again as I inched closer to the end.

The sun dipped low and my joy waned. Shadows stretched long, and death settled in. No rescue in sight, no kind souls passing by. My struggle and survival would remain here, unknown to the world. I’d be just another nameless soul swallowed by this desert, a story of despair etched in sand.

To be blown away by the wind and never be read.

Shoutout to Skylar Quinn and Sunny A Morgan for curating the #hundo stories through Crush Publications.



Blade Rivers
Crush Publications

Permit me to tease and serenade you with the written word.