The Shower

Twelve Hours of Alex — Part Five

Olivia Lockhart
Crush Publications


Licensed Image by Ground Picture /

Part five of Mia & Alex’s story. Begin with Part one here:

I think my brain actually shut down for a minute, my body so spent it just collapsed as the next sentient thought I registered was how goddamn pretty his eyes were.

I was on my back on the day bed, my entire body still throbbing and pulsing with the orgasm to end all orgasms. He held himself above me, a sly smile on his face, a twinkle in his eye, as he surveyed me.

“Mia? You with me?”

“Mmmhhmmm,” I murmured, stretching my legs out, savouring the last moments of pleasure as they whooshed around me, leaving me dizzy and swooning.

“You need some water?” he asked, a little edge of concern in his voice.

“No… I’m good… I’m… Fuck… Alex, that was incredible.”

He lent down and kissed me softly on the lips. “I’d do that to you every night if I could.”

“I think I’d lose too many brain cells. Talk about being fucked senseless…”

He grinned as he wriggled to the side of me, moving behind me and spooning, his erection like rock against my lower back.

“Sweetheart, we didn’t even get to the fucking yet.”

I rubbed backwards against him. “I like it when you call me sweetheart.”

“I liked it when you were screaming my name across the lake. Think the neighbours two miles west might have heard you.”

I laughed and wriggled free from the arm wrapped around me, twisting to face him.

“I don’t even want to know how you got so good at that.”

“Honestly… I think it’s just you. You and me. There’s something… different. Felt it the minute I saw you clambering sleepily out of the car.”

“I need to tell you something…” I whispered as I nibbled at his earlobe.

“Anything…” he sighed in reply.

“These shoes are killing me, can I take them off now?”

He smiled and planted a long kiss on my lips. “Yep, I think I can safely tick that fantasy off my list. You covered about four in one actually.”

“Are we using them too quickly?” I gasped in mock horror.

“Loads more where they came from. Wait until I tell you about the wine cellar.” He sat up and unfastened the shoes for me, slowly sliding them off and rubbing at my aching toes. He placed them on the floor at the foot of the day bed, and I gulped nervously.

“What’s wrong?”

“They’re a bit close to the water…” I knew I was being silly, but they’d cost me so bloody much! Plus, they had lovely memories attached to them now.

“I’ll put them inside,” he smirked, pulling his jeans up, much to my disdain. “Want a drink?”

“I do but… I’m worried about the mosquito’s feasting on my naked arse here.”

He laughed, running his hand through his hair and causing a quiver in my belly again.

“I quite fancy taking a drink to bed. Care to join me?”

“I absolutely do.” I replied, as I wrapped the sheer shirt around me, leaving the abandoned bikini on the deck, and followed him inside.

Alex held the two glasses of wine ,somehow between fingers without spilling a drop as we moved to his bedroom. We were completely alone, completely undisturbed, and I was utterly enthralled.

He put the wine down on a bedside table, looking me up and down as I stood in the doorway. I caught my reflection in the mirror, my overly done make up for the ball seemed inappropriate somehow. This wasn’t me. I didn’t want him to see a masked, made-up version of my face.

“Can I get two minutes?” I asked. “Promise I’ll be back.”

“Of course, you need anything?”

“I’m good…” I replied, blowing a kiss and trying to stop a devilish smile appearing as I backed out of the room and hopped across the corridor to my own.

I splashed micellar water all over rolls of cotton wool, wiping all the make-up from face, over and over until the streaks cleared and I could actually see myself again. Pale, yes. Freckled, yes. Eyes insane with hunger for him? Yes!

I brushed out my hair so it hung loose around my shoulders. As the hairspray dispersed, it softened and curled slightly at the ends. Then I grabbed an oversized clean white t shirt from my bag. It was my favourite thing to sleep in, and I knew it had a sexy innocence about it, especially over bare breasts and bottom.

I knocked on Alex’s door, he opened it with a smile. “You don’t need to knock…”

I entered the room, coyly, tugging the t-shirt down in an fake attempt to cover my modesty. Pulling it down, of course, only made it stretch tighter across my nipples.

“All that make up and designer shoes, it’s not me, not most of the time. I thought you should see the real me.”

“You’re too beautiful…” he stroked my cheek, his eyes intent on mine. “You’re like my dream come true.”

“Well, in my dreams…” I stood on tiptoes and whispered to him. “You’d be wearing less clothes. Starting to feel like you’re hiding something from me.”

“Not at all,” he murmured as he kissed me, god I loved the way he kissed. “Come take a shower with me?”

I didn’t reply, just laced my fingers into his and let him lead me to the large ensuite bathroom. A stunning walk-in shower dominated one corner, tiled in dark blue, with a large, fixed shower head protruding from the top, body jets and a handheld shower head cradled at shoulder height.

As we entered the bathroom, he picked me up and sat me on the vanity unit, the cold porcelain of the sink on my behind causing me to squeal. He left me momentarily, stepping back and turning the shower on, before returning between my legs as the ensuite filled with steam and the delicious taste of hot, steaming water.

“You like showers, I take it?” I asked, as I finally got to unfasten his jeans, wriggling them down his thighs.

“Not as much as I like you…” His hands were wet from the shower as he grabbed at me through the t-shirt, rubbing circles around my nipples, leaving the fabric see through, once more exposing me to him.

Before he could stop me, I pushed his shorts down, a moan escaping me at the feel of him springing free. He closed the small distance between us, and as he rubbed against me, I could barely breathe so overtaken with longing was I.

I finally had the man naked. He stepped backwards, taking hold of my hands and I hopped down from the vanity, following him into the gloriously hot streams of water as he continued to kiss me.

This was seriously the most amazing shower I’d ever known, the temperature perfect, the streams of water pummelling my body pleasurably. The monsoon head above us left water sliding down our faces, trapped between our eyelashes, our cheeks, our lips as we kissed continuously. His stubble rough against me, his lips hot and needy as we tangled tongues, nibbled, dribbled… God, I couldn’t leave him alone.

I pushed him gently back against the tiles, moving my lips to his neck as my hands swept the water from his sides, moving downwards… across his belly, down to his pelvis, until I found what I longed for.

My teeth sank softly into the flesh of his shoulder in delight as I held him for the first time, relishing the gentle throb that greeted my palm. Silken smooth skin, but against such hardness, such rigidity. He felt perfect, and as my hand rubbed up and down, as my nails traced lightly over his head, stroked at the vein that delivered all of that incredible blood flow, I knew one night was not going to be enough.

I let my mouth move lower, flicking over his nipples as the hot water pounded onto my back, dripping from me, mingling between us. His hands gripped at my bottom as my mouth teased one zone, whilst my hand massaged another.

He slid a hand underneath me, searching for me, glancing over me and setting me aflame. But this was my time to play, and so I sank lower.

I couldn’t help the playful laugh that escaped my lips as I sank to my knees, his hand instead moving to my shoulder where he rubbed affectionately. It was as though a spark fired between us as I looked up and our eyes met. His eyes were completely gorgeous, but I wanted nothing more than to close them in pleasure.

And so, with one hand at his base, I placed soft kisses around his head, watching him, feeling the twitch of delight along his length. I licked around the top, teasing the tip, looking him directly in the eye for a moment before I closed mine, and moved my mouth down over him. Talk about perfect fit… He was incredible in my mouth, I adored the taste of him, the feel of him. My hand continued to massage the base of his shaft as I found a rhythm, moving my mouth up and down his length, interspersing licks and kisses, the softest scrape of teeth as I allowed my other hand to cup his balls softly, before gripping his thigh as I began to move up a gear. I bobbed up and down, slightly faster, sucking harder, my mouth now soaked as I salivated over him.

It drove me insane, I pulsated, desperate for him inside of me, but shower sex was slippery, this was too much fun, and we had the whole night yet.

Both of his hands were on my shoulders now as he began to grind into me, slowly fucking my mouth. Below the thrum of the powerful shower, I could hear his shuddering breath, a low moan… my name? Had he moaned my name?

I clutched his bottom with both hands, encouraging him into me, digging my nails into his soft flesh just enough, as he bucked and rocked, my throat burning slightly but I wanted nothing more than to control his orgasm with my lips and tongue.

I felt it before I tasted it… the spasming within his length, from shaft to tip, like an eruption. His fingers grabbed at my hair, holding it tight, as his thighs tensed, his knees locked, and he filled my mouth with everything I’d desired.

I pulled back only slightly as the throbbing in him subsided, allowing my tongue to circle around him, scooping up every last trace and drop. It was all mine, after all.

“Jesus fucking christ….” He gripped my hips as I eventually rose, looking up at him, naturally going in for a kiss then stopping myself.

“Sorry, would you prefer I wait before I kiss you?”

“I want to kiss you forever…” he mumbled as he moved towards me, the word ‘forever’ blushing my lip as he captured my mouth once again.

I very much hope you’re enjoying reading about Mia & Alex. More to come, very soon.

Here is the link to the series list — so you can be sure to never miss an episode!

Twelve Hours Of Alex ... Six Part Series

6 stories

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Love, Livvie xx

