Ticket to Pleasure

Josh Bandura
Crush Publications
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2023


Photo by Erriko Boccia on Unsplash

She knew where to find them, how to preserve them, and most importantly, how to use this little scarlet mushroom that was her ticket to a mystical journey into her mind.

She had taken off her shoes and was leaning against the trunk of the pine tree, watching the sunset. She opened the small cloth bag and took one of the mushrooms, took two bites, salivating before swallowing. It was the beginning of her longed-for journey, a more authentic, more fantastic one.

In front of her dilated pupils, an infinite source of colors burst, and she dropped her body onto the grass beneath her feet. And absorbed in the dance of colors, states and shapes, she slid her hand until her fingers made contact with her pearl, from which a brilliant purple aura emanated, enveloping her entire body.

Her body contemplated without moving excessively, for the movement and excitement outside was inside her. The pleasure made colors was experienced by her soul, her being.

The grass and tree roots beneath her skin became hands and fingers that scanned and caressed her body in the frenzy of her passion. It was nature at the rhythm of her movements, the same nature she would never see, touch, or feel any other way.

And in the prelude to her orgasm, the roots ran through her breasts, the cardinals accompanied her moans and an intense golden light, whose aroma she could feel and touch, invaded her crotch taking her to live a unique, mystical, transcendental ecstasy.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this short story and special thanks to Sunny A Morgan Erotic Author, Skylar Quinn, and Agent Ranch Hand

