Valeria Hunts the Night — Part 6

100-word challenge

Dark Tingles
Crush Publications
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2023


Generated with Leonardo AI

Start here to read this series from the beginning…

Steven clutched the broken arm against his chest and started walking toward the door. “You’re a psychopath! I’m leaving now, and you’ll hear from my lawyer!”

Valeria seized him and tossed his body like a rag doll across the room. He rolled and slid on the floor before slamming into the far wall.

“You’re not going anywhere. Your raping and murdering days are over, Steven. No more girls will die. It ends tonight.”

Whimpering, he rose to his knees and tried to climb to his feet. She crossed the room in a flash and effortlessly lifted him into the air…



Dark Tingles
Crush Publications

We write dark paranormal romance to make your heart flutter and body tingle. We're a real married couple who writes together!