Interview | Writers on Writing | Writers on Medium | Superpowers | Just Cuz

What Do You Think UR Super-Power Is?

Sunny Ranch Space Questions

Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2023


This is an open letter to anyone who finds it in the wild. Tag me back so I can read the answers and then tag others so they can build this thing up like an anthill.

It’s no big secret that I write on Medium almost exclusively and that I host a Space on Twitter with my good friend and writing buddy/accountability partner Sunny A Morgan called the Sunny Ranch show. We host it every Sunday at 5 p.m. central time. Our friendship started as one that wanted to build a community of writers and so far, I think we were doing pretty well at that.

Photo of Ranch And Sunny

I’m writing this mostly because there are some writers who need to stay anonymous and would rather listen or respond to the questions in their own way this way. I also wrote it for my pals who live on the other side of the planet and know that 5 pm Central is sleepy time. Either way, I want to interact and get to know all of you, so here goes. I’m going to be real with you, these questions are pretty basic and fun, but some can get…



Ranch Hand
Crush Publications

Multi-genre fiction writer, blogger, editor, and owner of the Agency Magazine which specializes in dark fiction, sexy poetry, and erotica