Wolf Pack Part 1

Skylar Quinn
Crush Publications
Published in
8 min readMar 10, 2023


Source: Shutterstock


Wolf Pack


He gave her a minute head start before taking off into the woods after her. The sight of her wolf form dashing away from him caused him more excitement than usual. They both ran swiftly through the fields, having to dodge the trees with quick, zigzagging motions. The sweet scent of her honey filled his body with heat and desire, making his need push from the bottoms of his feet to the top of his head. His eyes scanned the trees, mentally daring her to show herself.

The sound of a twig breaking brought his body to an instant stop. He looked to the west and started to slowly stalk off in the direction of the snap. He knew she inevitably would be his, and soon. He always got the girl. The lust increased in his groin, and his pulse ran deeply through his bones. There was no part of him that didn’t want her. He could only push the wolf down for so long.

Then he saw her. Off to the right, in the shadows playing in the distance, she stood. He dashed out toward her and stopped just shy of a hundred feet away. He opened his mind and let it roam free until he found the welcoming warmth of her thoughts. A grin crossed his lips as she opened her mind to him in return. She walked up toward him, and in unison, their bodies shifted back to human form, both naked, both wanting.

His eyes drifted over her body, enjoying the tantalizing view of her smooth, creamy skin. Her eyes shimmered as the Montana sun played off them. She moved toward him, reached for his body, and dropped to her knees. He smiled just before she lowered her head to his stomach. Her hot breath sent chills to his cock and forced it to jump in anticipation. Her mouth dragged across to his side, where it suddenly stopped and allowed her tongue to take a quick moment to tease his skin. Her hand ran up his leg until she found his heavy sac and cupped it. A slow moan escaped his lips when her fingers massaged him. He brought his hand up to her head, where he let his fingers run through her hair. He grabbed her locks in a fist and pushed her lower. She obeyed the unspoken command and sheathed his length in her hot, wet mouth. She sucked and lightly tugged him deeper into her mouth, causing his toes to curl, the dirt below collecting between them.

He dropped her hair from his hand and let his fingers move down to her shoulders. His cock sprung from her lips when he pulled her up off the ground and into his mouth. He listened to her purr as he placed a kiss on her lips, just for a moment, before turning her around and bending her over to push her to the ground and force her down on all fours.

His hands caressed her ass while he spread her sweet spot and pushed himself inside. His thrusts picked up speed as he kept moving his shaft inside her tight tunnel of sweet honey. His hips moved in rhythm with hers, and he hit against her ass over and over. His sac slammed on her clit, and he quickened the pace. She moaned in pleasure, but for only a moment. He reached over to her hair and pulled her body up to his chest.

He leaned into her ear and snarled, “Don’t you come until I tell you to.”

“Yes, sir,” she groaned out. He could tell her need was at the edge of exploding, because her cries grew louder with each thrust.

He reached his arm around to her front and cupped one of her breasts. He ran a finger along her areola and rolled her nipple with his thumb and forefinger. He felt it perk and harden in his hand. He tweaked her full nipple while his mouth dropped to the crease of her neck. She tilted her head, allowing him to bite her. From the sounds of her moans, he knew she enjoyed the pain and pleasure equally.

His sac grew hot and heavy as he felt the pressure build inside it, making him give an intense growl. “Come, now!”

A howl escaped both of their mouths, and at the same time, she began milking his orgasm with her walls, making them tighten around his cock. They rode their climaxes out before finally collapsing onto the ground. He rolled off of her and onto his back to look up at the stars.

“You were right,” she panted out, trying to catch her breath.

“Told you, the chase is the best part,” he said while licking his lips and staring at her.

“What is your name?” She looked at him with a questioning desire. It was apparent she wanted more than just one night.

“Lucas, my name is Lucas Miser.”

Ten years later — 1897

Asshole! I’m going to kill you for touching her!” Dale shouted as he came toward the man.

“I didn’t do it! I didn’t touch her!” Lucas yelled, trying and failing to dodge Dale’s angry fists.

“Liar!” That was the last thing Lucas heard before Dale’s fist connected with his jaw. Dale grabbed Lucas’s shirt and threw him into the wall with a force likely to knock him out. Lucas’s head ricocheted off the wood a few times before he felt Dale’s knee meet his sternum. Dale’s hand wrapped around Lucas’s throat and started to squeeze the larynx shut.

“You smell of her perfume! We all know you use your precious powers to seduce women. Why should I believe you?” Dale didn’t wait for him to answer before he pulled back and punched Lucas in the stomach, over and over. “Come on, Lucas. Do the world a favor and die already.” Then everything went black.

Lucas woke up an hour later in someone’s bed. He didn’t remember getting there, and the lump on his head indicated that he’d most likely passed the fuck out. Lucas brought his hand up to his face and slowly rubbed his eyes. Please, just be a hangover. Please, just be a hangover. He sat up, and nope, today wasn’t his day.

The room spun, and his body felt like a freight train had run it down. He stumbled across the floor until he found a mirror, looked into it, and reviewed the reflection. “You’re a sad, sad, pathetic excuse for a man. What do you have to show for yourself? Nothing.” The look he saw on his own face made him feel ill. He needed an escape.

Safety had to be his top priority. The longer he stayed in this room, the easier a target he became. His life had been consumed with the same old monotonous routine, and when he’d gone out searching for a break, this wasn’t close to what he’d expected.

When Lucas opened the door, he heard a familiar female voice singing. The bar. Thank fuck I know where I am now, he thought. Miss Betty Sue knew how to entertain a crowd. She would be sure to help his road to recovery.

He came out of the hallway and sat at the bar, where he signaled for Stan to come take his order. Stan gave him a nod, and Lucas simply said, “Bourbon, straight up.”

Lucas settled himself into his regular seat near the edge, where he could discreetly watch Miss Betty Sue captivate the audience without looking like a sappy fool. Stan set the drink on the counter and gave a nod, directing his attention to the front door. At first Lucas thought Stan was giving him a warning that someone was coming to get him, but then he saw her.

She’d bundled herself in pink satin, and only one thing crossed his mind. Fresh meat. She fit the type. But then again, he was easy to please. All he needed were two things: hot and breathing. Lucas finished his drink quickly, then turned to the front door and left the bar area. He wasted no time in making the first move.

“Good evening, ma’am. I was hoping to welcome you to this fine establishment.” He let his hand reach out to take hers, and a devilish smile ran across his face. He felt pleased when she accepted it.

“I am Lucas. Please, let me show you around.” They didn’t move. Moments passed, and yet he couldn’t stop staring. He smiled, enjoying this. Finally, she spoke.

“Hello, Lucas. Do you make a habit of hitting on strangers, or am I just the lucky one tonight?” The yellow flecks in her eyes shimmered in the rays of the sun breaking through the window. The woman took his breath away.

“No, my sweet beauty, it is only the ones who catch my eye with their exquisite looks.”

She gave him a pleasant smile before removing her hand from his and walking past him, not giving him a second glance.

“Have a good day, Lucas. I’m sure your perfect woman will be along shortly.”

He watched in amazement as she moved to a booth across the room. How could she pass right by me?

It took a few moments as he watched her settle in the seat before he could get his legs to move to follow her. No one turned down Lucas Miser. He observed how her long brown hair fell down past her shoulders as she moved her head back and forth, taunting him to touch it, causing his insides to growl. There was something about the way she swayed her hips and the sweetness of her voice that seemed so familiar.

Lucas wasted no more time. He walked down the aisles of the tables and slid into the other side of the booth. “Miss, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Let me take a moment and try again.” He waited a second for her to reject him before continuing. When she didn’t, he continued. “I am Lucas. It is a pleasure to meet you. And your name is?”

“I know who you are, Mr. Miser, and I have no desire to spend more time with you. So, kindly exit my booth before I ask one of the nice law enforcement officials to remove you.”

He was sure she could tell how astonished he was; his jaw had clearly dropped.

“We know each other, don’t we? Did I forget our night together? I can’t imagine I would forget someone with skin so perfect.” Lucas could tell that must have been it, because her cheeks started turning different shades of red.

“Please leave me alone, Lucas. You are not welcome around me.”

He watched her leave the booth, inspecting her hips as they swayed with the sexiest rhythm. Yes, there was definitely something about her Lucas recognized. He lay his head back on the edge of the booth and closed his eyes. The voice, that body…


Lucas couldn’t move his body fast enough as he rushed out of the booth to chase after her. Fuck! He couldn’t believe she’d come back. Bursting through the swinging front doors, he began looking down the street, trying to find her through the brightness. The Montana sun was beating down on the dirt road.

“Emily!” he called out, but she wasn’t there. Lucas felt the wind at his back and the dust from the road flying between his legs. Her scent. He had to find her scent. He would not let her slip between his fingers twice.

Find Part 2 & 3 here: https://medium.com/@quinnskylar23/list/wolf-pack-7be5889dac41

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Skylar Quinn
Crush Publications

Apple Best Selling Author, Author since 2010; finalist in multiple award competitions; multiple pen names & multiple genres