Crust Devlog | Apr 1st — Apr 30th, 2024

Crust Network


The Mainnet Data

Technical Progress


- New Features:

1. Developed crust-dcap authentication service, added code repository crustio/crust-dcap. The service has been deployed to the production environment, awaiting overall release.

2. Developed sworker version supporting ECDSA-based DCAP authentication. Development and testing are essentially complete, awaiting overall release.

3. Developed adjustments for the new version of sworker for crust-api and crust-node. Development and testing are essentially complete, awaiting overall release.

4. Updated documentation related to ECDSA-based DCAP authentication on crust-wiki, awaiting overall release.

5. The mrenclave code for DCAP version sworker and the public key for signature verification of crust-dcap authentication service have been submitted as a proposal to the main network congress for voting approval.

- Bug Fixes:

1. sworker version 1.1.2 released: Fixed the time seam issue in sworker version 1.1.1 causing accidental file deletions, leading to occasional E10003-FileTransitionError errors reported by miners during Work Report submission, making recovery impossible.

2. Provided shell script to fix E10003-FileTransitionError on-site mining machines. After the fix, upgrade to sworker version 1.1.2 is possible.

3. Updated sWorker Version page on Crust Apps Portal to synchronize the newly added sworker version 1.1.2 information and upgrade instructions.

4. Fixed cross-chain bridge between the main network and parallel chains failing under certain circumstances.

5. SubScan fixed inaccuracies in historical data for member_files.

6. SubScan fixed timeout issue in order count queries.

- New Public Chain Support:

1. EVM Storage Contract, Crust Files, Crust Cloud support OP & Base. Deployment and testing are in progress.

2. Tanssi network appchain support. Deployment and testing are in progress.


- The new official website is live at

- Adapted to Polygon CDK DA Interface.

- Participated in Polysphere2024 Twitter Space, discussing the technical, conceptual, and liquidity advantages of AggLayer, as well as how EthDA integrates deeply into the Polygon 2.0 ecosystem with AggLayer.

Ecosystem Collaboration

  1. Crust joins Tanssi Incentivized TestNet campaign, featuring a mix of on-chain and off-chain challenges designed for the Tanssi and Crust community together.

2. Crust was mentioned in Aptos Ecosystem by @SmartLiquidity

Community Events

  1. Crust Monthly Community Open Call #29 recap

2. Crust attended the Web3 Festival in Hong Kong, and hold a booth with Polkadot friends.

3. Grateful for the invite from Polkaworld! Curst had insightful discussions with many of our friends in the Polkadot ecosystem about the exciting possibilities ahead!

4. Crust lit up the screens at Lan Kwai Fong in Hong Kong! Thousands of visitors have caught a glimpse of Crust!

5. Crust Ambassador, represented by Crustd, delivered a speech at PolkadotMexico.

6. One of the smart city expo in Curitiba cases presented was the infrastructure of Crust Network

7. Crust joined the Twitter Space with Polysphere to talk about the advantages of AggLayer in terms of technology, philosophy, and liquidity.

8. The W3Transfer Educate Series with Encode Club kicks off this week! Build your very own file-sharing dApp on Polkadot by attending Crust technical workshops.

9. The new version of the EthDA ( website is now live! Explore updated content to dive deeper into the EthDA concept — a DA Layer for Aggregated Blockchains!

10. The first few rounds of $PINK Airdrops have been successfully distributed to Crust Files Users, Crust Cloud Users, EthDA DevNet Users, Crust CRP and OCP members. But wait, the fun isn’t over yet! The Liquidity Providers program continues until June!



Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.