Crust Devlog | Mar 1st — Mar 15th, 2023

Mainnet Weekly Report

Crust Network
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2023


On September 1st, 2021, Crust Mainnet was officially launched. The weekly data is as follows.

Protocol Layer

  1. [sWorker] Optimized script code for group change logic.

Application Layer

  1. [Files] Changed URL mapping path for Landing page.
  2. [Apps] Added Governance description link in the footer section.
  3. [Apps] Added custom IPFS Gateway function, supporting the addition of third-party Gateways.
  4. [Wiki] Updated documentation description for sWorker group change function script.
  5. [Home] Adjusted website text descriptions.


  1. Crust was interviewed by Cryptopia

2. The last day of ETH Denver

3. Crust Open Community Call #16

Join our Telegram Group Video Call!

4. Something is coming…

5. Crust x Subwallet Twitter Space to talk about NonCustodial Wallets, Polkadot, and our partnership

6. CrustNetwork has been added to Fearless Wallet!

7. ETH Denver Recap Twitter Space with Polkadot community!

8. Introducing Crust new product — Crust Cloud: a Web3 toolsuite for all decentralized storage and hosting needs. Crust Cloud is redefining how to purchase, access, manage, and own data storage capacities.

9. Twitter Space to introduce the new product, Crust Cloud.

10. Crust New FAQ:



Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.