Crust Devlog | Mar 1st — Mar 31st, 2024

Crust Network
4 min readApr 2, 2024


The Mainnet Data

Technical Progress

Crust Network
- Deploy EvmStorage smart contracts to Blast Mainnet
- Bridge hot key rotation for security
- Support SubWallet for Crust Mainnet
- Fix bridge transaction display issue in SubScan
- Upgrade Crust Parachain and Crust Shadow source code to Polkadaot-Substrate v1.1.0
- Work out roadmap and plan to improve TEE sworker, Crust network, and applications (Crustfiles)

- Continue building Devnet 2
- Updated blob interface (
- Define technical spec about zkBlob DA interface (
- Working on homepage redesign

Ecosystem Collaboration

  1. CRU has officially joined the HydraDX Omnipool, boosting liquidity within the Polkadot ecosystem.

2. Crust Network is thrilled to unveil EthDA, a cutting-edge Data Availability (DA) network, native to the Polygon CDK. This deployment marks a significant leap towards seamless Data Availability Service for Aggregated Growth of L2s!

3. EthDA’s Devnet is online! Experience seamless integration with Polygon CDK and be part of the next-gen ecosystem.

4. We are thrilled to announce that $CRU has been listed on @XTexchange. The CRU/USDT trading pair was opened in the Innovation Zone (HOT COIN).

5. Crust Network is teaming up with PINK for a vibrant community collaboration! Get ready for juicy airdrops and community rewards as we embark on this colorful journey together!

More details about the $PINK airdrop plan:

6. Crust is teaming up with Encode Club for W3Transfer Educate, Build & Win (An online hackathon). Ready to unlock the secrets of the decentralized web? Check out the docs to see how you can complete the $10,000 challenge!

7. Crust is sponsoring a Chinese media event, Crypto Lucky Star, which will gather over 100 Chinese Web3 KOLs, bringing significant exposure to Crust.

8. Come by, say hi at the Polkadot booth # E05, starting April 6th, and meet Crust team to learn about the new updates!

Community Events

  1. Crust is mentioned as DePIN project in the Polkadot System

2. Crust attended EthDenver2024. Grateful for the inspiring conversations and connections made!

3. Crust joined the Polkadot Sub0 in Bangkok!

Check out the full video of Crust’s presentation at sub0 Asia 2024 to learn about Blob Transactions and Data Availability in Polkadot Ecosystem!

4. Want to see $CRU listed on Binance? Now is the time to showcase Crust community's strength! Vote for $CRU now, with each person able to cast up to 100 picks!

5. Crust Monthly Community Open Call #28

6. Let’s meet Crust at Polkadot HK Meetup! Join us on April 5 for a standout Polkadot side event at the Hong Kong Web3Festival, brought to you by PolkaWorld alongside leading Polkadot eco-projects and VC powerhouses.

7. Crust hosts and AMA twitter space with to introduce the Decentralized Storage Protocol to XT users

8. The detailed rules for the Crust x PINK Airdrop are finally here! We’re giving back to our amazing community with some generous rewards!

9. Crust Ambassador will represent Crust in the workshop in Polkadot Guadalajara



Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.