Crust Devlog | Nov 1st — Nov 30th, 2023

Crust Network
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2023

Mainnet Data

Technical Progress

1. Mainnet: EVM Storage adds support for Polygon ZKEVM.
2. Parallelchain: Upgraded support for the latest XCMP.
3. Applications: Crust Files fixed a display bug in GatewayList.
4. Applications: Optimized parsing logic for single items under Folder in Crust Files.
5. Applications: Added support for Twitter Pixel Code in Crust Cloud.
6. Documentation: Added descriptions for community Gateways to the Dev Wiki.

Ecosystem Collaboration

1. We’re excited to announce that Crust now stands as the foundational storage architecture bolstering the growth of the AstarNetwork ecosystem!!

2. Crust and @OasisProtocol are now integrated!!

Oasis users and developers can now log into Crust Files using a Web3 wallet connected to Oasis. Crust has implemented a user key storage mechanism, leveraging Oasis’s encryption and tamper-resistant capabilities.

3. Make your project unstoppable by hosting it on IPFS via Apillon leveraging the CrustNetwork!

4. Crust gives back 75% of block, epoch, & foundation bonus rewards to our community who stake $IOTX with Crust delegate.

Stake your $IOTX with us:

5. Crust partners with Ferc20 to enhance decentralized storage & community engagement, fostering collaborative growth for the Fair Launch Project. Let’s shape the future!

Community Events

1. Join us for an epic evening exploring the future of NFTs with Aleo, InvArch, and Polkadot in San Francisco.

2. Crust was heading to Istanbul for Devconnect and its associated events from Nov 11–17.

3. Genzio Media interviewed Crust to talk about everything about Crust development.

4. Crust Ambassador talked about CrustNetwork for the @arturguimaraesp

channel in addition to giving some updates of the Polkadot ecosystem.

5. Crust Ambassador hosts an offline event in Mexico to introduce Crust Network.

6. Crust had a twitter space with Oasis to talk about Crust Files and decentralized cloud storage, secured by Oasis Sapphire!

7. We have collected the most common problems reported by the community recently and provided corresponding solutions!

8. Thanks to our Brazilian ambassador for teaching people about Crust at his local Web3 meet-up!

9. Crust had a Twitter space with AstarNetwork, Apillon and Teamstepgames to talk about Dstorage usecases.



Crust Network

Crust Network is a decentralized cloud storage provider which was designed to realize our three core values: decentralization, privacy, and assurance.